C36 will give MPAs & SPs an upperhand in blackmailing 'clients'


New member
Dec 19, 2012
There have been incidents where a relationship between a SP and client turns sour and the SP threatening to black mail and expose the client in retributions. With this new law, this puts the client in a very difficult predicament, either pay the demands of the SP or face criminal charges as a sex offender. Some girls that put themselves on the market only do so for the intent of finding a victim ie. sugar daddy example. I wouldn't be surprised if more girls found this law as an easy loop hole to make a quick buck. Thoughts?


Come on, here we are as sex workers amidst a national fight against these laws (through thousands of dollar spent & hundreds of man-hours spent) and you want to act like this? How about stopping the divide & negativity. Its not us Vs you!!!!

You guys are making me so angry. Honestly, if it weren't for the sex workers & lovely clients, this fight wouldn't be happening.

How is this post helping defeat this bad law?

Aim your energies with us. Join the fight. Stop fighting the people working so damn hard to protect you!!!!!!!


New member
Apr 7, 2008
Come on, here we are as sex workers amidst a national fight against these laws (through thousands of dollar spent & hundreds of man-hours spent) and you want to act like this? How about stopping the divide & negativity. Its not us Vs you!!!!

You guys are making me so angry. Honestly, if it weren't for the sex workers & lovely clients, this fight wouldn't be happening.

How is this post helping defeat this bad law?

Aim your energies with us. Join the fight. Stop fighting the people working so damn hard to protect you!!!!!!!
He does have a point. Yes the majority of the MPA's and SP's are on the good side of the coin but we do have pimps, traffickers, etc, involved in the business who are not the most savory of characters. If such a character is prepared to force a lady into prostitution what is going to stop that character from reaching for more cash through blackmail.

The knowledge of that being possible is essential when it comes to choosing who to see. In the future I would restrict my choice to well known MP and well reviewed SP if not going so far as to restricting any activity to people I already know.


Tamil and proud
May 12, 2014
Just go and see reputable and well regarded entertainment agencies and independents.

Especially those that have their own tasteful websites.


I saw this post too... such a negative way to look at things. I mean really, we have been opening our doors, and our legs, to strangers for years, and you have the nerve to react like this and assume such nasty things about us? We've trusted you. Where is your trust for us?

Sad and disappointed.
Here here!


Mar 31, 2009
I think men face greater risks from civilian women. For example, A friend of mine got hauled in front of the biased HRC because a jealous fellow co-worker (female) accused him of sexual harassment. It almost ruin his career and life.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
I think that, while the OP's point is valid and is a real concern for TOFTT guys, the suggestion to only see well reviewed legit ladies can mitigate the risk.

But the risk is still there.

Ladies: we do truly appreciate everything that you have done in the past and currently to fight the new reality, but remember the client's perspective too. From a criminal record and prosecution perspective, it is the client that had a larger risk under the new lae, IMHO.

We are understandably trying to figure out the new reality as much as, if not more than the ladies.

We still love ya! Be patient with us though.


New member
Dec 19, 2012
Come on, here we are as sex workers amidst a national fight against these laws (through thousands of dollar spent & hundreds of man-hours spent) and you want to act like this? How about stopping the divide & negativity. Its not us Vs you!!!!

You guys are making me so angry. Honestly, if it weren't for the sex workers & lovely clients, this fight wouldn't be happening.

How is this post helping defeat this bad law?

Aim your energies with us. Join the fight. Stop fighting the people working so damn hard to protect you!!!!!!!
This post was not to express negativity but yet awareness. I don't doubt that you among the many others have good intentions. I am referring to the 'bad apples' that take advantage of their client even before C36. This bill shields their safety and puts them in powerful position should they choose to abuse it.


New member
Dec 19, 2012
That's an unfortunate thing to have to read this morning. Especially when we're all still reeling form the reality.

I really can't see how this could be a serious issue but if it's truly a concern.

First, this is our livelihood. Doing something like this would kill our business first and foremost. Confidentiality is second only to safety in my experience in this industry.

But mostly it's just sad that you think, or perhaps have had experiences that have lead you to think, this way. Hopefully you will across an SP/MPA who can remind you that those negatives are the rare exception and not the rule.

I understand and appreciate that this is your lively hood but for an opportunist, they see a potential to extort money. As Mcfly said, it may be best to stick with legit ladies to minimize risk.


New member
Dec 19, 2012


May 13, 2011
Her offense would be more severe then yours in our legal system. Extortion is a serious offence and she will be in a lot greater legal problem then you. Don't forget Ontario's justice system union is publically against unconstitutional c36 and supports decriminalization of sex.

If somebody is trying to extort you, your best bet is to go to the police right away regardless if the person is a sex worker or a work colleague or somebody else. This is very bad.

Can anybody with some legal expertise comment on this.




Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Come on, here we are as sex workers amidst a national fight against these laws (through thousands of dollar spent & hundreds of man-hours spent) and you want to act like this? How about stopping the divide & negativity. Its not us Vs you!!!!

