Dating a sex worker. First timer go further or dump it?


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012
My perspective is just one of reality, not a case of belittling sex workers. Anybody that wants to date one is setting himself up for failure, unless he understands that he will always come second to her job and other clients[
If you use them, then don't subject your negative thoughts on them. I would strongly suggest you go look at yourself in a mirror.


Active member
Mar 29, 2010
It sounds like it is too late now; but you could always abstain and wait until the two of you can show each other results from an Aids test before you lose the condom. That is how I have handled this kind of situation in the past.. Just a thought.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
Sorry, but for me I can not date a girl knowing there are other guys boning her.


Well-known member
May 13, 2013
I think I can add a little to this.

I got involved with a SP (she works as an MPA but she does full service etc. ) there. I saw her at her home numerous times, we had a great time chatting. We went away for a short vacation. I am married.

Unfortunately, even when we went away I just saw her as fun, when 'wham!' - I started to fall for her. She said if I weren't married I was the type she could definitely go for. Anyways, blah blah blah, the important thing is that all of a sudden I developed feelings. What got me was I could never seem to get to see heras often as I wanted, I would make 5 attempts to get together , it was so hard, , her schedule was always so damn full, so after a few months of feeling really bad, I told myself to wake up, and take some action. I spent a few cold hours analyzing myself and realized that this was impossible, so after a few months I gave up. But boy, was I feeling it. To be honest it was the first time since high school I really truly felt lovesick.

But I am completely happy its over. I have withdrawn from the hobby as well because it traps all participants, IMO. At least most of us.

I have spent a lot of time reading on the difficulty of people leaving this industry, and I realized that it traps both of us. Say for instance she quit, I wasn't married, and in lala land we were together. Fine. Except...

the income she was making is now not coming from her but from me. She loses her independence. what does she do all day? She used to be able to go to the Caribbean whenever she wants to, and now my employment may not allow that all the time. Freedom goes way down. She also is not every day with a bunch of fawning guys boosting her ego. It's a lot to give up. IMO, once she gets the high end car, she is trapped most likely for good. The money and independence just way too much to give up. We talked about how we both don't want to be old and with no one to really love, but that is where things were headed.

AS for me - well, if I wanted to be with her, I have to give up seeing women and getting sex from them whenever I pay for it. So the sex is a trap for me. So you can see a fight, where she can just take off and start turning tricks again to get cash, and I could just head out and PAY cash to get MY jollies.
WE both could get back at each other easily that way.

Now, I don't delude myself, I do not think she had feelings for me the same way, but she did call me up after a few months and ask what had happened. I explained why I was no longer paying for sex or even female companionship at all. It even includes RMTs for me - secretly, it is part of the same thing, if I am honest with myself.

On the plus side I have now gone on dates with other women - civilians! funny damn thing is it costs just as much! So again, I am looking for one there that I can have a real relationship with.


Well-known member
May 13, 2013
However, having said all that, if the thread starter can really handle her staying in the industry, go for it. For me, if it is really love, I couldn't do that. And if she is going to quit, well, I would suggest that the proof is in the pudding.

I think that she will find it harder than she thinks.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Solid feedback everyone. She asked me to use a condom but things got heated up that we ended up not using one and mentioned that.

There is another issue I have noticed. Had anyone dated or been with a younger women (civy or sp) in public? Ever get odd looks ? She enjoys to hold my hand and kiss randomly in public. Whether she's dressed up more mature or in her regular casual clothing I notice people staring. I don't whether its because they are questioning if she's my daughter, SP or that she's attractive haha. How you handle with the social issues in public and personal life ?

I had a physically intimate pseudo-relationship with a beautiful, young stripper. People noticed. Young guys cruising in the Entertainment District made some sort of rude comments as we walked together, but they seemed envious if not jealous. Waiters at a fine restaurant I go to were pleasantly amused with my date. I admit. I fell in love with her but I ended it when I felt she was beginning to be a little more attached. She did say that she was too young to get serious, which I understood, but it's a long story lol. I wish her well wherever she might be.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Oh you are very welcome, I'm happy to share.

My perspective is just one of reality, not a case of belittling sex workers. Anybody that wants to date one is setting himself up for failure, unless he understands that he will always come second to her job and other clients

Generally-speaking, perhaps yes, but I think there are cases where she can have a loving S.O. who is liberal-minded (if not a freaky swinger) and one she loves in return.
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