726,000 not a million but close enough. There were also a roughly equal number of Jews living in Arab countries that fled to Israel and had their homes and property confiscated by Arab states. For some reason we never hear about compensation for them...There is one million of arab refugees who left homes during the 1948 war.
What I pointed out above was that the Arabs were not forced out, they were not ethnically cleansed. They chose to leave. Those who chose to stay became full citizens of Israel with full equality.
Some Jewish terrorist groups like Irgun bear responsibility for a few hundred deaths, but that number and those events were relatively insignificant against the 726,000 who left.
However, the false propaganda that spread about massacres, with Deir Yassin being the kernel of truth in what overall was a propaganda lie, likely had a very significant impact on their decision to leave voluntarily.
What I was pointing out was that the fear mongering propaganda was spread by the Arab league itself out of the belief that Israel could be delegitimized if Arabs refused to accept Jewish rule. It was the Arab side that encouraged them to leave. (And honestly that is STILL their strategy, they STILL prevent Palestinian refugees from integrating into host countries because they STILL believe in this strategy, since 48 they have done this).
They were not ethnically cleansed, the proof of which is that those who opted to stay were well treated and are still there as full citizens.
The individuals who fled have not been allowed to return so far because they continue to state through their recognized representatives, the PLO, that they are at war with the State.Why their descendants aren't allowed to return but the descendants of the ones who left 2000 years ago are allowed.
As for their descendants, there is nothing in international law anywhere that would give the descendants of refugees immigration status in their parents former country.
And you continue to misrepresent Israel's preference for Jewish immigrants as a right of return, it isn't a right, it is an immigration category. Nations are entitled to decide what sort of immigrant they want to accept, immigration is a privilege, not a right. Israel could repeal that law if it decided it didn't want any more immigrants.