Men's rights group excluded from Toronto Pride parade


New member
Jan 28, 2014
Then leave and don't come back. All I have seen in this thread from you are insulting, demeaning and mean-spirited comments. We all know that you are the smartest entity in the room. However, all your comments (and especially the way they are presented) cannot change the views and beliefs that many straight men (not all of them are white) have.

This forum is here (supported by ads from businesses that most of us patronize) to allow an exchange of ideas. Your profanity laced replies say more about you than about the concern that the vast majority of us have with societal trends, including Bill C-36.

You are as intolerant as our Conservative federal government, just in a different way.

So to adopt your style, "Fuck off you arrogant fuck and shut the fuck up you little piece of shit." Adds a lot to the conversation, doesn't it?
One reply had profanity, and it had exactly one word of it. Your rhetoric fails. Besides, it's pretty hypocritical of you to tell me I'm not allowed to express my views because this is a place where everyone is free to express their views. If you disagree with me and want me to be quiet, just say so. And then just put me on ignore. Problem solved for you.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
Women in their 20's with no kids in the UK. Why didn't you pick a narrower demographic? What about women with kids? How does it all compare to men with kids? Do you women that are in a relationship compare? What if you just took SOHO? Maybe women there do even better?

I'm in Canada, I'm talking about in Canada. Here, men earn, on average, 15-20% more than women. And that's normalized, meaning taking into account factors like experience, education, time off, etc. If I recall, there has been a grand total of 1 study that says otherwise while dozens and dozens support the reality that men make more than women. The most eye-opening one I remember was done by examining gender inequality for post-MBA's, where it found that men were given better higher-rankings over women with no regard for how they finished in the course or what their grades were, and prior-experience didn't play a factor. At the end of an MBA, a woman can plan to make something like $4k/yr less than men to start, with a widening gap as time goes on.

Pretty much everywhere, the younger you are the closer the pay inequality is. In many places, entry level jobs are based on contracts. So it's no surprise women and men all hired under the same contract make the same wage. But then the men get promoted over the women, as people move forward, they transition into jobs where salaries aren't fixed but rather negotiated, and the pay inequality widens significantly.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
I believe that what ronzodd was saying is that the original struggles of the LGBT2QA community have been won and what is left is a corporate and tourist event. At one time the LGBTQ2A community was marginalized and criminalized and subject to action by the state against them based on consensual sex between adults. In Canada this is no longer the case. It may be true in other places around the globe but certainly not here. The event is not so much about securing rights, tolerance or acceptance in Canada but about consolidating political power and hosting an event where government and corporate interests can fawn over the LGBT2QA community. There is nothing wrong with that. This community has won the battles and the war.

To be sure there continues to be discrimination and closed mindedness on the part of some in the community. The point is that the state is not criminalizing or pursuing that community any longer for behaviour that was considered unacceptable and deviant in the not too distant past. The state protects the LGBT2QA community. What ronzodd was saying is that it is safe, profitable, and indeed trendy to support the event here in Toronto but not so much in Karachi or Kampala.

Contrast the Gay Pride parade to a John's Pride parade. The attacks would come from all quarters. We are the new reviled sexual deviants for wanting to pay for consensual sex between adults. It is our community that is facing repressive laws that criminalize the purchase of sexual services between consenting adults. We are the new gays (and by gays I mean the LGBT2QA community). We are the marginalized and criminalized group in society for the sole reason of our sexual preferences. We are in the closet, marginalized, reviled and now criminalized.

The point of this thread is that and many like it are that straight males (not all of us are white) who purchase sexual services from mainly women are the new underclass. While we may be successful and powerful, we cannot admit to most what we do or how we live based on our sexual preference. What we are feeling is that while societal trends have accepted almost every other sexual preference, ours is going in the opposite direction with the specter of probable criminalization.
I'll be sure to let my gay coworker know that he can come out now to his family and his bosses and jamestheother guarantees he won't face any negative repercussions for it.

I'll also be sure to let parliament know they phrased bill C36 wrong and it should specifically single out straight males because jamestheother says that's what's important.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
You are verbose.


Universities are dominated by women now. Every professional degree EXCEPT Engineering is female dominated. Medicine, law, commerce, nursing, most of the sciences are all dominated by young women. (And good for them. But it begs the question - why?)