You guys are making me so angry. Honestly, if it weren't for the sex workers & lovely clients, this fight wouldn't be happening.

How is this post helping defeat this bad law?

Aim your energies with us. Join the fight. Stop fighting the people working so damn hard to protect you!!!!!!!
Why are you so angry read his post its clear he says "some girls"
"Some girls that put themselves on the market only do so for the intent of finding a victim ie. sugar daddy example. I wouldn't be surprised if more girls found this law as an easy loop hole to make a quick buck. Thoughts? "

It's clear he is not talking about reliable providers wheter SP's or MP's. I suspect this would be happening too specially with some girls trying to make a quick buck, and girls who are in this industry for the wrong reasons. Even prior to these laws there have been cases where people were extorted and the way the new laws are set up are a way that makes it easier FOR THE BAD APPLES (SP'S, MP'S) to get away with this.

Unfortunately just like the girls have to be more discreet about how they book clients, gentleman have to be more discreet about booking providers too.
Some useful tips for guys are
-Never use your main number
-Never provide your real name
-Never provide your work info and if they do ask make something up
-Never ever ever provide your home address or do outcalls to home


May 13, 2011
I fear you may be right. Not the fear that sex workers will use this against clients but people in general. Such as coworkers fucking is behind the scenes, the exchange of gifts or promotions, or sugar daddy with civie sugar baby etc. ..Actually this is another loophole and negative side effect that c36 will enable. Now that you look at it c36 is quite evil and unethical. I can't see any good out of this bill.

Why are you so angry read his post its clear he says "some girls"
"Some girls that put themselves on the market only do so for the intent of finding a victim ie. sugar daddy example. I wouldn't be surprised if more girls found this law as an easy loop hole to make a quick buck. Thoughts? "
It's clear he is not talking about reliable providers wheter SP's or MP's. I suspect this would be happening too specially with some girls trying to make a quick buck, and girls who are in this industry for the wrong reasons. Even prior to these laws there have been cases where people were extorted and the way the new laws are set up are a way that makes it easier FOR THE BAD APPLES (SP'S, MP'S) to get away with this.
Unfortunately just like the girls have to be more discreet about how they book clients, gentleman have to be more discreet about booking providers too.
Some useful tips for guys are
-Never use your main number
-Never provide your real name
-Never provide your work info and if they do ask make something up
-Never ever ever provide your home address or do outcalls to home


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Extortion is a crime, just like obtaining sex for a consideration. Invite her down to the cop shop to turn you in. Or pick smarter partners, or stay on the right side of the law.

God dearly loves stupidity, paranoia and foolishness doesn't she?


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
Her offense would be more severe then yours in our legal system. Extortion is a serious offence and she will be in a lot greater legal problem then you. Don't forget Ontario's justice system union is publically against unconstitutional c36 and supports decriminalization of sex.

If somebody is trying to extort you, your best bet is to go to the police right away regardless if the person is a sex worker or a work colleague or somebody else. This is very bad.

Can anybody with some legal expertise comment on this.


While extortion is a serious offense what a sex offender could face is quite greater, I think a lot of guys who hobby are married with wifes or have SO's and to be able to afford a hobby like this you must have a good paying job to be able to sustain staying in this lifestyle.

Being a convicted offender, having your loved ones finding out about your hobbying, and having your company or your clients (if S/E) find out about your offense could be greater risk both financially, and mentally.


No Regrets
Nov 27, 2012


Apr 20, 2013
While extortion is a serious offense what a sex offender could face is quite greater, I think a lot of guys who hobby are married with wifes or have SO's and to be able to afford a hobby like this you must have a good paying job to be able to sustain staying in this lifestyle.

Being a convicted offender, having your loved ones finding out about your hobbying, and having your company or your clients (if S/E) find out about your offense could be greater risk both financially, and mentally.
This seems to be the right answer. If it is found that a girl is simply using this law as a way to extort, the law won't overlook that. Especially if the girl is generally doing ok in life and sought the sugar daddy or client in the first place and if there is some reasonable evidence that initially, all was good and then randomly the girl states she will "tell or else". The bill is meant to protect victims, not for pretend victims to be able to screw over someone's life in an entrapment of sorts.

The main disadvantage to the guy is that it could seep into his personal life.


New member
May 16, 2003
People actually share real personal info and phone numbers with SPs? OK.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
One thing all parties (providers, clients, agency or massage parlour owners) have to understand is that with the new laws there is going to be a lot more bad apples in all parts of the industry.

Just as much as there are going to be more working girls trying to scam, there are also going to be more clients wasting providers time, and also there are going to be more unscrupulous agencies trying to make a quick buck.

All parties like this should be identified (wheter by reviews or PM) so all reliable providers, clients or agencies can distant themselves and not waste time or money on them. This will not be a sure way to get rid of the time wasters in all parts of the industry but is a way to make it more reliable in the long run.
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