Royal Spa

Too late to Vote?

Don Draper

Cufflinks & Cognac
Nov 24, 2009


New member
Feb 18, 2013
Ahh ok thanks, I still don't know who to vote for. Will Harper clamp down on C36 if he wins?


Active member
Jan 1, 2006
I registered at the polling station in my building. Take your passport and driver's license and you're good to go! It takes less than 5 minutes to register.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
Ahh ok thanks, I still don't know who to vote for. Will Harper clamp down on C36 if he wins?
Odd that he introduced and passed C36 if he didn't plan to rigidly enforce at some point.

There are a lot of other issues. I have gone from a so-so attitude toward Harper to almost a hatred based on his campaign and latest activities. Others think that after two terms, he is the only guy to save the country. Whatever you decide - if you don't vote - you can't complain what is in the future since you could have influenced a change and didn't bother.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Here is my take on it.

Here we have a guy who has no clue probably beyond looking at a few commercials who the leaders of the party are. No clue about the stances of any issues.

His only real question is how best to vote not in the interests of the country(and in this I don't care what your politics are, but that you have taken the time to inform yourself on some level), but his cock.

This is what may well be part of the decision making process as to the fate of the country? Sorry, but someone like this obviously really doesn't care enough for someone like me to help them.

He is an adult....well supposed to be anyway. Take ten minutes and Google the information perhaps. But why bother to spoon feed a man-child?


New member
Feb 18, 2013
Here is my take on it.

Here we have a guy who has no clue probably beyond looking at a few commercials who the leaders of the party are. No clue about the stances of any issues.

His only real question is how best to vote not in the interests of the country(and in this I don't care what your politics are, but that you have taken the time to inform yourself on some level), but his cock.

This is what may well be part of the decision making process as to the fate of the country? Sorry, but someone like this obviously really doesn't care enough for someone like me to help them.

He is an adult....well supposed to be anyway. Take ten minutes and Google the information perhaps. But why bother to spoon feed a man-child?
Lol, this made me laugh. Well, no matter who you vote for in Western countries these days liberals or conservatives they all take immigration to record setting levels, in fact the conservatives even more so than the liberals as shown in Canada and Britain this past term.

So yeah, fuck it. I may as well vote with my cock.

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
I registered at the polling station in my building. Take your passport and driver's license and you're good to go! It takes less than 5 minutes to register.
Actually a passport is not good enough for providing ID when voting . It has your picture on it but the address is hand written and that's not acceptable . A drivers license and a bill with your name and address is really all that you need .


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
If you're a hobbyist Harper is the last person you should vote for. Both Libs and NDP are committed to repealing C36.


I missed that.

Could you point me to any reference to this commitment to repeal?

A reference other than Harper's scare tactic ads in immigrant papers in Markham and Brampton saying that Trudeau wants to put brothels on every street corner (where there is not marijuana already being sold to children by Trudeau of course.)


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Tough dilemma for Conservative voters.

The Globe and Mail, the only paper to endorse the Conservative party does so, but with blistering criticism of Harper.

[h=1]The Tories deserve another mandate – Stephen Harper doesn’t[/h]"The key issue of the election should have been the economy and the financial health of Canadians. On that score, the Conservative Party has a solid record. Hardly perfect but, relatively speaking, better than most. However, the election turned into a contest over something else: a referendum on the government’s meanness, its secretiveness, its centralization of power in the most centralized Prime Minister’s Office in history, its endless quest for ever more obscure wedge issues, and its proclivity for starting culture wars rather than sticking to the knitting of sound economic and fiscal stewardship. It turned this election into a referendum on the one-man show that has become the Harper government.
In an election about the economy, the Conservatives might have won, and would have deserved to. But thanks to the Harper government’s own choices, this election has mostly not been fought on the Conservative Party’s strong suit. Attention has instead been turned to the rotten culture of Mr. Harper’s government."

