Toronto Passions

Bill Cosby, Serial Rapist


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
With the Cosby name he could have gotten all sorts of free sex. He is in trouble because he chose to drug women and rape them
Ditto a lot of celebrities. How about Hugh Grant hiring an ugly streetwalker ? Eddie Murphy with a transvestite hooker ? Maybe a lot of guys like a little 'strange' but if you are famous you haven't the freedom of walking into a strip bar for it. (excluding Charlie Sheen)


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
There must have been dozens of people around him that knew what he was up to throughout the years, male and female. Ultimately Cosby has to face the music for his actions but it's a shame that other guilty parties won't. IMO if you knew this was happening and didn't do anything, you're a criminal too. This is beyond sick.

Like others have said, he could easily have had sex with women any time he wanted. He is rich and famous. Cosby is a very sick man.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
no women on terb as accused me of defending "a rapist hero". women here have no issue with my anti-feminist views only the beta emasculated men here.
"Your shaming tactics won't work on me."

Misogynist. Try admitting that you're wrong for once and maybe someone could take your insecure, emasculated beta opinions seriously.

Women here don't say anything because it's bad for business, hero.
There must have been dozens of people around him that knew what he was up to throughout the years, male and female. Ultimately Cosby has to face the music for his actions but it's a shame that other guilty parties won't. IMO if you knew this was happening and didn't do anything, you're a criminal too. This is beyond sick.

Like others have said, he could easily have had sex with women any time he wanted. He is rich and famous. Cosby is a very sick man.
Says the guy who called the accusers liars, gold-diggers, etc. :rolleyes:

Again, try admitting when you're wrong and perhaps your opinion would be relevant.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
Well, maybe there's nothing that can now be done to him legally because the limitations period has expired, but if it were possible to do so and he were on the witness stand being cross-examined with respect to any of the latest cases, his ass would be dead meat.

We trial lawyers have an expression for this: on cross-examination we would carve him a new asshole!

In any event, the guy's reputation is now worse than excrement.... and deservedly so!

Karma is a bitch, eh!

Just throwing this out there: is it really "karma" if he got away with it for 25+ years, made tens of millions of dollars and only admitted it/was busted after his 77th birthday?

Sounds like he got pretty much everything. Where's the karma? A few years of shame and reputational damage? Meh.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Misogynist. Try admitting that you're wrong for once and maybe someone could take your insecure, emasculated beta opinions seriously.
Zvan’s Law:
“The chance of being called a privilege-blind misogynist has a direct correlation with the number of factual arguments you make.”

Women here don't say anything because it's bad for business, hero.
women regularly read the lounge and the political section look at the "Users Browsing this Forum" to see their usernames they have no problem with my posts. only male betas like you get butt hurt at my posts and instead of trying to refute them you bitch and cry and whine like little girls cry misogyny(as if that will make me stop) and following me around trying to get my attention.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
Zvan’s Law:
“The chance of being called a privilege-blind misogynist has a direct correlation with the number of factual arguments you make.”

women regularly read the lounge and the political section look at the "Users Browsing this Forum" to see their usernames they have no problem with my posts. only male betas like you get butt hurt at my posts and instead of trying to refute them you bitch and cry and whine like little girls cry misogyny(as if that will make me stop) and following me around trying to get my attention.
You make no factual arguments; you post long, inane videos and blather on about betas if a poster in any way defends women. On top of that, you never have anything positive to say about women, hence my logical assertion that you are a misogynist.

Trust me, you're not interesting enough to follow around - you just spam the board with your nearly 12,000 posts, so we're forced to sift through your garbage to get through a thread.

Is "Zvan" one of your MRA deities?


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
Says the guy who called the accusers liars, gold-diggers, etc. :rolleyes:

Again, try admitting when you're wrong and perhaps your opinion would be relevant.
I still don't doubt that some of them are exactly that, however the level of his impropriety toward those with a genuine grievance is now known.

I believe we should remain skeptical in cases that involve accusations where there is no evidence. Until the release of the court transcripts there was no evidence provided to support the accusations. Innocent until proven guilty sometimes protects the guilty but it is best to err on the side of caution.

