Bad experience - Paradise SPA & Tanning


New member
May 31, 2013
I usually like that place, but this is the 3rd incident in the last 12 months ... not a good average. This time I called and asked for a specific MP. Once onsite, mix up happen (apparently sent my MP to the wrong client) and they sent me another girl. I politely mention I asked for someone else, the same MP (not the one I asked for) comes back and ask if she would be "ok" for me? I am sorry, but I was not born an asshole and I might be stupid, but it is not pleasant to tell a MP she is not "ok" in those conditions, aka already paid and already naked out there. By the way, if I wanted to do B&S, then I would wait until someone walks in, pre-pay, get naked and then I would do it ... I know this was not B&S, but really felt like it.

Back to my story... the replacement MP walks out, I assumed to confirm to the receptionist, 2 mins later I hear a knock on the door. Assuming it is the MP coming back, I say "come in" ... another girl (which was at the reception as I walked in) comes in to takes towels and leaves ... WTF is going on! The "replacement MP" eventually came back and was a pro and even if felt rushed (maybe she was double booked tight), I have nothing to say against her. However, the overall experience sucked. I paid for 60 mins, barely stayed 40 mins on premise, including the imbroglio, before being politely shown the door. I am not sure the MP replacement was informed I paid the full hour, but I was not going to beg to get my money worth of time. So I paid for 60 mins, got at best 25 mins of good time and the whole thing felt like hours in the making ... left the place pissed-off and angry, not relaxed at all.

This is not a cheap hobby and my time is money as well. I took the time to call and make a clear request before driving there, I arrive 5 mins early (mindful of everyone's time), yet it looks like it is not taken seriously from a business stand point. It is sad as I really like their rooms and how clean it is, but I feel like I am being robbed every time something like this happens. Any recommendation on other "classy locations" located in the West? Privacy and quality are what I am looking for.

I will miss Mandy, Kandice and Azaria, but I am done for now.


Active member
Jul 30, 2008
yeah whoever does the scheduling really needs to get their act together. I don't think my session has ever started on time. I swear she just randomly books people and hopes for the best lol (although I am sure this is not the case).


Jun 27, 2006
As Jabba says, talk with Angie. This kind of stuff is bound to happen occasionally but you seem to have had more than your share!! I'm sure Angie will make it right and do her best to correct whatever is causing this problem.


Student of the master
Mar 20, 2006
You admit your pissed off and angry and thought it would be a good idea to sabotage our business online!
How is this sabotaging your business? This kind of report is something that members of terb would want to be aware of.

OP isn't out spreading misinformation about your business or even complaining about the quality of the session he did get.

Capital Amatuer

Well-known member
Sep 2, 2004
Reading the OP's post and Angie's response makes me think the OP might be a little high-maintenance. But there's always three sides to any story !
I've visited Paradise twice. I think it's an excellent establishment and wonderful staff, but it's not for me. I didn't write or post anything because it just wasn't for me.
Just saying...


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012

But being an outside observer, it seems appropriate.

Yes, a business wants repeat clientele, however, there are limits.

I'm really not taking sides, just making an observation. As mentioned, there are 3 sides to every story!


New member
May 7, 2012
Understandable that P/At would've preferred to have dealt with the OP directly with his complaint, but it does not mean that the events did not occur.

Probably the best result has been achieved with this mutual decision with ZM99 "done for now" , and P/At , politely, asking him to hobby elsewhere.

As for P/At, I have enjoyed my experiences there, and I am very excited to see Lany is back...she is a s sexy as a woman can be in my experience...


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
Let's not get carried away. We want people to review, he posted a review, so please stop assuming he was an asshole. If this behaviour continues people will stop reviewing and we will end up being like the rosy board, full of BS reviews. The poster said he paid for 60' and he got 40'. That is not fair and if Angie wants to ignore that, that's her business. But please stop accusing reviewers.


New member
May 31, 2013
While I appreciate your comment, some details might be lost on me and/or on you as I do not have your contact information. If that was given to me at some point, and do not remember it and it would be long gone as I do not store any information of that kind any anywhere for obvious privacy reasons. This is a hobby and I want to enjoy it when I feel like it, not focus on the rest of the time.