As to sitting in on an Engineering class, I don't need to sit in. I was there for 7 years. What was interesting was the faculty of Engineering's drive to attract women and retain women in the program. (I did not see similar such programs aimed at attracting men nursing say (a traditional female program).

And just so we're clear, I don't have a problem with programs that promote women in University, or social programs that are aimed at helping women. (I don't think I posted that. I'm not one of those people who believe that one group succeeds only if another group fails, or that there is only so much pie to go around.)

What I said is that male bashing is OK in our society (and it is) and it needs to end and that nothing is being done to encourage young males like it is being done to encourage young females and that is not OK either.
Not except engineering... Anything technology related. Math, computer science, etc are all largely men. You also missed the fact this "domination" is only 6% different from the gender split in general society. You also ignored the point I made that trade schools are largely dominated by men which likely covers way more than that 6%. Then there are the fields that are extremely male dominated (and I'm talking 80%-90% men not the 58% you call "dominated" in university) like the oilfield services where men are making fantastic pay with no post-secondary education.

Like I said, men have more options than women, so it's not a surprise that roughly 6% more of them find something to do other than university.

You said you were in Engineering for 7 years, was it recently? Because if it wasn't, that really has no bearing on a discussion on the current status. And if it was, you know there aren't many women there. You've admitted it. Now head over to University of Waterloo and visit Computer Science, Math and Physics and tell me that they're "dominated" by women.

You say male bashing is ok, but you present movies, which is a genre that pokes fun at everyone, so you could argue that racism is ok because it happens it movies, or racial profiling, or any other controversial subject poked fun of in movies and tv. Young males have lots of encouragement. Encouragement in the form of jobs that welcome them with open arms even when women may be more qualified, and jobs that will promote them over women even if the woman is more deserving. The fact that men continue to dominate the upper echelons of management in both the public and private sector is evidence that men don't need any more help than they already get.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
So what? How is that calculated? How many women are stay at home mums? How many income split with husbands, how many receive child support and live off it or just to a part time job. Sorry the stats do not tell the whole story. Women have more opportunities then men now, its a fact. Get into the workplace and look around.
Sure. Tell me, is your CEO male or female? What about the CEO's of the companies you interact with daily? What percentage of upper management is women in your industry? Unless you work in education or nursing or one of the fields that have traditionally been viewed as "women's work", you can probably see that it's a sausage fest everywhere, despite all these "opportunities".

A common example that's given is police. Hiring quotas mean men can't get in, more particularly it's argued that white men are being stonewalled by hiring practices. Now go online and watch videos of classes graduating RCMP training and tell me, despite ALL the advantages and opportunities given to anyone other than white men, how the classes are still 70% white males?

Males get a ton of opportunities, they just aren't as advertised because males stumble into them automatically.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
Why are you making this connection? It's a false one. I'm about to be consigned by my government, if it gets its' way, to be destined to be alone forever. I don't see escorts because it gives me a sense of power or domination or whatever. I see escorts because I'm lonely and I miss a women's touch. This is almost like the all Johns are perverts line right of the Conservative playbook.
He never said it was you. You're the one making a connection that he never claimed. He said "many" and "a lot". I don't think his statement is wrong. If you don't fit in it, he obviously wasn't talking about you. I don't fit in his group, you don't see me getting bent out of shape about it.


New member
Dec 3, 2010
One reply had profanity, and it had exactly one word of it. Your rhetoric fails. Besides, it's pretty hypocritical of you to tell me I'm not allowed to express my views because this is a place where everyone is free to express their views. If you disagree with me and want me to be quiet, just say so. And then just put me on ignore. Problem solved for you.
I think the point is that this is a discussion board. We shouldn't be personally attacking one another. We're terbites. Brothers and sisters.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
Women make as much or more than men. They do in jolly old England and they do in the US and there is no reason not to expect the same in Canada.

That is if you compare equal work to equal work.
You put in the hours that men do. You actually stay in the work force continously as men do. You pick the sorts of dangerous jobs that men do etc.
The stats are clear. When you compare the never married and those who never had a child women actually make more.

However continue comparing the income of the guy who worked 40 years straight with 60 hour workweeks with the woman who takes several multi year mat leaves and actually wants a work life balance [which is a good thing]. Because that is completely fair and heaven forbid we hold women accountable for anything.
And of course we all know that women who sacrifice their careers for children and their husbands never ever get compensated in divorse courts.

Feminists and the manginas who support them love to fabricate evidence and misuse statistics to support the indefensable.

