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Have you ever texted while driving?

Have you ever texted while driving?

  • Yes

    Votes: 38 56.7%
  • Yes, but only when my car is stopped at a light or when traffic isn't moving

    Votes: 8 11.9%
  • No

    Votes: 21 31.3%

  • Total voters


Into Ties and Tail
Aug 13, 2009
Durham & Toronto
No, and never will.

Mister K

25 Years and GOING STRONG
Nov 21, 2006
Southern Ontario
Time and place. Driving is NOT the time.

Remember back when things could wait until you got home? If something is SOOOOO important then they can call you and TALK to you (assuming that you, like me, have a handsfree device).

I've seen some really stupid stuff in the last few years, like people yacking on cellphone while backing out of parking space in a busy parking lot. I've had two accidents where drivers hit me and in one case I know the other party was on his cellphone and the second case there is no way the driver should have missed me. She rear-ended me while I was turning left. Fortunately I had about 10 witnesses, including a fire engine and fire crew. No one could see her, mainly because they were fixated on her truck running into my car, but given the circumstances it was probably a good bet that she was talking or texting, and not paying attention to the road.

That $1,000 fine can't come soon enough for me!

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Yeah, I admit it, but probably about twice in my life and it was stupid and I haven't in years and have no intention of again.

Equally as bad, trying to look up a number to dial while driving because my built in hands free is a piece of complicated SHIT.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Yes, always at a stop light, never while moving. Even if I fail to notice a green is coming on, which shouldn't happen so long as you look at the cross lights every few seconds, the most that could happen is you inconvenience those behind you. That's a better mistake to make than when you're moving and can kill someone.

And besides that, I've never missed the start of a green light. The problem with texting at a stop light is when people become so focused on their text that they neglect to check in on their surroundings frequently.


Well-known member
Jun 28, 2013
I have once or twice texted one word answers.. "Yes" "No" "Later" "Driving" etc.,... But I haven't for quite some time as it always feels so dangerous and stupid.


New member
Apr 18, 2012
Before the law came into effect, I was incredibly stupid and would surf the internet on my phone. It's a miracle I came out unscathed. Although, when I had the BlackBerry Pearl, I could type without looking at the phone (not a justification, just a fact).

Rarely use my phone while behind the wheel, but only during a red light.

Lily Divine

Short timer
Oct 14, 2013
I find the responses on the board very interesting considering most who respond are male I am down right shocked at how adamant so many are that people shouldn't text and drive.

You should see/hear the diatribe that often ensues if I can't/don't/won't reply due to driving and someone has to wait until I am not on the road for a response, or a call back. One "gentleman" sent 43 texts over the course of a 25 km drive. I told him I was getting into the vehicle to start driving, and I wouldn't be able to reply for a little while. He then sent 3 texts, waited 4 minutes and started with "Are you THERE?", and "WHY ARE YOU IGNORING ME!". Yikes!:Eek:


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
Yes, always at a stop light, never while moving. Even if I fail to notice a green is coming on, which shouldn't happen so long as you look at the cross lights every few seconds, the most that could happen is you inconvenience those behind you. That's a better mistake to make than when you're moving and can kill someone.

And besides that, I've never missed the start of a green light. The problem with texting at a stop light is when people become so focused on their text that they neglect to check in on their surroundings frequently.
Totally agree...

I'm all for nailing the ones who are texting/reading/sending emails while in motion but cut the ones who are doing it while stopped some slack. It's okay to reach into your glove box to get a CD, open the case, remove the other from the deck and insert the new one or pull out a pack of smokes and light up or adjust the balance, treble, bass or radio stations etc. all while stopped at a traffic light. But you pick up your phone to glance at while stopped, it's a $1000 fine and 3 demerit points. Ridiculous!
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