To build on my point from post 399, you're just wallowing in your own delusions.You offered your personal opinion, which is worth nothing.
I gave links to legit data, papers, articles and concrete evidence.
Your claims are lies.
My claims are backed by every legit scientific organization in North America.
No one disputes the fact that the temperature increased in the latter part of the 20th century and then reached a plateau (for the recorded period). It is that plateau that has led to your "14 out of 15 years" silliness in the 21st century.
It is true that temperatures have remained at that plateau level -- but in the 21st century, they haven't been increasing. That's why all of the graphs that plot the projections and the observed data show the IPCC's predictions have been so spectacularly wrong.
Met Office:
University of Alabama in Huntsville:
By the way, unless you've now convinced yourself that MF-2 heads up NASA's GISS, "flattening" was not my opinion.