6,000$ clutch...


Jan 5, 2014
If a woman is a decent actress, manages her money well and chooses to hone her skills as an escort rather than work in a typically underpaid (compared to the men), misogynistic office environment, then she is degraded with terms like slut and whore, and laws are passed to restrict her activities.

If a man is a decent actress, manages his money well and hones his skills at manipulating others out of their money for his own profit, corporate or otherwise, and more so if he makes it independently, then he's hailed as a glorious success and a fine example for kids to look up to and try to emulate, and laws are passed to maximize his profits.

Sadly, “money for nothing and the chicks for free” is the pinnacle of success these days.

On a lighter note, the clutch is a no go, because it might outshine his way more expensive Rolex.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I thought it was referring to a clutch on a car and I was thinking, Ferrari ??? (should even be more than that actually)

But 6 grand for a hand purse?

That's nuts.

I was in Vegas (one and only time) and was wandering around some empty mall and came across a shop that sold Luis Veuton (or however you spell it) and they had a small steamer trunk for sale for 86 grand. Truly, the Emperor has no clothes.


Hail to the king, baby.
Dec 18, 2001
I thought it was referring to a clutch on a car and I was thinking, Ferrari ??? (should even be more than that actually)

But 6 grand for a hand purse?

That's nuts.
You may be surprised. I know people who know the market and make significant money off these bags. If you know what you are buying, they are an actual investment (and I do not use the term "investment" loosely).

We are talking hand made, limited production items with a significant fan base. Does the subject bag qualify? I doubt it. In the luxury market segment, there is an effect that the more you charge, the more you will sell. However a Hermes Birkin for example, especially if you can buy vintage or below market, can be a very smart buy.

Like anything (homes, cars, electronics, clothes, watches, etc.) there is a high end market where most people consider it crazy to spend so much. However, for people truly into it, it can be great value. As for the Vegas shops, depending on location they are notoriously overpriced.

As for the criticism against Lexi (not from you JTK)... I like her posts and marketing approaches.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010
I'm sure no one takes the guys serious when they ask someone to buy them a new car.....
Could you link 2 or 3 threads where guys are asking someone to buy them a new car please...


Well-known member
whether she was just kidding or not...
some putz with more money than brains will probably take her out and buy it for her...its called the ''power of the pussy''..
We've all been there.... done things for a lady and got burned for it....some more than once cus we're too stupid to learn from the first 4 or 5 times..sucks but thats the reality of it....sad to say


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
I though this was about a clutch replacement for a lamborghini or ferrari
Me too ! I let the thread slide since I'm not a mechanical car enthusiast but after seeing it active so long - I had to take a peek. I guess I'm not a fashion type guy to take shopping. While the design is a little clever for a piece of art, I find it a little odd and garish as a $6K fashion accessory.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2006
Women ... so frugal in their ways.


Active member
Sep 8, 2008
I'll let you get back to that warm glow of the white knights debasing themselves for you even though you wouldn't go near them unless they paid you.
Fuck the whole "white knight" accusation every time someone acts like a douchebag and gets called out on it. I don't know either of the SPs in this thread, so I have no personal bias other than it bothers me when opinionated dicks ruin a thread intended with humour with their lack of humour.

You need more than getting laid. I'm thinking something along the lines of an enema is needed for whatever ails your uptight ass.

Samantha Jones

Active member
Jul 12, 2013
lol.. I was just surprised at how much it was... first time in "The Room" upstairs in the Bay... As fab and sparkly as it was, it would be a close tie between that and seeing another part of the world!!


New member
Apr 30, 2015
Actually she wasn't teasing. This is just another one of her clumsy marketing attempts where she posts a "look at me thread" that ends up making her look foolish and to which she never returns or replies. Not her first, won't be her last.

Also she might be teasing but that "I have a vagina so buy me stuff" is a very real and wide spread and to me at least a disgusting female attitude. It is the sort of thing that makes me wish I craved the cock. Seriously. I demand equal treatment but I want to be treated as a child. Sure I'll go out with you, but I won't take any part in asking, planning or paying because I'm a girl. Why show equal commitment and interest to the process after all Vagina gots to be paid for.

