Vimy Ridge Day today

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001

Canons carved into the memorial are draped in laurel and pointed downwards symbolizing the end of war and that peace is desired.


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
There is nothing immoral in stopping a fanatic like Hitler from exterminating innocent people....I will always feel indebted to those who have fought against tyranny. Having said that, I agree that (in hindsight) most wars are fought for the wrong reasons - religious or other ideological differences, etc... but that doesn't mean the soldiers themselves aren't worthy of respect for their willingness to give their lives for their country.
But read the posts of Aardie and others who revel in anything that smells of war.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001

The statues of mother and father. Universal to all human beings and the sorrow that sometimes befalls parents when their children are killed in a war. Note how the statue of father has his foot on the sword so that it is prevented from being raised.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001

Eight figures are carved into the twin monuments that symbolize the nations of France and Canada. They are Justice, Peace, Hope, Charity, Honour, Faith, Truth and Knowledge. Peace is the highest figure on the monument, reaching upward with a torch.

"Peace above all"


New member
Jan 19, 2006
But read the posts of Aardie and others who revel in anything that smells of war.
It is regrettable that you obviously read so quickly without comprehending nuance. Forget about 50 shades of grey, seemingly you fail to see any grey at all. Tragic as so little of life is black and white.
Aug 14, 2008
The 519
Highly recommend reading "Vimy" by P.i.e.r.r.e Berton. Picked it up years ago and once I started, I couldn't put it down.

Proud to be Canadian!


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2005
eastern frontier
Thanks James for reminding us of the sacrifice of those brave Canadian soldiers during WW1. Vimy Ridges was and is a big part of Canada's coming of age and in fostering our nationhood.

To those who are opposed to the commemoration of those who have served and their fellow comrades who died, the Vimy memorial is a memorial to peace and not to commemorate war.

During WW2, Hitler sought to preserve this monument and posted SS guards to ensure it wasn't defaced.

Despite news during WW2 to the contrary.


Active member
Feb 12, 2008
Great posts, James, thank you. I own a degree in history and, like I mentioned before, had a great grandfather who played a role in Vimy. But, ashamedly, I know very little about that monument. Would love to visit it one day.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Thanks James for reminding us of the sacrifice of those brave Canadian soldiers during WW1. Vimy Ridges was and is a big part of Canada's coming of age and in fostering our nationhood.

To those who are opposed to the commemoration of those who have served and their fellow comrades who died, the Vimy memorial is a memorial to peace and not to commemorate war.

During WW2, Hitler sought to preserve this monument and posted SS guards to ensure it wasn't defaced.

Despite news during WW2 to the contrary.
Thanks for that encouraging piece of history. There's a great comfort in thinking of the good people strive for even as they do terrible things.

War is indeed a tragic waste of the potential we have, and realizing so many died horribly for such a tiny bit of barely higher ground should drive that message home. But of course, as your note suggests, repeating the same stupid horrors is all we humans can be counted on to do. Still we do try.

I wept almost the entire time I walked the site. Those figures seemed to me to be about the pain and price of trying to achieve some good even by the sacrifice of life itself. Not a bad thing at all.

De mortuis nil nisi bonum.


Shades of .....
Feb 8, 2002
Thanks for reminding us of this was a brutal war and Vimy was particularly brutal. It is only right that we remember and honour the sacrifice of these men and boys...and women in so many roles. It is so easy to be an armchair critic of history from the security and comfort of the freedom we enjoy. Part of that freedom is the right to express one's views, no matter how misguided they may be. Surprised that the fish plant monger is so adamant about forgetting these sacrifices of those who have gone before.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts