John Tory using the I-didn’t-know-until-now excuse on TTC fares and budget loan


New member
Oct 28, 2009
There were two examples of this kind of thing over the past week, both involving Mayor John Tory.

First Tory announced that he was reversing on a campaign commitment not to raise TTC fares. Token fares will go up by 10 cents starting in March.

Tory explained how, after looking at the TTC’s service levels and the impact of cuts implemented over the last four years, he realized a fare freeze wasn’t really possible.

Then, at the launch of the city’s 2015 budget, Tory was able to hold to his election promise to keep residential property tax increases at or below inflation only because the city built $86 million in “special provincial assistance” into the budget — a loan.

He never mentioned anything about needing to balance the budget with a loan, of course, when he was running for mayor. But the loan is necessary, Tory says, because of a steep provincial cut to the municipal housing program.

Here’s the problem: Both of these things — the TTC’s budget woes and the provincial cut to housing — can’t be called surprises.

They were well-known pieces of information long before last year’s mayoral campaign.

Hell, I knew about them last year and I don’t even think I ran for mayor. I definitely didn’t have an army of advisers on payroll feeding me information.

A common political pet peeve of mine is politicians who make like they’ve been blindsided by information once they take office.

In my experience, their surprise is hardly ever justified.

The new information they claim to have received is usually not new.

But the implication from Tory is that he didn’t have all the information until after he got elected. It’s a little a too convenient.

I would rather elected officials break their campaign promises, of course, than force them through at the expense of logic and evidence. Tory was basically right to waver where he did. Had he pushed for a TTC freeze, service probably would have gotten worse. Had he not grabbed for extra provincial money for the operating budget, programs would have been gutted.

It just would have been nice if the obstacles he’s now facing had been acknowledged and talked about during the campaign.

But we seem to get less and less of that in modern politics. There’s a disconnect between the things politicians tell us they will do and the things they actually can do. And that disconnect gets brushed aside by this idea that some information just isn’t fully knowable until a politician takes office.

It’s never really true. In most cases, the facts are there. The budget details are public. The obstacles are clearly marked. Too often the problem isn’t a lack of information. It’s an unwillingness to confront reality.


Jan 31, 2005
The Ford nation mentality is to attack, attack, attack. They are all depraved antisocial people who can't comprehend the idea of working together. They think politics is about being a bully. Boodog and happ are classic.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
1) While the Tory supporters appear to discount, become tone deaf and turn a blind eye not to mention attempt to rationalize Tory's pure political pandering campaign promises and pledges as they evaporate, reverse themselves and disappear into the realm of reality once subjected to that ever shining light of scrutiny.

2) Read his lips, "No TTC fare increases."

Not needed he said. Criticized and outright rejected other candidates about their funded plans to increase and improve service. Once safely ensconced in the mayor's chair, he emoted like Katherine Hepburn in her prime, "Ladies and gentlemen, I have just become aware of the most horrifying information about the TTC!"

3) Watched him as he winked to Kathleen Wynne as he stated, "I have friends in high places, in other levels of government who will come to my political rescue and help me keep property taxes low, balance the budget and bestow upon thee all the riches of my false campaign fantasies."

4) Hear him now as says, "Ladies and gentlemen I have been handed another horrifying piece of information. The provincial government has told me NO, NO MO JoTo.

"So to pay for the campaign promises I did not make to you and in fact rejected out of hand as not necessary, I am going to do something that has never been done before, something that is legislatively illegal and something that I advise no one but myself to do. That is to borrow money now, to operate the lights, keep the heat on and the water flowing but have future taxpayers pay for it after I'm gone from office."

5) "GhostTrack is free and at no cost!"

Absolute priceless rubbish, valued at but not funded to the tune a measly $4-5$billion, repeatedly spouted by Tory during his, "I'll say anything to be elected" campaign. Shameless. Re: "I have friends in high places, other levels of government", he said with a wink and a nudge of his coiffed noggin.

6) "The BDL Gravy Train Extension is an unsound politically based transit plan. What's +$2billion anyway?"

Tory and those councilors who voted for this colossal waste should hang their heads in shame. Grow a pair Mr. Tory.
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Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Do you have a remote understanding of the complexity of the budget for a city like Toronto... really? ....