And his former PMO lawyer Perrin says Harper has lost the moral authority to govern

"‎"As a lifelong conservative I never thought that would happen. But after what I've personally seen and experienced, there was no other choice," Ben Perrin, a former legal advisor in the PMO, said in a statement sent to media on the eve of Election Day. "The current government has lost its moral authority to govern.‎"


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Don't you guys file tax returns? (Unless you've recently moved, you should be on the voters' list if you check 'yes' to being registered on your T1)


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Tough dilemma for Conservative voters.

The Globe and Mail, the only paper to endorse the Conservative party does so, but with blistering criticism of Harper.

[h=1]The Tories deserve another mandate – Stephen Harper doesn’t[/h]"The key issue of the election should have been the economy and the financial health of Canadians. On that score, the Conservative Party has a solid record. Hardly perfect but, relatively speaking, better than most. However, the election turned into a contest over something else: a referendum on the government’s meanness, its secretiveness, its centralization of power in the most centralized Prime Minister’s Office in history, its endless quest for ever more obscure wedge issues, and its proclivity for starting culture wars rather than sticking to the knitting of sound economic and fiscal stewardship. It turned this election into a referendum on the one-man show that has become the Harper government.
In an election about the economy, the Conservatives might have won, and would have deserved to. But thanks to the Harper government’s own choices, this election has mostly not been fought on the Conservative Party’s strong suit. Attention has instead been turned to the rotten culture of Mr. Harper’s government."

And his former PMO lawyer Perrin says Harper has lost the moral authority to govern

"‎"As a lifelong conservative I never thought that would happen. But after what I've personally seen and experienced, there was no other choice," Ben Perrin, a former legal advisor in the PMO, said in a statement sent to media on the eve of Election Day. "The current government has lost its moral authority to govern.‎"

Very good post SC!

(I strategically voted against Harper in this election, perhaps tempered by the thought that if Justin wins, it will only be a minority government, but with the NDP as a bed fellow, it could be risky for the economy).


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010

I missed that.

Could you point me to any reference to this commitment to repeal?

A reference other than Harper's scare tactic ads in immigrant papers in Markham and Brampton saying that Trudeau wants to put brothels on every street corner (where there is not marijuana already being sold to children by Trudeau of course.)
Those Harper scare tactics are another reason why I reject Harper.


Jan 31, 2005
First timer here. Did I miss the registration deadline?
One government photo ID, proof of citizenship (birth cert, passport, or citizenship card), plus proof of address (utility bill with your name, driver license). You should be able to cover all with just two pieces.

Go to poll, show IDs, fill out form, vote!

If you spend twenty minutes deciding who you like best you will be on par with the average voter so ignore the trolls and GO VOTE!


Aug 27, 2001
I was thinking about Harper until I saw him hanging out with the Fords this weekend. Hmmm.... does Doug want to get into federal politics ? What has Rob got to offer ? Puff puff....pass.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Here is my take on it.

Here we have a guy who has no clue probably beyond looking at a few commercials who the leaders of the party are. No clue about the stances of any issues.

His only real question is how best to vote not in the interests of the country(and in this I don't care what your politics are, but that you have taken the time to inform yourself on some level), but his cock.

This is what may well be part of the decision making process as to the fate of the country? Sorry, but someone like this obviously really doesn't care enough for someone like me to help them.

He is an adult....well supposed to be anyway. Take ten minutes and Google the information perhaps. But why bother to spoon feed a man-child?
Don't listen to butler_ vote_ your vote counts as much as his- we need to encourage first time voters not suppress their desire to vote


New member
Feb 18, 2013
Alright I just voted, and I think the election lady was hitting on me infront of the whole line which threw me off a bit. While I was standing in line, every time I looked over she was staring at me and smiling, then when I showed her my ID she was like "I like you're picture" in a girly voice. So I just said "Thanks" and then she muttered "cute". Even the election guy beside her gave her a look like "what are you doing"

I had to read some declaration too which I didn't know about, and also the names of Harper and Trudeau were no where to be seen on the ballot, just some people I've never heard of.
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