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Two Israeli soldiers killed by Hezbollah....very fishy stuff.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
how is that any different then when Israel massacres civilians you abominable twerp. At least Assad has a legit reason to do it...i.e Isis is trying to take over Syria.
You might want to look at the history of the Syrian civil war. IS is a new player that arose out of the chaos of Assad violently putting down peaceful protesters.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
I am sure they would if Israel let them, but I don't really see any news feed. Probably Israel demolished the house as they frequently do and blamed it on Hezbollah. Funny how that missile hit a house that Fuji said was not there....accidentally hitting a house is not as bad as killing a UN peacekeeper.
Your conspiracy theories are getting more an more pathetic. You claim to be unbiased and then make up shit about Israel destroying houses and blaming it on Hezb (even when Hezb proudly claimed the attack).


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Oh what is the number then and who made it up to you to decide. ....
Actually who made it up to you to decide? You complain endlessly about 2000 dead in Gaza (while justifying dead Israeli civilians) yet you have nothing to say about the hundreds of thousands dead in Syria (except to praise Assad).


Jan 31, 2005
Oh what is the number then and who made it up to you to decide. The number of people killed in the Syrian civil war is tiny compared to Vietnam or WWII. Assad is generally complaint with your set of rules, i.e most people are collateral casualties. Funny how that offends you and you are all ok when Israel does it to the Palis.
The number is widely available, you can find it on Wikipedia. Go find it yourself so you don't sit there taking idiotic pot shots: how many civilians have been killed on either side since 47 in the Israeli/Arab conflict, including all the wars, intifada, Gaza war, etc? Then let us know how may you think have been killed so far in Syria?

You have done such a good job of discrediting yourself here, with even scouser attacking you now, that I need say nothing more. You are stringing yourself up by the neck, you only need to take this last step to kick away the chair.


Jan 31, 2005
what do you think of Israel training all civilians for combat, and making them keep a cache of weapons at home for rapid call up? I don't see any mention of it being in a restricted area in the press, so please post some proof so we know its not just another pile of your horseshit.
Your own articles indicate there were traveling along the line of control. Civilians don't get anywhere near that. Hezbollah snipers being the main reason why the area is fenced off.

And people owning small arms is not the same thing as having heavy weapons, anti aircraft missiles, and rockets, operating out of their homes. You are just frothing at the mouth now.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
The number is widely available, you can find it on Wikipedia. Go find it yourself so you don't sit there taking idiotic pot shots: how many civilians have been killed on either side since 47 in the Israeli/Arab? Then let us know how may you think have been killed so far in Syria?

You have done such a good job of discrediting yourself here, with every scouser stemming you now, that I need say nothing more.
What is scouser? there is 3-4 super ultra pro Israeli guys that hammer away, a few that openly agree with me and several that just don't want to waste their time arguing with the 3-4 or you. The fact is, this is a middle age male dominated board, and that means conservative. So I am completely aware that the majority on this board is probably sees the world though your sheep eyes. But all I seek to do is point out the hypocrisy. The US and its allies also are highly culpable for the bloodshed in Syria. They are the ones that have backed the nutbars (including ISIS) in the civil war to oust Assad. Assad, and his followers have had no choice but to fight or die. I am no fan of Assad, but he certainly seems to be better then some of those savages being backed by the US, Saudis, Turks and others. I know what the number is, but to me 1000 civilians killed in a few weeks is a massacre. Also Israel acted out of CHOICE, while the Syrians have had this conflict thrust on them. Nothing the Israelis did qualified as eliminating a CLEAR AND PRESENT danger. And blowing up Hamas missiles is not going to do ANYTHING to stop incidents like the kidnapping and stabbing of the rabbis. In fact, the recent bus stabbing incident painfully proves this. Also attacking the Hezbollah commander and Iranian general was an act of war. What is Israels interest in Syria? Do they seek to overthrow Assad? That is another act of war.


