Serenity now! *insert George Costanza accent here*now THAT'S trolling! you completely ignored both my giving you the benefit of the doubt, and my valuable information....(you're welcome btw)... and cut straight to the defensive.
Seriously? You come on an forum about sex ask what a clitoris is and expect people not to think you're trolling? That's like asking what the reel is for on a fishing chat forum.
One could also have assumed you were too young to be here, if that's the case you should log off immediately.
Giving someone a compliment in the same sentence that you insult them (a backhanded compliment ) - is not something I'll thank you for giving. You needn't concern yourself at all with my participation on this forum. If a moderator or Fred has something they wish to raise with me, I'm sure they can do so on their own volition.
:rofl:No need to be so sensitive. Pun intended.