I grew up in a very repressed home where sex was never spoken of. I remember my adoptive mother, whom I believe to have been a more sexual creature than my adoptive father, reading some very interesting books, including my brother's Playboy magazines. I too began reading them. Not only did I enjoy the pictures but found the stories intriguing as well. This is where I first encountered the notion that men enjoy women swallowing their cum.
Flash forward some years to me turning to my first boyfriend when I was ready to take the plunge and give a BJ a try and my saying to him, "I've never done this before so walk me through it and please don't laugh if I get it wrong". He looked at me with raised eyebrows and proceeded to give me what I termed the Three Golden Rules to a BJ. He explained that the tip was the most sensitive part, to not spend too much time in any one spot as it can become desensitized and don't forget the balls. Please note that this was in the context of a loving, caring relationship and all I can add to that is to say that his advice has stood me well over the years. I assure you that his patience and understanding in the matter will forever be fondly remembered by me and also of note, he never once asked to cum all over my face.
Given these two factors, and having never seen a porn at that point in my life, I felt the most natural thing to do was to swallow his cum. I did not find it unpleasant in any way, shape or form and have enjoyed swallowing ever since, even though some gents are a bit bitter, much like some other enjoyable beverages. Only after having watched porn did the idea of having a man cum on my face ever enter into the equation. To me this is not an automatic inclination, whereas swallowing made perfect sense. Apparently at some point in time, I believe the 70's if memory serves me correctly, porn started including the infamous Money Shot. I saw a documentary on this and for some unknown/forgotten by me reason viewers needed proof of the act coming to fruition, hence cuming on a woman's face instead of in her mouth. Personally I equate the act of pulling out and cuming on a woman's face as more dominating than that of cuming in her mouth. I view neither as degrading because I find both enjoyable and as pointed out earlier, a sex act is only truly degrading if the person performing it doesn't enjoy it or want to perform it!
It is a matter of preference/exposure and judgement should be left out of it, period!