
Friends wife is an sp wtf???


New member
Feb 24, 2006
Browsing through BP and feeling horny. I am texting with a SP who had a pretty open menu and the pics were very nice(body only) Book an hour outcall to my hotel. She arrives and it is my friends wife--WTF? Paid our agreed upon price but she stayed for over 3 hours. I am now feeling very guilty since I will be seeing them today for fireworks. We did agree it would be our secret but she wants to see me again for an overnight this week.Need some advice from the Terbites---do I not say anything and not see her again? Do I do the overnight? I will never say anything to my friend because I feel he will find out from someone other than myself.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008


New member
Feb 24, 2006
shocking I know, but some of us are human, we have friends, and some of us have husbands.

If she's working regularly and doing overnights you can bet your ass her hubby knows what she's up to. Or he's dumber than a stump.

Mind your own business, not hers.
As I stated--I will never say anything.We will go with he is dumber than a stump. I am sure he has no idea


Aug 3, 2008
Any chance of a review in the members only section? PM a link please? Hard to find BP gems. Thanks.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
What a great "moral" quandry. It happens.

There is a certain delicious taboo to this. We all have had buddies wives we wanted to have a go with. I say go for it. And keep your damn mouth shut!


Well-known member
Stay the fuck away from her
My S/O and I did a swap with our best friends one night...
At the time it was awesome...but the whole situation was awkward the next morning...and from then on!
The whole night was never spoken of again but it was still awkward..
IMO...chalk it up to 1 night of W.T.H...and dont do it again..


New member
Feb 24, 2006
Stay the fuck away from her
My S/O and I did a swap with our best friends one night...
At the time it was awesome...but the whole situation was awkward the next morning...and from then on!
The whole night was never spoken of again but it was still awkward..
IMO...chalk it up to 1 night of W.T.H...and dont do it again..
This is exactly the way I am feeling now! I will post after I do the Canada Day celebrations with them tonight


Active member
Jan 1, 2006
This is exactly the way I am feeling now! I will post after I do the Canada Day celebrations with them tonight

If you believe he doesn't know and she lies to him, one day when he finds out, you don't want to be the target of his disappointment and anger. Plus, would you want something like this being done to you(if you're right in that he doesn't know).


Registered Supreme User
May 21, 2003
I though this july1st not april 1st

Browsing through BP and feeling horny. I am texting with a SP who had a pretty open menu and the pics were very nice(body only) Book an hour outcall to my hotel. She arrives and it is my friends wife--WTF? Paid our agreed upon price but she stayed for over 3 hours. I am now feeling very guilty since I will be seeing them today for fireworks. We did agree it would be our secret but she wants to see me again for an overnight this week.Need some advice from the Terbites---do I not say anything and not see her again? Do I do the overnight? I will never say anything to my friend because I feel he will find out from someone other than myself.
Jan 24, 2012
First it would be No risk to her that you give us link to who this is on Backpage....... since we don't know her or her husband. Just to make this tale a little more believable.

>>> 2) THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT...... will this fall into the zone of mutual attraction & thus soon an affair??? Ya see she WANTED an overnight. I gather since you know each other prior on a social level you guys are FRINDS. Soooooo if there is mutual physical & personal-friends ATTRACTION ...... that this will slip into an affair regardless of money involved.

>>>>3) If there is only attraction on your part then you will get into a mess & hurt. THIS IS VERY DIFFERENT than seeing an s.p. in a normal circumstance BECAUSE you 2 have had & likely will have non business social time together. I am FEELING in any scenario you are heading into a messy situation


New member
Sep 10, 2002
If the guy is really your friend you're screwing them both.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
This story seems like Bullshit to me.

In a city with 3 million people, you connect with your friends wife like that?

Let's say you did (not that I believe you for a second, but let's say your story is true)

You make arrangements to meet and SP and your friend's wife shows up. The correct course of action would have been "uh, this didn't happen, let's just both go our separate ways and never speak about it again"

Instead you allegedly fuck her. (Guess you never read Man Rule No. 1 - thou shalt not fuck thy buddy's woman). And not only do you fuck her, but you fuck her for 3 hours (this despite it was supposed to be a one hour get together (no doubt, she only charged you the hourly rate right? No, better yet, you were such an amazing lover that she waived her fee altogether. Most guys who just betrayed a friend would feels so guilty after blowing their load, that they would want it to end there. But not you, you want 3 hours (in for penny, in for a pound I suppose.) After all, she had been secretly lusting after you for all these years right. Ever since you were her husband's best man.)


Well-known member
Jun 20, 2013
She's not your friend's property. She can make her own decisions and live with the consequences. I think you're thinking to deeply here. She is making the advances and if you're satisfied with her service- go for it.
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