There were two examples of this kind of thing over the past week, both involving Mayor John Tory.

First Tory announced that he was reversing on a campaign commitment not to raise TTC fares. Token fares will go up by 10 cents starting in March.

Tory explained how, after looking at the TTC’s service levels and the impact of cuts implemented over the last four years, he realized a fare freeze wasn’t really possible.

Then, at the launch of the city’s 2015 budget, Tory was able to hold to his election promise to keep residential property tax increases at or below inflation only because the city built $86 million in “special provincial assistance” into the budget — a loan.

He never mentioned anything about needing to balance the budget with a loan, of course, when he was running for mayor. But the loan is necessary, Tory says, because of a steep provincial cut to the municipal housing program.

Here’s the problem: Both of these things — the TTC’s budget woes and the provincial cut to housing — can’t be called surprises.

They were well-known pieces of information long before last year’s mayoral campaign.

Hell, I knew about them last year and I don’t even think I ran for mayor. I definitely didn’t have an army of advisers on payroll feeding me information.

A common political pet peeve of mine is politicians who make like they’ve been blindsided by information once they take office.

In my experience, their surprise is hardly ever justified.

The new information they claim to have received is usually not new.

But the implication from Tory is that he didn’t have all the information until after he got elected. It’s a little a too convenient.

I would rather elected officials break their campaign promises, of course, than force them through at the expense of logic and evidence. Tory was basically right to waver where he did. Had he pushed for a TTC freeze, service probably would have gotten worse. Had he not grabbed for extra provincial money for the operating budget, programs would have been gutted.

It just would have been nice if the obstacles he’s now facing had been acknowledged and talked about during the campaign.

But we seem to get less and less of that in modern politics. There’s a disconnect between the things politicians tell us they will do and the things they actually can do. And that disconnect gets brushed aside by this idea that some information just isn’t fully knowable until a politician takes office.

It’s never really true. In most cases, the facts are there. The budget details are public. The obstacles are clearly marked. Too often the problem isn’t a lack of information. It’s an unwillingness to confront reality.

Hard Idle

Active member
Jan 15, 2005
North York
The Ford nation mentality is to attack, attack, attack. They are all depraved antisocial people who can't comprehend the idea of working together. They think politics is about being a bully. Boodog and happ are classic.
What are you talking about? Can you define "working together" instead of just throwing it out as a warm & fuzzy buzz word? And working with whom exactly?

Tory ran principally on having a better working relationship with the other levels of government. One budget in, he hasn't gotten so much as a lump of shit.

I don't know about you but I think reasonable people expected a better working relationship to mean more than just sitting down to tea and smiling photo ops.

Tory is not a punching bag. So far, he's been douche water.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
What are you talking about? Can you define "working together" instead of just throwing it out as a warm & fuzzy buzz word? And working with whom exactly?

Tory ran principally on having a better working relationship with the other levels of government. One budget in, he hasn't gotten so much as a lump of shit.

I don't know about you but I think reasonable people expected a better working relationship to mean more than just sitting down to tea and smiling photo ops.

Tory is not a punching bag. So far, he's been douche water.
Actually from the look of it the shortfall will be about 0.3-0.4% of the total budget. Don't get me wrong I would prefer a balanced one. But he will have a year to do what Ford failed to do. Find real efficiencies and privatize more. And he has the chops to do it.

He gets a year from me, not 2+ months to make real progress.


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
He doesn't have the balls to exclaim and then do what is really needed, which is:

1) RAISE THE EFFIN property tax way beyond the rate of inflation to fund his campaign promises.

2) Cancel the BDL Gravy Train extension and employ the savings to fund needed and warranted transit solutions


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Actually from the look of it the shortfall will be about 0.3-0.4% of the total budget. Don't get me wrong I would prefer a balanced one. But he will have a year to do what Ford failed to do. Find real efficiencies and privatize more. And he has the chops to do it.

He gets a year from me, not 2+ months to make real progress.
I will give him 4 years until 2018:-

1) to "shame" city employees and city councilors to find "real efficiencies"

2) to "shame" unionized employees to agree more privatizations

3) to "shame" his provincial buddies to assist him to fill budget holes.

