Would you marry an SP?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Your generalising, I know many women in this industry some of which are friends. I believe that maybe you had hardships with a certain
provider and now you are clumping every provider into this category. WRONG ! I've dated civie women that would make providers look like saints.
Please be careful on how you classify these women.

There may be some bad apples in the lot, but that doesn't mean they are all 'evil'.

Deception can be misconstrued for an SP playing the part or role (when she really isn't your lover), or protecting her privacy, so it isn't necessarily sinister. An SP is not a friend, GF or lover or S.O., unless she wants to be with someone she likes.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Dude I didn't ask for your opinion to judge my past relationship . That's just stupid. I shared my experience to add some humanity to how these things can turn out . It's easy to stereotype these situations and these women . She's a beautiful intelligent woman and I had the pleasure of sharing some great moments . We didn't break up because of trust issues. I already knew what she was doing. You don't know what was happening between us so it's naive for you to hypothesize what was going on. Period. There's nothing more to add from a stranger. That's like you trying to butt in on my memories of her . What the fuck man. You feel confident playing a fortune teller than go play the fucking lottery and let's see how your luck goes . Idiot.

Whoa icecreamcone, I don't think Thumper was judging you, but analyzing or making an observation of a fact which might have predisposed you to failure, and that it might be a lesson if not a warning to others.

My only comment would've been that I wish your friends didn't persuade you. They should've been supportive, but then again, they know you better than me, and felt you might have been vulnerable?

You talked about the greatest sex around with her, but did you also love her?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
This is why I keep coming back to terb and it is so addictive... It because there are really awesome people on here, with very strong personality, a great message and really really god life advice, and sometimes present really interesting POVs once we filter through the trolls and the weeds.

Well put and thank you for sharing your voice on this topic with us :)

Maybe OP brought it up to troll, it is still good discussion.

We see the human and intelligent side of the ladies involved in this industry, which is great. We can empathize better for it. I wish the rest of society could too.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Well legmann, I believe times have changed. Turns out they are allowed fucking as many men as we are allowed fucking women.
Why I would bring this up when courting a women is beyond me, but in retrospect, women don't normally ask this question of men.
Especially when they are comfortable with you.
Frankly, the more experience she has, the better she is able to hone down her skills in finding a lasting mate (on even an emotional level), or perhaps in being with a more satisfying lover.


New member
May 21, 2013
judge's laughing
Sounds to me that you have never been out with a civie's, what I said up above is the truth, one of them fuked at the time my best friend.
On that note, I just want to say, I don't classify all women including sps in this category.
don't quote me on this but my last 5 year civie ended up with me hooked on crack, what my industry friend wouldn't let me do, but I digress. Yeah married 20+ years to simply the best, both in looks and mind. Only girl that came close was robin at ags. That though is my opinion. I never said all, but like one lady told me... we all have a story. Take from it what you will
Respect is a 2 way street, gotta give to get.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
Like I told you before, I received a message from an SP who just wishes you would shut up
Yea I know, there can only be one and I know who she is. Lol. So what are you her lap dog!


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I'm lucky enough to have meet a SP 8 years ago, she was my first time pooning back in the day when you had to find them in the yellow pages and hoped the agency sent over a sweet ass hottie. After a long weekend over partying she showed up and we spent the better part of 2 hours shooting the shit. At the end of the date she gave me her personal number and here we are 8 years later, she's currently sleeping on the couch next to me while I'm on terb. Yes some of you have probably meet her in the past before retiring as she has a few reviews on here from way back when.

Long story short, you never know who'll walk into your life and when, but they'll open your eyes to a lot and you may end up doing things like you never thought you would in the past, such as open a agency yourself and have a few girls working for you from time to time, build up a few condos, make a few investments etc etc.

8 years has gone by very quickly and she still looks 22, but sadly she's now 30, oh well we all get old!

When our expire date happens as everything good must come to a end, maybe just maybe Daley will still be around to help out this old man lol.

Daley who commented in this thread? She's stunning (I only met her at a greet 'n meet).


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Is it fantasy if she is gushing like BP was in the gulf?

Are all her client just paid, or does she cross over sometimes.
Truth is, she is human, and not a robot or sex machine. I'm sure she would enjoy the company of some clients, but that doesn't necessarily mean that she is in love with them, or has lost the love for her S.O.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
The problem with you is all in your head. You think she is the only one! Think again, where there is smoke there is fire. She just thanked me for something I said because she was afraid of what you would do if she stood up to you (makes you wonder why she thought this way,hmmmmmm). Never, ever seen her and have not had any contact with her since her one and only contact with me.

You have already proved to many on this thread exactly how (lowly, not highly) educated you are. Just don't call me racist, LOL (I still cannot believe what you said when you used the word racist:confused:) . I can just tell how much you don't know by most of what you say, lol. :crazy: Honestly, I didn't know Providers were considered a "race" but again I assume you think bus drivers are a "race" just like "doctors" are a different "race" and so on . When my ATF told me she didn't like guys on TERB, I guess you would call her racist too, lol.

I couldn't find where he called you 'racist'. There's one response where he called STAY "borderline racist" but more 'ignorant'.


New member
May 21, 2013
judge's laughing
Truth is, she is human, and not a robot or sex machine. I'm sure she would enjoy the company of some clients, but that doesn't necessarily mean that she is in love with them, or has lost the love for her S.O.
Truth is both providers and customers are human, so anything is possible. A customer falling deeply for a provider and vice versa. This is also true of two people who work at wal-mart or even customer/client relationship at the local whatever. The difference is the nature of the interaction, it is intimate, so I would say that most guys/girls wouldn't mind if their SO was interacting in a non intimate business relationship. It is the few that can handle the intimate ones. Each have our own level, for me, if my wife was chugging cum we wouldn't be having this convo.

