Is this Dave from Phoenix?


Jun 9, 2004
Is this Dave from Phoenix?
When I was first on terb, many years ago I recall reading content from Dave in Phoenix about prostitution laws.
As soon as I saw this article and pics of this guy sitting in prison in Costa Rica, I thought it was him.
Is that him? If not, whatever happened to dave?

While trying to make a routine departure from Costa Rica earlier this month, 65-year-old U.S. citizen Dave Strecker was instead handcuffed at Juan Santamaría International Airport outside the capital and taken to one of the country’s most overcrowded prisons.

The man known as “Cuba Dave” became the first person in Costa Rican history to be arrested for a relatively new law that aims to curb Costa Rica’s reputation as a sex tourism destination.

Through a website, Facebook page, and YouTube channel all donning his “brand” name, Strecker positioned himself in recent years as a go-to source for male travelers who were looking to enjoy prostitution services in Latin America.

But according to a sentence-long “Sex Tourism” portion of Costa Rica’s 58-page Human Trafficking Law passed in 2012, the country prohibits “making use of any medium to promote the country at the national and international level as a tourist destination accessible for the exploitation of sexual commerce or for the prostitution of persons of any sex or age.”

Strecker is now being charged with violating this law, Article 162-bis of the penal code, according to investigators. The man who helped sponsor the law, former Justice Minister Fernando Ferraro Castro, said the article contained within the human trafficking law is there to deter criminal activity.

“Certainly the country has to protect its image as a tourist destination,” he said. “But it’s not just a matter of image. Many times the activities of criminal organizations, or those who engage in human trafficking, are connected to prostitution.”

Strecker’s web page,, has been stripped of its content and archived stories, now serving as a fundraiser for his legal defense funds. The site’s domain is registered in Arizona, which has led to questions as to whether protection from the United States’ First Amendment should apply. But Ferraro, who said Costa Rica will usually work with international agencies from partnering countries when it comes to the Human Trafficking Law, said that as long as Strecker is on Costa Rican soil, he is liable to this country’s constitution. There it is explained in Article 29 of the constitution that freedom of speech issues are dependent on the corresponding laws related to each case in question by judicial authorities.

“Article 29 of the constitution also has its conditions,” he said. “It effectively says that in each investigated case, authorities must try to determine the effect the speech or writing in question has on the society.”

Authorities had been investigating Strecker for 11 months before the Sept. 4 arrest, according to a spokesperson from the Judicial Investigation Police (OIJ). Police confiscated a laptop, cellphone and digital camera at the airport.

Strecker’s lawyer, Alfredo Núñez, confirmed via email that the 65-year-old from the United States has been sentenced to two months preventive prison while prosecutors build a case, and could face up to eight years in prison if convicted. He is currently confined in San Sebastián Preventive Prison, south of San José.

“The judge took into consideration the possibility of [Strecker] fleeing the country since he has no roots in Costa Rica,” Núnez said of the ruling via an email exchange with The Tico Times. The lawyer would not comment as to what the defense’s official position will be when a trial begins, although the Costa Rican Constitution’s freedom of speech article likely will play an important role when being interpreted by judges against the 2012 law against sex tourism promotion.

As far back as 2013, Strecker received warnings from commenters on his website and Facebook page to tone down the nature of his content. According to a profile by the Miami New Times on Strecker, “Cuba Dave” was detained by customs officers in the Dominican Republic after one of his many visits to the island. Strecker also has spent a considerable amount of time chronicling his exploits in the Dominican Republic and wrote a guide book for single men visiting the town of Sosua, called “Cuba Dave’s Guide to Sosua, Dominican Republic,” which has been removed from Amazon.

As he describes in a 2013 YouTube interview, Strecker’s website contained photographs, first-person stories and updates detailing the legal prostitution scene in Latin America. In the video taken two years ago, Strecker estimates that he received 100 emails per week from men traveling to the countries and seeking advice on prostitution.

“One of the biggest problems here is guys come here looking for love,” he says. “What they really don’t understand is that this is a business. …You don’t come here to fall in love. You come here to have fun.”

Strecker first started coming to Costa Rica in 2005. Since then he has entered through the Juan Santamaría airport nearly 40 times, according to immigration records.

Contact Michael Krumholtz at


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Dave only comes to Canada

Prostitution in Costa Rica is not illegal but many of the activities surrounding it are illegal,[1] as the law forbids promoting or facilitating the prostitution of another, and therefore pimping, brothels, or prostitution rings are illegal.[2][3][4] Prostitution is common and is practiced openly throughout the country, particularly in popular tourism destinations.[5][6][7][8] Websites list detailed locations and hotels that allow prostitutes. These online fraternities provide forums for sex tourists to compare experiences and act as a guide for future sex tourists.


New member
Mar 7, 2004
No, Cubadave is not Dave from Phoenix.


Oct 26, 2002
Cuba Dave is well known to hobbyists who frequent Latin America & the boards that pertain to those countries. He has posted tons of photos online & had a blog going for awhile. Not the same guy as Dave in Phoenix.

Not surprised that Cuba Dave got pinched for this, let's just say discretion is not his strong point.
Yikes no not this Dave. Never been to Latin America. Just Canada other than decades ago to Thailand and Philippines


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
There are just too many Dave's in this world



Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
People tend to forget that in these foreign countries, individual rights are not like we have in Canada or the U.S., even though our countries are not perfect.

Be careful and responsible as well as discreet.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
People tend to forget that in these foreign countries, individual rights are not like we have in Canada or the U.S., even though our countries are not perfect.

Be careful and responsible as well as discreet.
That article 29 is some facist shit

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
When your in a foreign country, you respect their customs and don't flout your wealth. I done my fare share of traveling, even attending soccer games in Europe, I've never had a problem. And yes I've attended several games at The Cauldron of Napoli otherwise known as San Paolo.



Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
^^^^^^ I totally agree.

When in Rome, do as who does......?????


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
When your in a foreign country, you respect their customs and don't flout your wealth. I done my fare share of traveling, even attending soccer games in Europe, I've never had a problem. And yes I've attended several games at The Cauldron of Napoli otherwise known as San Paolo.

Lucky you faggot, Italy is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, not to even mention
their pretty, dark-haired girls!!


Armed to the tits
Mar 6, 2009
In the 6
Oops, might wanna delete this one......LOL


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
When your in a foreign country, you respect their customs and don't flout your wealth. I done my fare share of traveling, even attending soccer games in Europe, I've never had a problem. And yes I've attended several games at The Cauldron of Napoli otherwise known as San Paolo.

Was there something in the story about him being arrested for watching soccer or having money?
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