I couldn't disagree with this sentiment more.
My kids are a constant source of joy, happiness and pride for me!
Yes they can be a pain in the other end that may be somewhat inconvenient at times, but in the big picture, they are SO worth it!
When they were infants, they were a constant source of unconditional love. To hold such a beautiful being in my arms, and that overwhelming feeling of wow, "this is my child", when he or she (I have both a son and 2 daughters), would snuggle up to me.
When they were toddlers, I remember that feeling I got when I came home after a tough day, when they would run to the door proclaiming "Daddy's home!" while they jumped in my arms.
When they were preteens, I remember that feeling of total amazement as they cleared each new hurdle into adulthood... and that sense of pride, at each accomplishment.
When they were teenagers, and experiencing all those cherished "firsts" on their way to adulthood: first day of high school, first dates, getting their drivers license, first GF/ BF, first day at a new job, getting accepted to college/ university, graduating high school, first realization of a failure, and being able to rebound afterwards, etc.
When they became young adults, and moving out to go to school, or working on their own for the first time...
They are by far the best thing to come out of my now defunct marriage.
No, this article is completely wrong IMHO, and makes me wonder if its author is a parent in the first place.