Why Are So Many Ignorant Parents Against The New Sex Ed. Curriculum?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
I doubt it
Because when it was not socially acceptable people did not engage in it

Heck even look here at terb; the mere threat of C36 has all kinds of people deciding not to continue in the hobby
Wow you really are ignorant aren't ya
No people do not "turn gay" they are born that way
Or are you saying the first gays were only born when you got around to noticing? If "…people did not engage in it", what did they jail Oscar Wilde and Alan Turing for? Proof beyond reasonable doubt that gays have always engaged in it. Fear of the law has never been very effective against raw sexual desire—homo or hetero. Nor has social acceptance

As evidence I offer this Board.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Wow you really are ignorant aren't ya
No people do not "turn gay" they are born that way

Now whether being gay is itself a mental defect since it defies all biological impulses is another debate

Then what are you afraid of?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I doubt it
Because when it was not socially acceptable people did not engage in it

Heck even look here at terb; the mere threat of C36 has all kinds of people deciding not to continue in the hobby

You are so naive (nobody123 figured it out before I wrote this). It was more in the closet back then.


New member
Aug 26, 2005
I doubt it
Because when it was not socially acceptable people did not engage in it

Heck even look here at terb; the mere threat of C36 has all kinds of people deciding not to continue in the hobby
People still engaged in it, they just hid it because it wasn't socially acceptable.


Active member
Jul 11, 2003
people who have children are very protective of them. they can upset if they think they are in danger.

whether this curriculum is good or bad- its method of dissemination was handled badly with little regard for parents.
make that NO REGARD for parents! my kids are well past school age but if they were still in school i too would be very upset!


Well-known member
Feb 4, 2003
This thread is exactly why there needs to be more sex education.cant beleive somebody is so freaked about kids learning these thing. Hell when we were kids we looked upevery dirty word we could think of in dictionaries. Now with internet kids get much more graphic and uunmoderated info. It is clear thst attitudes still need improving.

Kids are young but access to open is easier than ever.

They should learn from a young age healthy attitudes towards sex.

Anal and transgender people are real things and obviously you adjust the topic to be age appropriate. I think i would focus more on explaining thst there are different people with different feelings who should be

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001

They couldn't even fucking have an info session without these idiots totally disrupting it. I doubt most of these parents even know what's in the new curriculum
Why do so many Terbites keep resurrecting issues in their posts, even though the issue was debated to death only a week ago, complete with Nobody123 saying all his usual stuff?


As to your observation, anyone, regardless of their political orientation, will interrupt a public meeting when they want to convey the message that the authority in question should not proceed with their plan, if it also happens to be the first point in the process they've had the opportunity to voice their strongly held opinions. No one trusts decisions made by politicians or bureaucrats behind closed doors that are then "rolled out" as if no one could possibly object to them.
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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
How underdeveloped, and prehistoric, the average human brain remains...the evidence never ceases to subside


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Why do so many Terbites keep resurrecting issues in their posts, even though the issue was debated to death only a week ago, complete with Nobody123 saying all his usual stuff?


As to your observation, anyone, regardless of their political orientation, will interrupt a public meeting when they want to convey the message that the authority in question should not proceed with their plan, if it also happens to be the first point in the process they've had the opportunity to voice their strongly held opinions. No one trust decisions made by politicians or bureaucrats behind closed doors that are then "rolled out" as if no one could possibly object to them.
However, the danger in opting for disruption instead of dialogue to make your point is that you're asserting that numbers are all that counts; not rational discussion leading to thoughtful decisions. Which leaves those you disrupted little choice but to run the numbers, confirm the bullies are a tiny bigoted splinter group, they can safely ignore. Then they enact unchanged what you might have improved.

Not that you left them any other option.

Bud Plug

Sexual Appliance
Aug 17, 2001
However, the danger in opting for disruption instead of dialogue to make your point is that you're asserting that numbers are all that counts; not rational discussion leading to thoughtful decisions. Which leaves those you disrupted little choice but to run the numbers, confirm the bullies are a tiny bigoted splinter group, they can safely ignore. Then they enact unchanged what you might have improved.

Not that you left them any other option.
These meetings are not an opportunity for rational debate. They are only an opportunity to express outrage.

It reminds me of shareholders meetings. If a proposition is brought forward for a vote at such a meeting, it almost certainly means that someone has already figured out that there are enough votes to carry the motion. Discussion and questions are entertained, but it's too late to prevent it from passing. Then why express outrage? Because there are minority oppression rights. And if your point seems dangerous enough, and if you appear motivated enough, you might be taken seriously enough to be accommodated in some way.

Same thing is true in politics. When you run roughshod over someone because you can, you will get your way in the short run. However, it can be hard to assess the leverage that can be gained by the losing side if they have been perceived to have been bullied. Often moderates will align with such groups over time on the sheer principle that most people can't stand bullies, particularly when that bully is a public servant they can get rid of.


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
How do you feel about your fellow TERBerts who desire and pay for greek? They're abnormal, right?

Most of those reactionaries would likely call buying sex abnormal. Care to explain how normal we all are, but how kids should be kept ignorant of such normal stuff? Never mind they never can be.

Be grateful your daughter's being taught the empirical, objective facts by professionmals and you'll only have to endure your stammering embarrassment for the minute or two it'll take to communicate your moral precepts.
100% ^^^

Wow! Our very own, honest-to-goodness homophobe. He's cute. Can we keep him?
lol ^^^

The issue is really quite simple. Some parent don't want their kids being taught about the gays for fear their little snowflakes might catch it! :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
hobbyists are turning in droves to the gay ads on craigslist! At least you won't get busted... and it's free!


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001


Mar 8, 2014
Why do so many Terbites keep resurrecting issues in their posts, even though the issue was debated to death only a week ago, complete with Nobody123 saying all his usual stuff?


As to your observation, anyone, regardless of their political orientation, will interrupt a public meeting when they want to convey the message that the authority in question should not proceed with their plan, if it also happens to be the first point in the process they've had the opportunity to voice their strongly held opinions. No one trusts decisions made by politicians or bureaucrats behind closed doors that are then "rolled out" as if no one could possibly object to them.
Because there was an ATTEMPT at an info session last night at ACI to clarify certains misinformation, and for parents to voice their concerns through proper dialogue. However some immature ADULTS decided to ruin it. It was important enough to be on CP24.


Mar 8, 2014
This thread is exactly why there needs to be more sex education.cant beleive somebody is so freaked about kids learning these thing. Hell when we were kids we looked upevery dirty word we could think of in dictionaries. Now with internet kids get much more graphic and uunmoderated info. It is clear thst attitudes still need improving.

Kids are young but access to open is easier than ever.

They should learn from a young age healthy attitudes towards sex.

Anal and transgender people are real things and obviously you adjust the topic to be age appropriate. I think i would focus more on explaining thst there are different people with different feelings who should be
There are kids that are in Kindergarten and Grade school who are transgender. The right wingers in the USA are against them choosing which bathroom they want to use.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
That is totally disingenuous to play the victim when you're the oppressor. That judge probably didn't make that decision on his own.
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