The IRONY : All the BMD Girls on BACKPAGE say " NO Black Guys "

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Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Exactly. They only listen to hip-hop and only fuck black guys in their personal life yet don't wanna see black clients.
At least that's what you'd like to think to keep alive the chance you've got a shot. While I'm sure it may be true for some, I also know girls who just don't like black guys. Not all of 'em, but the gangbanger/hip hop ones. Give a suave black guy who dresses well and they might say yes but for every one of them they get 10 others who they won't touch. And unfortunately it's pretty difficult to screen clients when you're an escort.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Jul 2, 2011
Perhaps they do not see black guys for the same reason that some non-black escorts prefer to not see black guys. Whether the reasons are racist or safety, or the many others that have been discussed to death, I wish all of the ladies would say something polite like "Sorry, for personal reasons I do not see African American gentlemen" as opposed to the ugly "No black guys". How hard is that?

For the "No black guys" escorts, you could be turning off a prospective white client with your lack of sensitivity and manners.
African Americans in Toronto???? Noy very many here.


New member
Oct 11, 2013
Typical pathetic posting patterns from him to throw judgements on others thinking he is godsent expert on all things and people. He thinks people should earn his almighty respect based on his own words in one of his other posts. Just sounds like a lonely person with very limited and immature emotional intelligence. I give it to him he may have high IQ especially about his medical knoweledge, however his people and social skills are immature and need lots of work which he can't see or realize. Has he ever reviewed any type of a service provider and contributed to TERB or given any other hobbyists intel?
A personal attack to him doesn't make your position look stronger - just weaker. So, what is the point?

You haven't 'disproved' his points - many of which research supports. For example:

Jeffrey Reiman, a professor of criminal justice at American University said, "We have a system shaped by economic bias from the start. The dangerous acts of crimes unique to the wealthy are either ignored or treated lightly while for the so-called common crimes, the poor are far more likely than the well-off to be arrested, if arrested, if charged convicted, and if convicted sentenced to prison (Lee and Solomon 242). The media reports criminal acts of the poor daily, while the people who commit white-collar crimes go unnoticed.

According to attorney Gerry Spence, "the cost of corporate crime in America is over ten times greater than the combined larcenies, robberies, burglaries, and auto-thefts committed by individuals" (Lee and Solomon 242). To prove Spence's statement, last month The New York Times reported that burglaries in New York City have drastically declined within the past ten to fifteen years. However, this does not mean that other crimes, like selling drugs, have declined, According to the story, the selling of drugs has increased.

It was the effects of wild "deregulation" that led to the global financial collapse in 2008 and its catastrophic effect on the world economy. In 2011, Charles Ferguson, director of the documentary film Inside Job, took the stage to accept his Academy Award and said: "Three years after a horrific financial crisis caused by massive fraud, not a single financial executive has gone to jail, and that's wrong." It's now two years later, and relatively nothing has changed.

White collar crimes costs an estimated $600-750 billion dollars in America or roughly 5% of GDP. This massive cost is more than all other crimes combined. Let me repeat that. White collar crime does more damage to society than all forms of stealing and violence combined. Contrary to the common perception, the most dangerous criminal is not a youth in a hoody, but a middle aged man in a suit. The biggest hot spots for crime are not the ghettoes, but the financial districts. It is not in council estates, but commercial offices that most criminals spend their time.

Justice Minister Allan Rock's crime-prevention strategy has focused primarily on violent crime. But Don Holmes, a fraud investigator with Ernst & Young, believes that the "social ramifications" of white-collar crime may in fact be more serious.

According to Holmes, Canadians pay increased taxes and prices for consumer goods amounting to as much as $20 billion a year as a result of white-collar crime. American statistics show that white-collar and corporate crime accounts for $10 for every one dollar lost to robbery, burglary, larceny and auto theft combined. If this 10 to 1 ratio applies to Canada, Freeman and Forcese estimate that corporate crime costs Canadians about $30 billion a year.

It is important to note that a small group of offenders can create large dollar losses. One study found that 27 white-collar offenders were responsible for dollar losses in the amount of $2,494,309 (Crofts, 2003). Each offender stole an average of $95,935. Other studies have also found large dollar losses as a central feature of white-collar crimes (Wheeler, Weisburd, & Bode, 1988). In fact, Sutherland (1949) argued that white-collar crimes cost several times more than street crimes in terms of financial losses. While his estimate may be a little dated, the fact remains that a white-collar crime will likely cause larger dollar losses to victims than a street crime would.

There are hundreds of more examples, here are three:

Liberal Gas Plant Scandal (billions passed onto taxpayers):

Conservative F 35 Jet Scandal (billions passed onto taxpayers):

NDP mail-outs (millions passed onto taxpayers):


May 13, 2011
He consistantly disrespects and accuses others terb members of being "malicious" spreading lies and he gives little back to the community. This is called the toronto escort review board. When has he contributed a review. Please tell me this?

In his post above he is generalizing people and their race and this is very arrogant and holds racist remarks and is walking on very slippery ice when makes such disrespectful statements.

Tell me when was the was time he actually reviewed an SP, MPA or stripper? When was the last time he actually contributed psoitively to this community rather then make generalizations, accusations, and display troll and racist tendancies. He said himself you have to earn my respect in one of his other posts.

He consistantly disrespects people, generalizes spreads lies and makes accusations. I am simply replying to his past statements and his statement in this thread.

All that is said above is contained in his own words and in previous posts and we the terb community should not be subjected to this disrespect.

At least two people on this thread are taking offence to his statement about "black people".

My issue is with his consistant disrespect for people and this community.

A personal attack to him doesn't make your position look stronger - just weaker. So, what is the point?

You haven't 'disproved' his points - many of which research supports. For example:

There are hundreds of more examples, here are three:

Liberal Gas Plant Scandal (billions passed onto taxpayers):

Conservative F 35 Jet Scandal (billions passed onto taxpayers):

NDP mail-outs (millions passed onto taxpayers):


New member
Oct 11, 2013
He consistantly disrespects and accuses others terb members of being "malicious" spreading lies and he gives little back to the community. This is called the toronto escort review board. When has he contributed a review. Please tell me this?

In his post above he is generalizing people and their race and this is very arrogant and holds racist remarks and is walking on very slippery ice when makes such disrespectful statements.

Tell me when was the was time he actually reviewed an SP, MPA or stripper? When was the last time he actually contributed psoitively to this community rather then make generalizations, accusations, and display troll and racist tendancies. He said himself you have to earn my respect in one of his other posts.

He consistantly disrespects people, generalizes spreads lies and makes accusations. I am simply replying to his past statements and his statement in this thread.

All that is said above is contained in his own words and in previous posts and we the terb community should not be subjected to this disrespect.

At least two people on this thread are taking offence to his statement about "black people".

My issue is with his consistant disrespect for people and this community.
My question was more of a metaphysical, reflective thing than anything. If someone violates the board rules, then report the post, if you might be offended by it. It's up to them to make those kinds of decisions. There is also the option to ignore a user.

About the metaphysical part, this is just junk we're all writing on one very small part of the internet. As I'm sure you realize, people don't always behave or say things that are positive. No point in getting riled up about it - it's just the internet.

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