Fortunately, one of the victims didn't shy away and went to court before it was too late and was able to have Cosby admit his motivation and conduct.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
You make no factual arguments; you post long, inane videos and blather on about betas if a poster in any way defends women. On top of that, you never have anything positive to say about women, hence my logical assertion that you are a misogynist.
nobody is forcing you to watch the videos and stuff i posted if you don't like them why are you complaining nobody is complaining apart from you and similar white knights here.

have nothing to say positive about women? feminism is not synonymous with women. women here are not complaining about my feminist posts. only you white knights and betas

you can call me me misogyny all day that's not going to stop me from posting more anti-feminist videos. i find it quite entertaining to see you and other men here whine and complaining about my posts and cry misogyny.

Trust me, you're not interesting enough to follow around - you just spam the board with your nearly 12,000 posts, so we're forced to sift through your garbage to get through a thread.

again why are you constantly whine and complain about my posts if i am not interesting to follow around?

you a remind me of blackrock13 that constantly follow me around until he got is ass banned.

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
nobody is forcing you to watch the videos and stuff i posted if you don't like them why are you complaining nobody is complaining apart from you and similar white knights here.

have nothing to say positive about women? feminism is not synonymous with women. women here are not complaining about my feminist posts. only you white knights and betas

you can call me me misogyny all day that's not going to stop me from posting more anti-feminist videos. i find it quite entertaining to see you and other men here whine and complaining about my posts and cry misogyny.

again why are you constantly whine and complain about my posts if i am not interesting to follow around?

you a remind me of blackrock13 that constantly follow me around until he got is ass banned.
Constantly? Child, please, don't flatter yourself. I don't watch your videos because like you, they are a one-note joke.

I made fun of you today for being wrong about Bill Cosby and now you're throwing a tantrum. Man up, omega.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Constantly? Child, please, don't flatter yourself. I don't watch your videos because like you, they are a one-note joke.

I made fun of you today for being wrong about Bill Cosby and now you're throwing a tantrum. Man up, omega.
so why complaining about them if you don't watch them? just admit you are a fan



Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
so why complaining about them if you don't watch them? just admit you are a fan

You're one bi polar dude, sometimes you're an atheist, sometimes you're religious, once in awhile you're an old angry grandpa and this one you stole right off of a 15 year old girl's Instagram account.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
You're one bi polar dude, sometimes you're an atheist, sometimes you're religious, once in awhile you're an old angry grandpa and this one you stole right off of a 15 year old girl's Instagram account.
yawn another girly man show up to whine and complain.


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
Just throwing this out there: is it really "karma" if he got away with it for 25+ years, made tens of millions of dollars and only admitted it/was busted after his 77th birthday?

Sounds like he got pretty much everything. Where's the karma? A few years of shame and reputational damage? Meh.
There's no time line on karma, he will live the rest of his life in exile, his accomplishments all but erased. His legacy will be that of shame, his kids will be forever affected. Not another person would dare ever associating with him. Shows cancelled, and most likely a very public trial from Goins.


Well-known member
May 13, 2013
I think that the Fathers, Brothers, and husbands of those ladies need to get ahold of Mr Cosby, drug him, and let 'Bubba' the ex-con have his way with him for a few hours.

Perry Mason

Well-known member
Aug 20, 2001
There's no time line on karma...

Also, most men who have wealth and/or power value their reputation even more. [Edit: may not apply to The Donald but, then, I think his reputed wealth and power is largely smoke and mirrors :eyebrows: ]

IMO, the only thing worse than a rapist is a rapist who first drugs his victims... I think most people would agree!

May he rot in Hell!

Last edited:


Apr 23, 2014
You're one bi polar dude, sometimes you're an atheist, sometimes you're religious, once in awhile you're an old angry grandpa and this one you stole right off of a 15 year old girl's Instagram account.


The sometimes atheist/sometimes religious was good, but the stealing from a 15 year old's IG account. Priceless! lolllll
That is classic.


Mar 31, 2009
Camille Cosby said all the women agreed to be drugged and raped. She is still proud of her husband and will not beat him with a golf club.


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
There's no time line on karma, he will live the rest of his life in exile, his accomplishments all but erased. His legacy will be that of shame, his kids will be forever affected. Not another person would dare ever associating with him. Shows cancelled, and most likely a very public trial from Goins.
True - he is at the end of his life and in reality he almost got away with it simply because of who he was. Reminds me of Sir Jimmy Savile - the knighted british comedian with a pristine reputation until it was uncovered after his death that he had raped hundreds of school children. Cosby almost got away with it - I can't sympathise with your list of career down turns because if it was anyone else but Cosby - he would have been locked away a long time ago.
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