Jan 31, 2005
Keep rambling. You are discredited. Even scouser is attacking you now and he is a very harsh critic of Israel. But even be cannot stomach for lust to see civilians murdered.

And actually you are wrong, IDF has succeeded in greatly reducing the ability of Palestinians to murder Jews, which no doubt makes you livid. Clearly there are still murders, but the numbers have fallen dramatically thanks to the security wall, lawn mowing campaigns, etc.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Your own articles indicate there were traveling along the line of control. Civilians don't get anywhere near that. Hezbollah snipers being the main reason why the area is fenced off.

And people owning small arms is not the same thing as having heavy weapons, anti aircraft missiles, and rockets, operating out of their homes. You are just frothing at the mouth now.
That is nonsense, Hamas does not have many heavy weapons, if they did they would actually do damage. Personal arms for IDF infantry can include rifles, grenade launchers, mortars, MANPADs and Sniper Rifles. All these would make sense for emergency deployments Israel is prepared for. It's very convenient for you to try an draw a line, but the laws do not draw such a line. And of course you have draw a line which favors Israel which is typical and shows you have ZERO objectivity. You have already shown you have lied several times, refuted by links to Wiki which show you are not remotely objective or constrained by the facts.


Jan 31, 2005
Rockets are heavy weapons idiot, Hamas has thousands. They don't do damage only because Israel has better heavy weapons, like iron dome.

But we were talking about Hezbollah in Lebanon, quit drinking.
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Well-known member
May 14, 2008
now I have been accused of all sorts of Israel bashing over the years here but you have reached a gutter level that I could never defend, Assad has a legit reason to murder his own people? and what would that be? so his family can stay in power? absolutely nothing can justfiy any of Assad's actions and before you do the song and dance about ISIS, the regime has done more to help them than anyone else. Besides the FSA nobody has fought ISIS harder.

As for Hezbollah what a total bunch of screwups they are, back in 2006 the entire Arab world was singing their praises, I have Syrian friends who tell me stories of people placing pictures of Nasrallah in their homes, of ordinary Syrians opening their homes to Lebanese fleeing the fighting especially in Homs, and how does Nasrallah thank them? by sending his fighters back their to help kill children.
Ah so you have shown yourself to be a Syrian or Syrian anti-Assad sympathizer. Assad is scum. That I have no problem saying. Saddam was scum as well as are the Sauds, and a whole range of Arab leaders. But who started the whole civil war in Syria?, and when the civil war started, what choices are really available to Assad? I don't buy that Assad is backing ISIS, and if you look at the Wiki on their origins and the fact Assad is openly at war with ISIS, the data seems to support that point of view. I am against all civilian deaths, but it tends to go hand in hand with war. The Syrians have a primitive military, and they have been reduced to dropping barrels of explosive from helos to attack ISIS so that tends to have terrible civilian causalities. Similar to WWII tech being used here. And if you put yourself in Assad shoes and that of his supporters, WHAT CHOICE DOES HE HAVE. You think the 50% of Syrians that support him are not gonna be massacred if he loses? The dogs of war have been unleashed, now all is left is for the misery to reach an climax. And then the inevitable retributions that happen at the end of a civil war. I don't see how anyone can support the forces opposed to Assad, even the non-Isis groups, they are just another set of scum vying to replace the incumbent scum. Why do you think the US has pulled back from supporting them? The reality with this situation is "we win or we die". The only possible outcome for the Syrian war is Terrible or More Terrible. Sad for the people. And from the recent killing of the Iranian general and Hezbollah leader, it is pretty clear that Israel is one of the parties fueling the fire here. What is gonna happen? Assad will probably win, and anyone that opposed him and entire villages with be massacred or driven into exile. Massive refugee problems for all the nations bordering Syria 10x worse then today. The best possible outcome is a stalemate with about another 1M or so dead, with a partition of Syria. Chances of Assad accepting that pretty close to zero.