The point is, when you publish a schedule and ask people to call to set an appointment, I typically expect the service to match the appointment. My problem is calling, making a specific appointment which is taking a name and a time. I did point out issues in the past regarding that. Snafu happens and I would not make a post for a "one of". I usually call before driving to valid it is still on (girl might be off, problem, whatever) and that's part of every service business. I never posted when an appointment got cancelled, I was actually happy to know about it in advance. My expectations are not unusual, I see this as fairly basic. Please try avoid picturing me as too demanding. Others might be experiencing the same and I am sure would appreciate to read they are not alone (while it gives you a sense of what's happening). The omerta does not help anyone here.

This is not the first time it happened and I shared that with you. Each time you politely apologized, but let's be clear, no favor was done to me, I never got any money back or special treatment of any kind. You simply replied to my feedback with an apology/explanation. I spent the money. Was I ever impolite or did I ever replied not being understanding ... I do not think so. Again, we never spoke and all you did for me was sending 4-5 messages over a couple of years ... is that being high maintenance?

I tend to believe I am doing this in a fair manner. Readers of this board expect to get others views/experience, not marketing. This is not an advertiser board ... I posted public positive feedback on your establishment, numerous time sent recommendations thru private messages and shared only two negatives. Even in this post I took the time to point out the replacement MP was good (and I excused her for potentially not knowing the time I paid for), I mentioned your establishment was clean and the rooms nice. Look at the big picture.

I am sad to see you react like this, yet I was not expecting you to thank me for the post. I respect the fact it is a demanding business and reputation matters. As I mentioned it previously, I did not say never again, as said "for now".


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
Well, reading what ZMachine wrote, I think it's well written, reasoned and fair.

Definitely an overreaction from Angie...way over the top..not a very good business model.
Agreed and I am deleting my previous posts....and will follow-up with OP and reply appropriately shortly when I have some time.

Well, reading what ZMachine wrote, I think it's well written, reasoned and fair.

Definitely an overreaction from Angie...way over the top..not a very good business model.


New member
May 31, 2013
It looks like there was quite a bit of confusion on my identity.

I want to point out that Angie realized it and was true to her reputation of someone who cares and reached out to discuss the incident. I appreciated the gesture, but ended up deciding not talk with Angie as this is behind me and the feedback go communicated here anyway. I am not ruling out visiting PST again once time allows me to hobby again.

This is all about the business and I will not blame Angie for her engagement and her passion in her business. I am all about the business, yet cautious to get the most bang for the bucks. I have been a satisfied customer at Angie's establishment, happily spending a few thousands/year there. I am confident that Angie's passion, clearly demonstrated in this thread (even if targeted at me), is sufficient for me to say PST will remain a destination for me in the future.
Thanks for your reply ....please check your PM's ...sorry for the delay in my reply! Angie

It looks like there was quite a bit of confusion on my identity.

I want to point out that Angie realized it and was true to her reputation of someone who cares and reached out to discuss the incident. I appreciated the gesture, but ended up deciding not talk with Angie as this is behind me and the feedback go communicated here anyway. I am not ruling out visiting PST again once time allows me to hobby again.

This is all about the business and I will not blame Angie for her engagement and her passion in her business. I am all about the business, yet cautious to get the most bang for the bucks. I have been a satisfied customer at Angie's establishment, happily spending a few thousands/year there. I am confident that Angie's passion, clearly demonstrated in this thread (even if targeted at me), is sufficient for me to say PST will remain a destination for me in the future.


Active member
Jul 8, 2011
it looks like there was quite a bit of confusion on my identity.

I want to point out that angie realized it and was true to her reputation of someone who cares and reached out to discuss the incident. I appreciated the gesture, but ended up deciding not talk with angie as this is behind me and the feedback go communicated here anyway. I am not ruling out visiting pst again once time allows me to hobby again.

This is all about the business and i will not blame angie for her engagement and her passion in her business. I am all about the business, yet cautious to get the most bang for the bucks. I have been a satisfied customer at angie's establishment, happily spending a few thousands/year there. I am confident that angie's passion, clearly demonstrated in this thread (even if targeted at me), is sufficient for me to say pst will remain a destination for me in the future.
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