4) to use his liberal charm to "shame" the basically Reform Party administration in Ottawa to rescue him on his over-the-head socialist policies.

Hints to John Tory: Claim credits if any above parties deliver positive results to you. If they don't claim "you-did-not-know-until-now" you can't shame other government parties to deliver your campaign phony promises.

Shall I see you, John Tory Butler, on Smart Track in 7 years? Of course I do understand you won't be able to answer this simple question for the next 2 years. Not before the end of 2 year feasibility study, right?

2 year to study for a project that was promised to finish in 7 years...............
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Well as for #4 in your list the Federal conservatives just announced 86 million for homeless measures. No need to shame them. Just talk to them properly with a plan and they will listen.


New member
Oct 11, 2013
A common political pet peeve of mine is politicians who make like they’ve been blindsided by information once they take office.

In my experience, their surprise is hardly ever justified.

The new information they claim to have received is usually not new.

But the implication from Tory is that he didn’t have all the information until after he got elected. It’s a little a too convenient.

I would rather elected officials break their campaign promises, of course, than force them through at the expense of logic and evidence. Tory was basically right to waver where he did. Had he pushed for a TTC freeze, service probably would have gotten worse. Had he not grabbed for extra provincial money for the operating budget, programs would have been gutted.

It just would have been nice if the obstacles he’s now facing had been acknowledged and talked about during the campaign.

But we seem to get less and less of that in modern politics. There’s a disconnect between the things politicians tell us they will do and the things they actually can do. And that disconnect gets brushed aside by this idea that some information just isn’t fully knowable until a politician takes office.

It’s never really true. In most cases, the facts are there. The budget details are public. The obstacles are clearly marked. Too often the problem isn’t a lack of information. It’s an unwillingness to confront reality.

This is ironic.

Could what you wrote here be used to describe Rob Ford and his, never smoked crack, then yeah I tried it, then never again, then I do it again, ...?

Holding two people to different standards (Tory and Ford) is worse.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Well as for #4 in your list the Federal conservatives just announced 86 million for homeless measures. No need to shame them. Just talk to them properly with a plan and they will listen.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
This is ironic.

Could what you wrote here be used to describe Rob Ford and his, never smoked crack, then yeah I tried it, then never again, then I do it again, ...?

Holding two people to different standards (Tory and Ford) is worse.
To be fair lets look at both........

Rob Ford admitted he was bad in his personal life. While he admitted that he spoke out the fact almost everyone else in the council had the same skeletons in their closets and that was why he asked if anyone would accept his challenge and accept drug tests together with him. (Nobody had enough courage to accept the challenge.)

John Tory on the other hand claimed he is better than everyone and especially better than Rob Ford (even though he had a hard time to accept Ford Challenge for Drug Test). And he would be better mayor than Rob Ford and all other candidates in the election.

Are we now supposed to accept the fact flip flop artist lie-yer John Tory is no better than the so-called drug addict Rob Ford? (Actually he has yet to produce a balanced budget, unlike Rob Ford's budgets.)

BTW the post #1 you quoted isn't my creation. I will not be able in this life to write such articulated and factual article the way the author did.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
To be fair lets look at both........

Rob Ford admitted he was bad in his personal life. While he admitted that he spoke out the fact almost everyone else in the council had the same skeletons in their closets and that was why he asked if anyone would accept his challenge and accept drug tests together with him. (Nobody had enough courage to accept the challenge.)

John Tory on the other hand claimed he is better than everyone and especially better than Rob Ford (even though he had a hard time to accept Ford Challenge for Drug Test). And he would be better mayor than Rob Ford and all other candidates in the election.

Are we now supposed to accept the fact flip flop artist lie-yer John Tory is no better than the so-called drug addict Rob Ford? (Actually he has yet to produce a balanced budget, unlike Rob Ford's budgets.)

BTW the post #1 you quoted isn't my creation. I will not be able in this life to write such articulated and factual article the way the author did.
That's because it was a stupid challenge, a desperate attempt by Fatty to try to deflect some of the pressure.

"Oh, Officer, I blew over 0.08 blood alcohol level? Well I CHALLENGE ALL THESE OTHER DRIVERS TO THE SAME TEST!!!"


