
UK Pedophiles: Too Many To Prosecute


Jun 14, 2008
They need to adjust the laws to make possession and access of child porn a summary offense then if it is impractical to run full criminal trials for all of them.

If the police can prove possession on the pervert's computer or access was made via same, then summary conviction/accelerated very basic trial like traffic tickets to get them through quickly. As a consequence, they would have to generally lower the possible penalties associated but even if they dropped it to a $5 fine, the point is to get a conviction on record for a sexual offense, and thereby put the on the offender list and fuck their lives completely up.

Throwing up their hands and refusing to even attempt to prosecute child porn collectors is disgraceful.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
Too easy to set someone up by putting child porn on their computer.

If you're going to have due process, you can't pick and choose when to apply it. Traffic tickets are chicken shit. Becoming a convicted sex offender is serious stuff.
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