Indeed. In that entire 150-year timeframe, there is only a stretch of 20 years where there is a correlation between man-made CO2 emissions and increasing temperatures.
For many of those 150 years, the observed results contradict the hypothesis of man-made global warming.
experts would be an absolute disaster if they were responsible for investing,...I mean wow,...14 years out of 150 might have a correlation,...including the fact that the very small % of the total sample years in question, are at the extreme end of this really small sample,...and bingo we have a winner.
Getting down to the issue here,...nobody is saying that the climate might be changing,...
IT ALWAYS IS,...but to base their grand proclamations on such an insignificant number of years in the history of earth, just plain arrogance.
You could go back and pic any number of 150 year periods,...and make a correlation to some cause,...but because the because the sample of 150 years is so tiny, just becomes a guess, is what the
experts are doing now.
Come back in another hundred years,...then maybe we can talk,...but of coarse the unemployables won't be around then, they give a shit.