What gets mentioned more, jews or (the references to the Jews' evil plot to take over the world)?
It's a simple question.
Since I don't think you understand what "Zionism" means in the Hamas charter, I fixed your quote for you.
As for your question, I'm willing to acknowledge there are more references to the Jews' evil plot to take over the world.
I'm not sure what you think that proves. It's all Jew hatred.
So you finally concede that you don't have a shred of evidence to support your claim that he was stating this to be his beliefs.
On the contrary.
The evidence that Hamdan was promoting Jew hatred is overwhelming. Irrefutable, in fact.
And I might remind you that Hamdan was given more than six minutes on CNN to answer the question about whether or not he believes in the blood libel. He refused to retract it.
Similarly, you and Groggy have been offered numerous opportunities to provide an example of the type of context that might legitimize Hamdan's comments. Between the two of you, you came up with absolutely nothing.