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Quebec man cites Koran in beating children and threatening to burn wife with acid


New member
Feb 13, 2004
mighty Leafs Nation
"The accused is possessive, he feels his wife belongs to him. He invokes the Koran when he hits his children. He tells his wife that if she leaves him, he will burn her face and genitals with acid. Today, his wife has left him, and she in danger because of it," Judge Bernard Lemieux said in his ruling Friday.

In ordering that the accused remain behind bars, Lemieux cited alleged threats by the man that he would flee to Morocco with his children.

Please fix our immigration system !


Jan 4, 2015
Any religion that is used to harm someone in any way is a farce ! Absolute garbage I am sick of hearing of poor and abusive behaviour in the name of their gods!!


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
Any religion that is used to harm someone in any way is a farce ! Absolute garbage I am sick of hearing of poor and abusive behaviour in the name of their gods!!
You seem to be taking for granted that Islam taught him to maim his wife and beat his children. If this were really the case, then the wife would be accepting his notions, because she's a muslim too..... or is Islam a religion only for men who have beards, walk around in sandals and wear white beany hats?

Just because this guy claims to be doing what he's doing in the name of his religion, doesn't mean that it's actually so.

There are all kinds of criminals and nut jobs who are Christians. Yet, we don't blame Christianity for their actions.

This thread is an example of prejudice, ignorance and downright hate for things some sheeple don't understand because of their ultra short attention span. Just because it's on Fox doesn't mean it's true.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Islamic writings supporting wife beating. it is not ignorance to point it out.

Men have authority over women because God has made the one superior to the other, and because they spend their wealth to maintain them. Good women are obedient. They guard their unseen parts because God has guarded them. As for those whom you fear disobedience, admonish them and send them to beds apart and beat them. Then if they obey you, take no further action against them. Surely God is most high.
Qur'an 4:34

In summation, we find in the Hadiths:

Muhammad provided tacit approval of wife beating by not scolding Muslims for beating their wives
Muhammad referred to women who spoke-out against abuse as "not the best among you"
Muhammad forbid Muslims from questioning men who beat their wives
Muhammad allowed others to hit his wives (the very women whom all Muslims adore and refer to as "the Mother of believers")
Three of the four Rightly-Guided Caliphs beat women
Muhammad reaffirms the command of wife-beating in his parting sermon
Muhammad himself struck his wife in the chest
It is clear from all of the above that wife-beating has been an accepted part of Islam since its inception. Muhammad was not against domestic violence and indeed permitted wife-beating in Islam.


Active member
Nov 14, 2009
And your point is...? You can find all kinds of bullshit in the quran or the bible or most other religious writings that were written in geographies and eras far distant. All believers pick and choose. Most choose a system of belief that is morally defensible in the context of the society in which they live. To suggest Islam is evil is no different than applying the term to Christianity or Judiasm or Latter Day Saints. When i was in Ireland in the 70's i was nearly killed by good Christians. You don't like beheadings? Savages, right? Texas under bush executed more people than ISIS. There are bad guys in evry belief system.

The Fruity Hare

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2002
And your point is...? You can find all kinds of bullshit in the quran or the bible or most other religious writings that were written in geographies and eras far distant. All believers pick and choose. Most choose a system of belief that is morally defensible in the context of the society in which they live. To suggest Islam is evil is no different than applying the term to Christianity or Judiasm or Latter Day Saints. When i was in Ireland in the 70's i was nearly killed by good Christians. You don't like beheadings? Savages, right? Texas under bush executed more people than ISIS. There are bad guys in evry belief system.
I think ISIS has executed more people than we can count, beheading, burning, and throwing gay people to their deaths from tall buildings. All of which they claim they found evidence of past occurrences in the Koran.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004

why are tens or hundreds of millions of Muslims convinced that their religion allows them to persecute and slaughter others?
Well then. If Michael Coren said so in the Toronto Sun, then it must be true!

Don't be so naive. This is a flawed opinion piece meant to increase sales by promoting hate. No more, no less.

Where did he get the notion that hundreds of millions of Muslims are convinced that their religion allows them to persecute and slaughter others? Where are these hundreds of millions of Muslims?

(Yes, I know. You saw it in the mainstream media, and it HAS to be true, like the other garbage you see on CNN and Fox.)

If this were true, there would never have been one million Jews in the Arab and Persian worlds in the 1950's before the mass migrations to Israel, including 100,000 Jews in Iraq. Only in Saudi Arabia (Stephen Harper's steadfast Middle-East ally) do they persecute and prohibit other religions from practicing under penalty of imprisonment; evangelizing is punishable by death..... same as ISIS. So Bravo, Stephen for being such a hypocrite for supporting the Saudis while professing to defend the Christian world against ISIS.

Even Hamas doesn't mind a Catholic Church in Gaza.


Mar 17, 2003
I think ISIS has executed more people than we can count, beheading, burning, and throwing gay people to their deaths from tall buildings. All of which they claim they found evidence of past occurrences in the Koran.
Photos: ISIL Beheads Father and Son in Iraq (GRAPHIC)

ISIL beheaded an Iraqi father and his son on charges of helping the Iraqi Army against ISIL takfiri forces today. Over the past months the so-called Islamic States' brutality has increased culminating in the burning of the Jordanian pilot alive.


Active member
Jan 8, 2008
We need to get rid of tax breaks for all organized religions. They should be treated like any other business.
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