Much like above where a magina further above claims that women make up 52% of the population so having 58% of the university spots isn't far off.
1; 58 is more than 10% above 52 and would never be tolerated and was not tolerated when the genders were reversed
2: About 1.05 guys are born for every female. Women make 52% of the population because men die off earlier. No doubt because how the medical system is biased against women and their 7 times more funding for breast cancer over the equally leathal prostate cancer [sarcastic]. University students tend to be in their late teens early 20's where there are more guys. However again feminists and their uncle tims have a long history of twisting things.

It is getting so bad that although the law doesn't back them up universities are labeling men as rapists when while drunk they have sex with a drunk girl. Note that. Both people drunk. Girl expresses remose. Guy is a rapist but the girl isn't expected to have any responsbility in the mutral drunken act. Of course the real crime is that she has remose afterwords.

How about that slut shaming. A girl walks around with her tits hanging out or sleeps with a different guy every night and if you dare say a word you are slut shaming.
However women constantly bitch and complain about how guys are pigs and how we only want one thing. Unless that guy is considered desirable because of looks status wealth or charm in which case the panties drop. Of course when that one night stand doesn't repeat than he is the pig and the man slut not her as she crys to her friends about being used as a cum dumpster.

I walk in a ghetto wearing expensive shit and get mugged or murdered and everyone rightly says I fucked up. Nobody ever suggests that it is OK that it happened to me but they acknodlege that I did something really stupid and I did have a role to play in my misfortunes. Tell a girl that maybe she shouldn't drink so much that she makes out with another girl although she is straight and passes out drunk because some rapist might see an easy target and rape her and I'm the monster. I'm the one who gets shrill yells of "men shouldn;t rape" because of course saying somethign should be a certain way automatically changes reality to fit that world view. Men are expected to have reason and to be held accountable but not women.

It is much like the classical feminist line.

I am equal and hear me roar.
However if you want to hear me roar make sure that you take all the risk of rejection by approaching me and asking me out.
Make sure to make all the plans because heaven forbit I be required to think for myself or have an input in anything.
Of course you are paying. Oh wait. Even being a feminist I know that is fucked up. I know I'll tell people that the person asking should pay, it almost never happens but hey I am a woman and never held accountable for stupid shit I say.

In the UK, on average a woman earns 5,000 GBP less than men, and that number is growing. The younger they are, the more equal things are, but the older women get, the more the difference in pay between them and their male counterparts goes away. In the US, men make roughly 30% more than their female counterparts. In Canada, men make roughly 20% more. These are CONTROLLED figures, meaning they take into account things like maternity leave, and family status. That's already been counted for. And like the last guy, when you look at UNIVERSITY, you get a very narrow view of post-secondary education. Tradeschools have mostly men, and very few women are out in the oilfields working as roughnecks with a grade 8 education pulling in 6 figures a year. There are more opportunities for men, which is why there are less of them in the narrow post-secondary field of UNIVERSITY. In fact, even that statistic is only valid for UNDERGRADUATE UNIVERSITY. At the post-graduate level, women and men are practically even.

As for the putting some of the blame for rape on women... There's a good reason why it's so heavily frowned upon: roughly 60% of rapes aren't reported because the women is afraid of being told it's her fault. If 60% of muggings went unreported because people were afraid of coming forward, you might see the attitude towards that change too. Nonetheless, while someone might say, "Well that was a pretty stupid thing" to you after you did, you still would carry 0% of the responsibility. You wouldn't pay a "stupid tax" on recovered items (assuming they were recovered). It's pointed out that what you did was stupid, but you won't be blamed for it. Besides, the rape thing doesn't just affect women. It's equally bullshit to tell a guy who got drunk and passed out and raped by a gay man that he's partly to blame. That's not so much about women as it is about rape.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
I think the point is that this is a discussion board. We shouldn't be personally attacking one another. We're terbites. Brothers and sisters.
I didn't attack anyone specifically, I said I was disappointed, ashamed and used passionate language about it. I expressed my feelings, I didn't point at anyone.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
In the sixties and seventies a BA in anything pretty much meant a free pass to a lifelong corporate gig and a solid middle/upper-middle class lifestyle. Male students outnumbered females by over 2 to 1 in the sixties, 1.5 to 1 in the 70s, and by a significant margin right up through til the late 80s. Not a peep was heard about this disparity, and if anyone dared point it out, well, they musta been on the rag or summin. (amirite? high five, brah!) Now, university is no longer a ticket to much of anything has instead become a shitshow of substandard education and crippling debt. And yet, because a marginally higher percentage of women are enrolling in this increasingly worthless endeavour, you chicken littles whine like a bunch of bitches. No wonder y'all think feminists are entitled whiners. Project much, brah?