Jan 31, 2005
the laws do not draw such a line.
Actually the law draws a clear bright line and the GC explicitly differentiates armed civilians from armed combatants. Hezbollah is without a doubt a combatant, and positioning itself intentionally within civilian areas and civilian homes is a clear war crime. Hezbollah has effectively turned every village near the line of control into a military base, with operational weapon systems actively stationed in civilian houses and caches of heavy weapons like anti aircraft missile batteries in homes occupied by civilian families. Hezbollah in fact pays people to live in homes where military installations have been placed.

Yet no objection from you on that because you openly support terrorism and atrocity by Hezbollah.

I note that you have fled from your earlier claim that laws do not apply to war; of course now you are trying to apply them to Israel (wrongly). No doubt you will use your double standard and try and claim again that Hezbollah is above the law.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
What is scouser? there is 3-4 super ultra pro Israeli guys....
Translation. There are 3 or 4 guys who don't accept your continual justification of terror attacks against Israel.

And how many here are with you on your support for Assad? He started the conflict there by slaughtering civilians who protested his actions. No IS isn't any better but before Assad's war on his own people they weren't of any significance anywhere.

while the Syrians have had this conflict thrust on them.
Holy shit that is a retarded statement even for you. And you call a couple thousand a massacre? How about 200,000-300,000 dead, 130,000 missing, and 8 million refugees and displaced people?

p.s. Attacking hezbollah can not be an act of war since hezbollah has no legal soverignty.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Translation. There are 3 or 4 guys who don't accept your continual justification of terror attacks against Israel.

And how many here are with you on your support for Assad? He started the conflict there by slaughtering civilians who protested his actions. No IS isn't any better but before Assad's war on his own people they weren't of any significance anywhere.

Holy shit that is a retarded statement even for you. And you call a couple thousand a massacre? How about 200,000-300,000 dead, 130,000 missing, and 8 million refugees and displaced people?

p.s. Attacking hezbollah can not be an act of war since hezbollah has no legal soverignty.
Oh! going into a foreign country with an attack helo and murdering people is not an act of war? That is a retarded statement. That logic allows Hezbollah to fire missiles into Shebaa farms since it is not part of any country and Israels annexation is not recognized by ANYONE. Which would make the whole 2006 war with Lebanon illegal and a war crime, which is already is on so many levels. The least of which is no Security Council sanction.

How many millions displaced by Israel rotting in refugee camps today? Millions no? I don't support Assad, do you support the ones trying to displace him like ISIS? I am just an observer pointing out some terrible facts in the whole mess. If there is going to be a victor in the war, I think the least bad outcome would be for Assad to regain control vs ISIS. I may be wrong, but both sides of the conflict are so awful it is pretty hopeless. Even the US has given up and tried its best to distance itself from the mess, informing the Syrian govt each time it enters their airspace to bomb ISIS and reluctantly helping Assad.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Ah so you have shown yourself to be a Syrian or Syrian anti-Assad sympathizer. Assad is scum. That I have no problem saying. ...
Yet you keep pretending that Assad was an innocent in this civil war.

The Syrians have a primitive military, and they have been reduced to dropping barrels of explosive from helos to attack ISIS so that tends to have terrible civilian causalities.
Wow. Mig-29's, modern sam systems, modern Russian subs, a variety of main battle tanks, self propelled artillery, ... Syria spent 4 billion on Russian arms in 2011. Add in the weaponry that the Iranian troops are bringing with them.

And it's pretty interesting that you seem to think barrel bombs are okay if they target IS fighters. Leads one to wonder at the inconsistency of your ramblings.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Yet you keep pretending that Assad was an innocent in this civil war.

Wow. Mig-29's, modern sam systems, modern Russian subs, a variety of main battle tanks, self propelled artillery, ... Syria spent 4 billion on Russian arms in 2011. Add in the weaponry that the Iranian troops are bringing with them.

And it's pretty interesting that you seem to think barrel bombs are okay if they target IS fighters. Leads one to wonder at the inconsistency of your ramblings.

