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Passengers that get angry when you recline your seats: rant


Jan 4, 2005

On at least four occasions, once in a plane, and several times on a bus, I tried to recline my seat. The person behind me complained, saying that they didn't feel comfortable, and told me to put my seat back up. I complied the first few times, but on the latest occasion, I got into an argument. Every single time it was a woman who complained.

I don't understand how these people have the nerve to complain. Meanwhile, they are reclining their own seats (I checked). What's wrong with people?


Jan 22, 2004
What's wrong is the average person size has gone up (height too) and the average space in economy class has gone down. People want cheap fares and are willing to suffer for them. American Airlines tried a "more room in coach" campaign and it did not stop people from buying cheaper, smaller seats on other airlines so it has now been phased out. Even Air Canada's new Boeing 777 has one extra seat per row as previous versions of aircraft the same width. This is why you also see a new trend of premium economy seating being sold on international routes for people willing to pay a premium for more room (usually 50%) rather than paying 400% more for International Business Class.


Active member
Jun 5, 2009
If the complainer has her seat reclined, don't let her tell you not to recline yours. The audacity of some people..


New member
Mar 28, 2004
Its fun reading the comments on all the stories about this, this past week. The seats are made to recline, so recline them to your heart's content. Seats must be upright for takeoff, landing, and during meals. At all other times, they are made to recline..... Despite the differences of opinions (and I've found that most of the comments have been against reclining - although that's not a scientific representation of the flying population's opinion), its notable that the airlines side with recliners, and mostly prohibit the knee blockers. So, frankly that answers that question - the vendor supports reclining.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2004
Two main drivers - tall people crammed into smaller and smaller seats, and people trying to work on laptops. They just don't have enough space.

My opinion is those passengers should spring for the premium economy seats to get the leg room and space. Took one to Europe recently - not as nice as the business class sleeping pods obviously, but lots of room to lean back and sleep, or work as needed.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Tell them you paid for it and will recline it, if they want more legroom they can pay for a business class upgrade


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
Bit of courtesy goes a long way. My beef is with the assholes who recline the seat to its fullest, in one motion, with no warning or apology.


New member
Sep 18, 2002
Just tell them to take it up with the airline. I always go by halves. I do halfway then a little while later I do the other half. I personally don't like people who put their seat fully back right away. It takes some time to settle in and with a seat right in your face from the get go it makes settling in that much harder. After 15-20 minutes once I am settled in I really don't mind it if someone puts the seat back.


Stiff Member
Aug 25, 2001
Western Canada
Book bulkhead rows. Even better, fly business class. If you have to be in the back, exit rows. I have told my boss as a bigger guy, unless I am upfront, there's no work getting done on the plane. The person in front of me reclines and you simply cannot fit a laptop on the tray table. 95% of people are understanding. the other 5% need a drink spilled on them, or the seat kicked, or their hair leaned on while you are standing up to go piss. Then they start getting the message.

Viggo Rasmussen

New member
Feb 5, 2010
Stinkynuts, grow your fingernails long and keep them sharp.
Next women that bitches you out on the bus or plane gets a quick swipe across her cheek!


Unoffical Capital One rep
Mar 2, 2002
Mirror Universe
I don't understand how these people have the nerve to complain. Meanwhile, they are reclining their own seats (I checked). What's wrong with people?
If the complainer has her seat reclined, don't let her tell you not to recline yours. The audacity of some people..
Maybe the person behind them is okay with that person's seat being reclined. That's life. I've been in school with people who basically coast through school and have better lives than me, it's not fair, but I learn to accept it and try to move on ... kind of ... fuck, cock, dumbshit, mother fucker, dammit.

I will admit, I am not a tall person so don't get the same discomfort as my tall brothers do, but that does not mean I don't feel your pain.

I do not travel via planes, but have taken a number of chartered buses in my time. I've always checked with the person behind to see if it's okay with them before I recline. A little tip, on some buses there is a sweet spot (seat) where you could recline your seat all the way back without having to worry about the person behind (in those situations I still check with the person behind out of courtesy).

I think airlines should either 1) take out a row or two of seats to give everyone more leg room and increase prices to make up the loss or 2) decrease the amount a seat can recline, if at all (and state that on the website).

But here's my question, what ever happen to common decency? I mean, so far of these reports, no one seemed to have asked the person behind them if it was okay. People always like to blame the younger generation, but it is the older generation (I belong to this generation) that seems to lack any manners, and they set the example for young-lings to follow. But I'm sure considering the number of flights that happen these are isolated incidents.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
But here's my question, what ever happen to common decency? I mean, so far of these reports, no one seemed to have asked the person behind them if it was okay. People always like to blame the younger generation, but it is the older generation (I belong to this generation) that seems to lack any manners, and they set the example for young-lings to follow. But I'm sure considering the number of flights that happen these are isolated incidents.
So I ask the person behind me out of 'common decency' and they say no... so I have to spend the next 7 hours with my back hurting because the asshole behind me is finishing a spreadsheet or watching a movie on their laptop?


Active member
Mar 29, 2010
So I ask the person behind me out of 'common decency' and they say no... so I have to spend the next 7 hours with my back hurting because the asshole behind me is finishing a spreadsheet or watching a movie on their laptop?
So I would politely let them know I will be reclining my seat but only half way. I wouldn't ask but assume it is fine with them. And say it with a cheerful smile and don't wait for a response, turning back to my seat right away.


Apr 27, 2008
One of the last times I flew on a charter flight back from the Caribbean the seats were so close together my knees were touching the seat in front of me. I am 6'2", so not abnormally large. I just jammed my knees into the seat in front of me when the lady tried to recline her seat. I appoligized for her not being able to lower her seat but there was nothing I could do. I had an isle seat but it was cramped.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
If the complainer has her seat reclined, don't let her tell you not to recline yours. The audacity of some people..
And if they don't have their seat reclined, the position expressed in post #4 is also valid.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
So I would politely let them know I will be reclining my seat but only half way. I wouldn't ask but assume it is fine with them. And say it with a cheerful smile and don't wait for a response, turning back to my seat right away.
I would let you recline your seat fully, if I could join you somehow in that position.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
One of the last times I flew on a charter flight back from the Caribbean the seats were so close together my knees were touching the seat in front of me. I am 6'2", so not abnormally large. I just jammed my knees into the seat in front of me when the lady tried to recline her seat. I appoligized for her not being able to lower her seat but there was nothing I could do. I had an isle seat but it was cramped.
I hear ya. In that circumstance, I would trade seats with you, ha ha.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2005
How many decades have people flown on airlines with reclining seats, and seemingly with a semblance of civility and mutual respect. It's kinda worrisome that all of a sudden there is pattern of raging that seems to be trending. Are there simply more fucked up people with mental health issues who can't contain themselves, or alternately are some of these raging idiots delusionally thinking they have some sort of bonus rights and prerogative above and beyond other passengers.

I hope the next time I have to fly, I don't end up on a plane with some of these fuckturd trailer park folks.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
It's amazing how far good manners will go. It's a tight, crammed plane and y'all are stuck together. The most rude ones I find are the older, self entitled ones. From 60 yrs old and up who think their retirement travel gives them the right to be entitled. The young people I've no problem with, it's just the elderly who suddenly slam the chair back into your face.

That much said, it's also the airline plane that make a difference. Sunwing is the worst of the bunch. For those cattle cars of the sky bussing down tourists to Cuba in in the winter they squash the rows tighter to squeeze in an extra row. The worst of the domestics, I'm 5'11" and I have to twist my knees sideways to fit them in. Never again will I ever fly with them. Terrible airline
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