Why Are So Many Ignorant Parents Against The New Sex Ed. Curriculum?


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
Homosexuality is not something that would be "cured," because homosexuality is not a disease or disorder. There is nothing wrong with homosexuality.
Of course there is

Think of this analogy
You do not mock a person who is mentally retarded
But obviously if we could cure it we would

If deviant sexual behaviour is innate and not learned why in the world would you not want to cure it?


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Of course there is

Think of this analogy
You do not mock a person who is mentally retarded
But obviously if we could cure it we would

If deviant sexual behaviour is innate and not learned why in the world would you not want to cure it?
Because you can live a full life being gay and furthermore not harm anyone. That's why a cure is not needed.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
The Liberal government of Ontario, has not told the truth in 15 years.

What? Are we suppose to believe them now?

For instance, how much input that did convicted pedophile had in constructing this new sex ed program. Just out of curiosity, people would be interested to know the workings of government.
Then do the work to find for yourself out instead of hanging out with whoremongers, sneering that you refuse to believe the information the responsible people have provided, and demanding you be spoon-fed 'facts' that fit your prejudices.

That 'pædophile' hasn't been convicted yet, and the charges were for porn, not diddling. It has been repeatedly stated on the record that he had no influence in the draughting of this new curriculum. Now, correcting what you choose to believe—or not—is up to you, since the government has already given you the info you claim to need.

But if you want to persuade anyone else, facts or logic usually work better than uninformed scoffing.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
Well at that point it would be curable and this entire issue would be moot
Being able to identify a gene and changing the effects of as gene are two different things. This why we know what causes hemophilia but we cannot fix it.

What you are talking about is gene therapy and the list is quite short of what we can fix this way.

Furthermore it may come as a surprise to you but many phenotypes are the result of multiple gene interactions. This makes it both more difficult to identify and to treat.


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
What is the big deal as a parent write a letter to your principal that due to personal beliefs you want your child to opt out of the sex ed course.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
What is the big deal as a parent write a letter to your principal that due to personal beliefs you want your child to opt out of the sex ed course.
i hope nobody complains when many parents pull their infants out of the new sex ed curriculum


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Almost fell off my chair in laughter over this asinine post
You question if people knew what is in curiculum, then outright admit you are ignorant yourself so link a newspaper article?

Too funny
Here is a better idea
How about (gasp) linking the actual curriculum itself instead of a coles notes version?


I only want the Coles notes version for now.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
i hope nobody complains when many parents pull their infants out of the new sex ed curriculum
And I hope their self-defeating stupidity is clearly and explicitly pointed out when their kids have unwanted babies, STDs, or forced sex in their dorm, never mind the sorrow and horror of little Johnny or Julie's suicide attempt over anything and everything from the 'unnatural abnormal urges' they feel, to the rape they couldn't talk to anyone about and hadn't any understanding of how they should deal with it. And do be clear, it's the rapists that are principally in need of understanding 'how real grownm-up sex works', not merely the how-to of getting some. Like their parents are gonna give them that?

If parents telling kids the facts of life worked so well, we wouldn't 'need' TERB nor have C-36. Let alone a Pride Parade, or Take Back The Night and SluWalks or any concern about who marches in such silly things.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Of course there is

Think of this analogy
You do not mock a person who is mentally retarded
But obviously if we could cure it we would

If deviant sexual behaviour is innate and not learned why in the world would you not want to cure it?

If it's innate, it is not necessarily deviant, just different. (They say homosexuality occurs in wildlife if not plants).

Some of the greatest minds and contributors to the benefit of humankind were homosexual (probably Leonardo Da Vinci, Alan Turing, to name just two - and the attempt to 'cure' Mr. Turing ended with his suicide).


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth
I only want the Coles notes version for now.
How gratifying. My thinking is that the ones who are content with the Coles notes version will be voicing their opinions soon.

As for TeeJay and his ilk, we probably won't be hearing from them for several weeks. After all, the full curriculum document is the better part of 500 pages. But after they've read it, I expect to see plenty of well thought, informed, properly reasoned opinions on the subjec


Sorry about that lapse. I was laughing so hard I fell off my chair.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
How gratifying. My thinking is that the ones who are content with the Coles notes version will be voicing their opinions soon.

As for TeeJay and his ilk, we probably won't be hearing from them for several weeks. After all, the full curriculum document is the better part of 500 pages. But after they've read it, I expect to see plenty of well thought, informed, properly reasoned opinions on the subjec


Sorry about that lapse. I was laughing so hard I fell off my chair.

That presentation slide show seems pretty reasonable to me. (BTW, what's two-spirited and intersex, lol?)


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Of course there is

Think of this analogy
You do not mock a person who is mentally retarded
But obviously if we could cure it we would

If deviant sexual behaviour is innate and not learned why in the world would you not want to cure it?
Maybe we should focus on curing stupid first.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth
Maybe we should focus on curing stupid first.
I've been saying that for years. Find the gene that's responsible for stupid and neutralize it.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2011
west gta
How gratifying. My thinking is that the ones who are content with the Coles notes version will be voicing their opinions soon.

As for TeeJay and his ilk, we probably won't be hearing from them for several weeks. After all, the full curriculum document is the better part of 500 pages. But after they've read it, I expect to see plenty of well thought, informed, properly reasoned opinions on the subjec
Trying to sound smart just keeps digging your grave deeper
I know I probably should not explain myself since it keeps going way over your head but just for fun

Enlighten us why any parent would need (or want) to read irrelevant sections of the material?


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth
Good point. It's probably not necessary for a parent to read irrelevant sections of the material. If only there was a summary, a Coles notes version of the relevant parts that folks could read. Can you help with that? I would do it myself but I don't want to dig my grave deeper.
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