New member
Oct 11, 2013
To be fair lets look at both........

Rob Ford admitted he was bad in his personal life. While he admitted that he spoke out the fact almost everyone else in the council had the same skeletons in their closets and that was why he asked if anyone would accept his challenge and accept drug tests together with him. (Nobody had enough courage to accept the challenge.)

John Tory on the other hand claimed he is better than everyone and especially better than Rob Ford (even though he had a hard time to accept Ford Challenge for Drug Test). And he would be better mayor than Rob Ford and all other candidates in the election.

Are we now supposed to accept the fact flip flop artist lie-yer John Tory is no better than the so-called drug addict Rob Ford? (Actually he has yet to produce a balanced budget, unlike Rob Ford's budgets.)

BTW the post #1 you quoted isn't my creation. I will not be able in this life to write such articulated and factual article the way the author did.
There are a few point that I will argee with in the first paragraph. They are:
- "Rob Ford admitted he was bad in his personal life"
- "While he admitted that he spoke out the fact almost everyone else in the council had the same skeletons in their closets and that was why he asked if anyone would accept his challenge and accept drug tests together with him."
Partial agreed. What I don't agree with is "the same skeletons in their closets". It's just false to say that all members of council had a drug addiction problem. Maybe some other do, it's possible - but Rob Ford showed poor judgement in addressing the issue but trying to turn attention on other council members. He failed to accept complete responsibility for his actions. It's not good to say, 'yeah, i made mistakes. is anyone perfect? let's test all of council.' Everyone knows that they are not perfect. Drug addicts know they are addicts. It's not rocket science. What he did was try to strengthen his own position by bringing down others around him. Maybe he was right that they all are addicts, but he lost more by trying to pull others down with him.
- "(Nobody had enough courage to accept the challenge.)"
Disagree No reasonable person would take that challenge. It's not because they are guilty or scared. It's because they know that they are not on trial, and the proposed testing of all of council would only serve as a distraction. In addition to this, medical conditions that have stigmas attached may be disclosed as a result of testing. If a council member is on antidepressants for depression - that is nobody's business.

Where, exactly, in explicit language, does Tory say that he is better than everyone?
Yes, he probably said he was better than the other candidates. Is there any candidate, ever, that says another person is better than him/her? 'Don't vote for me. Vote for the other guy'

Boodog, you need to take the anti-Tory, pro-Ford agenda down a few notches. What you are doing is making people resent Ford and anything to do with him. It may come to the point where people will just hate him outright, even when he's right.

You're not picking your battles to show an anti-Tory, pro-Ford argument. You're just going all-out, all the time. It won't work out well. Pick your battles - don't 'cry wolf' for every hair out of place on John Tory's head.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Let the boy rant Simon. Him and Anbarandy both have other agendas.

Just like Ford being re elected may be one of the better things that happened to Tory. He will continue to polarize the worst of the lefties to vote against him and for Tory on numerous issues just to spite him.

Its unfortunate that Ford brings it down to that level but if it gets things done then I'll take it. The budget is always the worst time on council. It will be over soon and other things will come up to calm things down.

But trying to convince Boodog to quit grasping at straws? Good luck.


Well-known member
Oct 11, 2007
But trying to convince Boodog to quit grasping at straws? Good luck.
Tory is weak.

If he was not born rich, knows all the right people, worked for a company with almost a monopoly grip on their industry, I doubt he would make it and be a big success. He's a good person and pencil pusher, but he's weak.

People can sense this weakness. Even the leftist at City Hall openly talking about the imperative to raise even more taxes, when this budget raise taxes more than any year under Ford's regime, as far as I can remember.

If I am wrong, someone post the figures, thank you.

This weakness will give everyone an opening. Once the so called honeymooner is Vegas is over, we'll see if the old guy can keep up.


Jan 31, 2005
Rob Ford is a crack head.

If he was not born rich, knows all the right people, worked for a company owned by his dad, I doubt he would make it and be anything at all. He's a horrible person and a liar, and he's a crack head.

People can sense his lies. Even the rightists at City Hall openly talking about the imperative to kick him out of council, when this budget has to raise taxes because of the ludicrously expensive subway he stuck us with.
Ashley Madison
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