Call me an ignorant racist, but I believe most men would feel the same and that is one of the reasons the ladies want relationships outside, at least the lasting ones.


New member
Feb 26, 2014
True story....I was active on the boards in a midwestern US city and had my eye on a traveling SP from Brazil called "Betty" (not real escort name as real one is too unique). The year was 2004 and TER was the standard in my city. She disappeared from the boards so I did Google searches till I found a forum in which a post said she met a 44yo guy in my city named Bill and was in a perfect "Pretty Woman" scenario. I started thinking....I had a good friend named Bill who happened to be 44 and owned a very successful large manufacturing company. Word was Bill had a hot new girlfriend, but he always did so nothing new there. When it turns out she was Brazilian, the bells started going off. They were traveling to Miami for a getaway and were going to have drinks with another buddy down there. Afterwards, I sent the friend some screen shots of "Betty" and yes she was one and the same. Fast forward....we wanted nothing but happiness for Bill so we chatted with him about it and of course swore to keep in totally secret....which we did. We were both included in the wedding party. Could have been a great fairytale but here is the issue......he fell in love with the sex and the excitement. She spoke broken english, had no friends, and living in this midwestern city was far away from any family, etc. He tried to give her a job at his company, but that didn't work. Eventually just the difference in cultural and the "fish out of water" took its toll and they divorced after 4 years. Take what you want from the story, but no matter who you want to spend the rest of your life with......it is still hard as hell !!


Active member
Mar 15, 2007
As others have already pointed out this thread already exists, however I ignored it because too many responses angered me to bits.

Why not? It may come as a surprise to some but just as us ladies are actually human life forms...so are the guys on here. Maybe slightly more perverted humans that the average bear but humans none the less. The person I marry WILL know what I've done at this stage in my life, regardless of who they are, where/how/when we met whether it be on terb, in the bedroom or at the grocery store. This is who I am and the person I will marry is going to accept it or they're not worth my time.

Regarding marrying someone who - pardon my French - screws for a living, you need to consider it this way: she can go out and have poor, mediocre, and mind-blowing sex during the day but she's STILL welcoming you home eager to be with YOU then consider yourself both a great person and lucky to find someone who you have someone that loves you. Cherish the relationships you have made because these days they can sometimes be few and far between.
Thanks Daley. Your reply made this thread worth reading.

Personally I would give my right-arm to marry some of the unbelievably awesome escorts that I have had the honour to meet.


Active member
Jul 4, 2009

Daley who commented in this thread? She's stunning (I only met her at a greet 'n meet).
Fairly certain I'm the only Daley on terb. Who knows, maybe I have a double. :p

I think the people (names intentionally excluded) who have such negative outlooks on SPs and our behaviour must have had a negative experience. I am the first to admit that some SPs are dirty stealing snakes, no doubt. However, that is not the be all and end all. There are plenty of us who genuinely care about how our gentlemen feel before, during and after an appointment. If you are seeing the snakes of the industry you need to do your research better, or if tofft then thank you for warning others. That's all.
Find the good ones and surround yourselves with them. If you are a good person then they are who your time is worth.


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2009
We are in this hobby/industry together. Both SP and clients have no right to be judgmental against the other side. There is no hobby without both parties.
However there are many folks who are still judgmental, but that's more a reflection of their own character.


Active member
Jul 4, 2009
We are in this hobby/industry together. Both SP and clients have no right to be judgmental against the other side. There is no hobby without both parties.
However there are many folks who are still judgmental, but that's more a reflection of their own character.
Bravo. My exact opinion.

You can't think of me as a dirty whore as much as I don't (and never do) think of you as a gross John. Sorry if I'm more explicit than other girls here I am just a realist.

I just share the same opinion in terms of hating being judgmental in this business as I've met the most amazing people I know through this industry.


Sweetie Pie
Feb 23, 2004
You can't think of me as a dirty whore as much as I don't (and never do) think of you as a gross John. Sorry if I'm more explicit than other girls here I am just a realist.

Precisely. The respect should go both ways between client and SP.

I once had a guy dump me because of the escorting. Fair enough (and he was not one of my clients). He had previously admitted to me that he had seen probably 50 or more escorts around the world but when dumping me referred to me as a 'hooker'. Double standard.

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
Bravo. My exact opinion.

You can't think of me as a dirty whore as much as I don't (and never do) think of you as a gross John. Sorry if I'm more explicit than other girls here I am just a realist.

I just share the same opinion in terms of hating being judgmental in this business as I've met the most amazing people I know through this industry.
This is so true. It quite easy to figure out the poison in this industry from both guys and gals. If a girl thinks we are all loser johns and dead beat cheater husbands, it says a lot of how she sees her self, how she values her self, what she does, her morals, and who she is. The same applies to clients who think the girls are dirty whores etc...

This is only weak people who are failing at life projecting their insecurities and faults onto others.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Precisely. The respect should go both ways between client and SP.

I once had a guy dump me because of the escorting. Fair enough (and he was not one of my clients). He had previously admitted to me that he had seen probably 50 or more escorts around the world but when dumping me referred to me as a 'hooker'. Double standard.
People act badly when they are dumped- its too bad
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