The authors were bullshitting you.
My conclusions weren't based on the authors' B.S. They were based on the actual findings, which proved the claims of a "consensus" are total crap.
This is really quite hilarious.
Now you are claiming that you are smarter then climate researchers, and that only you can find 'errors' in their reports while you can't even read a fucking graph?
As an idiot who can't plot new data in an existing chart, how can you possibly believe you are smart enough to find errors in papers you can't even understand?
You really are a full on sufferer of Dunning-Kruger, aren't you?
Somehow you think you are smarter then all of NASA, all of AAAS and even smarter then all of the IPCC.
Yet you can't plot new data in an existing chart.
What a fucking clown!
I know you are stupid, and technically illiterate, but there must be a way to give you a mirror to your own stupidity.
Here's a really easy challenge for a high school student, but obviously way too hard for you.
Take the not official, pre-release chart from the IPCC that you favour, the one that wasn't released officially, and chart the NOAA or NASA numbers for the years 2012, 2013, 2014 and even 2015's to date number of 0.83ºC anomaly on that chart.
Plot those numbers and see if you are smart enough to post it online somewhere and link it here.
Surely someone who thinks they are as smart as you think you are should have no problem adding four numbers to a chart.
Can you do it, or are you a total idiot?