I have always said this sort of thing is part of war, and that civilian deaths go hand in hand with the entire criminal enterprise of war. I have only said that Israel is hypocritical in its whinings about Hamas rockets as they do things that are morally identical to me and in fact worse. So whatever. I think I am pretty consistent in saying civilians are inevitably targeted in all wars and saying otherwise is delusional. You are saying the side you support (Isis) does not kill civilians? MIG 29s are pretty useless without a steady supply of spares and ordinance and Israel has been steadily bombing shipments. $4B in the context of modern weapons purchases is really nothing.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Oh! going into a foreign country with an attack helo and murdering people is not an act of war? That is a retarded statement.
Not against Hezbollah. Hezbollah is not a country but rather a militant organization banned (from being armed) by UN SC resolutions.

If Assad wants to consider it an act of war and violation of Syrian sovereignty he could (as would all the strikes from Syria on Israel).

As for Shebaa farms area, the UN has placed it under Israeli control for now. When Israel withdrew from Lebanon the UN certified that it had done so. Of course the fact that the area was part of the Syrian Golan.

More importantly, the only group entitled to contest Israel's authority over the region would be the Lebanese government and army, not the bunch of hezbollah thugs.

And as for stats, 750,000 Arabs people fled Israel (and 800,000 Arab Jews fled to Israel). Even if you want to ignore the UN Convention on Refugees and extend status to (male) descendents there are still far far fewer Palestinian 'refugees' created in 60 years than there are Syrian refugees created in the past 5 years. Of course only one group gets your support while the other you consider ISIS terrorists.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Not against Hezbollah. Hezbollah is not a country but rather a militant organization banned (from being armed) by UN SC resolutions.

If Assad wants to consider it an act of war and violation of Syrian sovereignty he could (as would all the strikes from Syria on Israel).

As for Shebaa farms area, the UN has placed it under Israeli control for now. When Israel withdrew from Lebanon the UN certified that it had done so. Of course the fact that the area was part of the Syrian Golan.

More importantly, the only group entitled to contest Israel's authority over the region would be the Lebanese government and army, not the bunch of hezbollah thugs.

And as for stats, 750,000 Arabs people fled Israel (and 800,000 Arab Jews fled to Israel). Even if you want to ignore the UN Convention on Refugees and extend status to (male) descendents there are still far far fewer Palestinian 'refugees' created in 60 years than there are Syrian refugees created in the past 5 years. Of course only one group gets your support while the other you consider ISIS terrorists.
no one gets my "support", there are no "good guys" in that mess. so is 750 ok? Is 800 ok? what is the number? WHat does the 800 have to do with 750? Is it ok for Israel to act like the Arab countries since the Arab countries committed war crimes it makes Israeli war crimes ok? That is a fucked up train of logic. Even if Hezbollah is illegal, it is up to the Lebanese govt NOT Israel to deal with them. Unless they have express permission from Lebanon....but there is no evidence of that is there?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
no one gets my "support"...
Assad sure seems to.

And yes, the point is your hypocrisy for complaining about Israel yet ignoring and justifying far far worse is pathetic.

Even if Hezbollah is illegal, it is up to the Lebanese govt NOT Israel to deal with them
There is no 'IF'. UNSC resolutions are quite clear that Lebanese militias need to be disarmed. And when is the Lebanese government going to deal with them? A few Israeli settlers throwing rocks have you denigrating Israel as a whole. Why doesn't Lebanon draw your ire for allowing Hezbollah to operate with advanced weaponry like the Kornet missiles they used in this attack?


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Rockets are heavy weapons idiot, Hamas has thousands. They don't do damage only because Israel has better heavy weapons, like iron dome.

But we were talking about Hezbollah in Lebanon, quit drinking.
Hezbollah, Hamas, IDF all the same expect IDF is the best equipped and trained. The laws make no such stipulation of "heavy weapons" and there is really no way to categorize. Most rockets the Palis use are around the same effectiveness as a 60mm mortar which is not a heavy weapon and can be operated by a 2 man team. As usual more self serving FUJI HORSE SHIT!!!
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