Also the I want to buy insanely priced crap because I don't know the value of stuff isn't exactly unknown either.

Lots of clients might take SPs out and throw even more money at them. No doubt you love it and defend those suckers and that is what they are. Suckers. One is born every minute. Also you come across as more than a bit selfish and entitled if you can't see the negative of this from male prospective.

This is what I thought the thread was about and I was thinking what sort of car would have a clutch that expensive.
As for your second point. Nothing wrong with being negative if you see something negative. I mean if there was a thread about how great Stalin, Beiber, or Ted Bundy was I'd be negative there.

I'll let you get back to that warm glow of the white knights debasing themselves for you even though you wouldn't go near them unless they paid you.
And the award for King of Pent Up Frustration goes tooooo......do we need a drum roll?.....Wow!

Now where's my white knight suit and $100 bills....rotflmanjdsnasn74yr3y9


New member
Apr 30, 2015
lol.. I was just surprised at how much it was... first time in "The Room" upstairs in the Bay... As fab and sparkly as it was, it would be a close tie between that and seeing another part of the world!!
Pretty much how I took it...start more threads, though...this is entertaining! lol


Dec 1, 2012
Actually she wasn't teasing. This is just another one of her clumsy marketing attempts where she posts a "look at me thread" that ends up making her look foolish and to which she never returns or replies. Not her first, won't be her last.

Also she might be teasing but that "I have a vagina so buy me stuff" is a very real and wide spread and to me at least a disgusting female attitude. It is the sort of thing that makes me wish I craved the cock. Seriously. I demand equal treatment but I want to be treated as a child. Sure I'll go out with you, but I won't take any part in asking, planning or paying because I'm a girl. Why show equal commitment and interest to the process after all Vagina gots to be paid for.

Also the I want to buy insanely priced crap because I don't know the value of stuff isn't exactly unknown either.

Lots of clients might take SPs out and throw even more money at them. No doubt you love it and defend those suckers and that is what they are. Suckers. One is born every minute. Also you come across as more than a bit selfish and entitled if you can't see the negative of this from male prospective.

This is what I thought the thread was about and I was thinking what sort of car would have a clutch that expensive.
As for your second point. Nothing wrong with being negative if you see something negative. I mean if there was a thread about how great Stalin, Beiber, or Ted Bundy was I'd be negative there.

I'll let you get back to that warm glow of the white knights debasing themselves for you even though you wouldn't go near them unless they paid you.
who are you to call guys that buy gifts for women "suckers" spme people men and woman CHOOSE to buy gifts for people they like cause it makes them feel good and you can't stop people giving in this world. So chill out


Active member
Jul 11, 2003
I took my SP shopping and the most expensive thing she bought was a clutch by Michael Kors.

Lucky for me it was just $100. She's a good girl, thankfully.
FUCK...... i took my SO shoe shopping in vegas and you don't want to know what that cost lol!!!!!


New member
Apr 30, 2015
You only see douchbaggery because of your white knightism.

Anyone else remember when in another thread the topic of battered women comes up and I say I harden my heart and refuse to care because these same girls would rather spit on me than go out with me and quite frankly get what they want, their bad boy dbag to give them excitement to the face with repeated blows. Remember when people insist that I am an asshole who should develop empathy. That I should care deeply for these women even though they could avoid their problems by dating someone like myself who wouldn't use them as a punching bag.

Natedogg's response is why I think those people who think I should develop empathy should eat shit and fuck off. This is the pretty standard response from Norms or one of many to my suffering so fuck empathy.

The only thing worse than a white knight is a white knight on an escort review board. At least elsewhere the white knightism could get you laid maybe.

At first I was kind of kidding about the pent up frustration, but holy shit, man....you need to get into therapy...I also think it's hilarious that you think me pointing out what you sound like is an attempt at being a white knight...I'd crack jokes on someone being as serious as you are if this was a thread started by a dude...

P.S. No one remembers posts that you made in a random thread...you're not that important..lolol.
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