Who will you vote for in 2014 Toronto mayoral election??

Who gets your vote for 2014 Toronto mayor?

  • John Tory

    Votes: 47 45.6%
  • Doug Ford

    Votes: 27 26.2%
  • Olivia Chow

    Votes: 21 20.4%
  • I won't be voting

    Votes: 8 7.8%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
If only the majority of society was as keen at fulfilling their civic duty as Terbites. We'd have an 88% turnout rate! :rolleyes:

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
Council is working fine now without a mayor, we are coasting along.
True, not having a leader would probably get the right transit in place as well. Maybe we should leave planning to the planners and not be guided by morons drawing fantasy subway lines and jerking off to giant ferris wheels or NFL stadiums.


New member
Oct 11, 2013
True, not having a leader would probably get the right transit in place as well. Maybe we should leave planning to the planners and not be guided by morons drawing fantasy subway lines and jerking off to giant ferris wheels or NFL stadiums.
I give you Charles Huang. He's probably worse than Rob Ford.

Enjoy. Please send thanks and well wishes to my inbox.



Sep 30, 2008
Who gets your vote when Toronto mayoral election are held Oct. 27th??

I'm going with Tory. He seems to be the "least worst" candidate.
I like Doug Ford too, but he'll just wind up fighting with everyone and no work will get done
Doug Ford won't get any funding from Kathleen Wynne that's for sure. After what he said about her in the media. First Doug has to recognize and acknowledge her as an elected official, if he can't do that then forget being Mayor Of Toronto.


New member
Sep 5, 2005
This election I'm voting with my business interests. Despite my personal belief/values/needs.

Sadly, Ford presents the best option. For that reason only.

I sincerely wish the next election I'm not in such a circumstance & can vote based on what best suits all aspects of my life.

What are each of the mayoral candidates positions on the adult industry?
It's not usually a topic of conversation, so I have no idea!


New member
Sep 5, 2005
I saw this on Twitter a couple of weeks ago, I think it sums up the general mood of most people on here (and probably most of Toronto as well):

Pretty much!


Casual Observer
Jan 2, 2008
You need another polling option: "can't".

I live in a city that doesn't have a buffoon for a mayor (there are a few cities out there), so I don't get to participate in your circus.

Your mayor should be someone with a vision, someone who can articulate that vision without buffoonery, bullying or bluster, and can persuade a majority of their council colleagues to buy into that vision. These people do exist - look at Calgary for one example.

Toronto is supposedly a world-class city. You would think/hope its citizenry would have higher expectations of their civic leaders. Now is a good time to raise that bar.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
Tory is all about compromise, would rather have someone like Doug who will fight to stop things like road tolls (Tory supported), bag taxes, etc. Tory has said we should have been building subways over the last 20 years, but has compromised by proposing running above ground trains down the middle of streets like Eglinton.
I agree with you in that Tory can be somewhat spineless at times. But in order for a city to function you need compromise and broad based solutions. Doug Ford is just an angry guy and it would lead to 4 more years of bickering, hostility and a dysfunctional council. We're tired of that.


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2013
Surprised Doug Ford's lingerie football star daughter isn't running for anything. She looks like a good fuck but she's certainly not the best looking daughter.


New member
Oct 11, 2013
The things people will do for fame? Rob Ford was better at it though.
I wonder how many people will actually vote for him. There are a lot of 'fringe' candidates in this election. Reading some plans is a good way to get laughs.


Active member
Jun 19, 2012
If I may add. The least intelligent, trustworthy, informed, likeable, suitable, on and on and on. She just wants to get elected. What a disaster Toronto would be.
You mean more than it is now under Ford? Is that possible? He's turned Toronto into a laughing stock and his brother is a bully just like he is. He won't get any co-operation from Council either.


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
John tory is going to sell us out to his buddies and they will pry more money from our pockets by selling public businesses to private corps. Tory is a thief in a suit.
What has Tory stolen in the past? Just because dog and his sick bro say things it doesn't make them true.

Don't let the facts get in the way of a good story.


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
Cow resigned a perfectly good MP seat in Ottawa to run for mayor of Toronto. If Jack were alive she would still be Ottawa.
She seems to be a total dimwit, I find it a real head-scratcher that she has been elected 10 times.

OCd has run a lame ass campaign and has only the support of the die hard left. She will loose the election, collect her federal and muni pensions and still live in a subsidized building at St. George and College.

Good country this Canada!


Apr 4, 2011
What I find most interesting about this thread is even with the small sample size the results still match with the recent general polls posted in the media.


Jan 31, 2005
Tory is a loser. Wish someone like Greg Sorbara joined he race.
This is another race like the Ontario election, where it is a question of picking the least bad. Least bad is either Tory or Chow, depending on your political leanings, and my sense is that most people lean more to the right or center right than the left -- so it'll be Tory.

While there are certainly lots of ways to criticize either Tory or Chow, they are not liars or bullies with a history of dealing drugs and proposing cockamanie, disastrous policies. We also don't need any more transit cancellations, we need someone somewhere to finally do something -- what I like most about Tory is that he's mostly going to stay the course, do the the stuff that is already in flight, instead of trying to score political points by cancelling it for a photo op that in reality will cost the city hundreds of millions of dollars.

Whatever you think of the current transit plans, from the in flight LRT projects, to the in flight subway project, the decisions have been made and cancelling ANYTHING now will be a huge mistake. Whichever might have been the best decision in the past, the best decision now is to follow through and deliver on what was started. I don't much like the subway in scarborough, and you probably don't much like the LRT's, but in both cases we're committed now and cancelling will cost far more than the relative merits of one solution over another.

Tory will be a boring manager who will just get a lot of stuff done and settle the city's affairs in a way that will allow for hopefully a more visionary candidate to come along in 4 years and build on something, instead of tearing down the last guy's stuff.
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