Here are two points of view held at the same time by too many people:

  • Over 95% of CEOs are men. What the fuck is wrong with those whiney feminazi bitches complaining about that shit?
  • A slightly higher percentage of women are enrolled in our universities. This is the end of the world as we know it!


New member
Jan 28, 2014
The stats usually presented [I think 77% is the number they use now] are NOT normalized. Also the stats in the US and based on what others have said in the UK says you are wrong. I can't see them being much different elsewhere in the anglosphere. It also jives in with basic economics.

Fuck dude, this has been referenced in The Economist more than once including recently. Now granted some dudes might not be comfortable reading adult magazines but if you take a break from your politically correct bullshit and read something decent you wouldn't have your head up your ass.

Also. Mohawk College. 50/50
The gonk 50/50

Even better
A recent estimate of the "upper secondary," or high school, graduation rate in Canada (released in an international context) indicates a higher rate for females (81%) than for males (73%).1 A similar, yet narrower, gender gap is also seen among those who do not obtain a high school diploma; for example, a recent study of young people aged 20 to 24 reported that, in 2009/2010, dropout rates were lower for young women (6.6%) than for young men (10.3%).2 This type of female–male pattern continues as individuals move on to postsecondary education. According to recent data on college and university enrolments in Canada, women accounted for over half of all college enrolments (55%) in 2006/2007, as well as over half of all university enrolments in undergraduate (58%) and master's (56%) programs in 2008/2009. At the doctoral level, however, the gender difference is reversed, with women accounting for less than half (47%) of students enrolled. Although the proportion of women earning doctorates has risen steadily over the last couple of decades, women accounted for less than half (44%) of all doctoral degrees granted in 2008.

Just for shits and giggles

Its hard when wishful thinking proves wrong isn't it. Oh but wait. I'd bet stats can is part of the patriarchy in your view right. I'd also bet you only care about situations where there are less females.

If you get drunk and pass out and your friends shove their cocks in your mouth and take pics... well one you need to start finding better friends and two, maybe you shouldn't put your position where you are passed out with people you can't utterly and completely trust. Is it wrong to do that. Yes. I don't get it myself but among frat boys, sports guys and other guys apperently its a thing. But hey if your goal is to make it easier for rapists then never ever tell anyone that it might be a bad idea to get so liqured up that you pass out. For that matter never tell them that it might be a bad idea to leave their drink unattended.

This is nucking futs poltically correct bullshit. To suggest that women should not be warned and reminded of things they can do to prevent rape because rape victims feel they might be blamed for their attack and not come forward is just ass backwords thinking. Also in all these situations the obvious underlying theme is that the rape is still wrong and worthy of unholy vengence but that doesn't preclude a bit of common sence and self protective behavior. You know treating women like.... adults.
As for 60% I thought it was much higher actually and I am pretty sure there are all sorts of reasons for it. It can be a hard or impossible crime to prove in many cases for example. The pure shame of it regardless of the situation etc.

I said the % of women in University was 58%, so how does you posting a stat that says 58% of enrolments are women prove me wrong? Pretty sure all it proves you don't read what I say. You STILL haven't accounted for the fact that trade school enrolments are mostly men and that men have more opportunities then women even without a degree.

You say the gender pay gap doesn't exist in the UK or the US and that they aren't normalized. You go on to say this has been covered in a few places. But again, you failed to read where I said there is a study that claims the pay gap doesn't exist, but the overwhelming number say it does. This is the global warming debate all over again. You have 98% of the experts that study the area saying one thing and a huge minority saying they're wrong, and people cling to the minority. USDL did a study and said there are many reasons why there's a gap and it isn't about discrimination, but even their own results revealed they can only explain roughly 70% of the difference, then they summarized by explaining all the ways in their study was flawed. Congress commissioned a study that found as more and more reasons (like women take mat leave) are factored in, the pay gap remains unchanged and unexplained.

Alan Manning's research was summarized by him a few years ago by saying that the wage gap will continue for 150 years due tat least partly o discrimination. He's an economist in London and his studies are based in the UK. A 2011 study by CMI in the UK found the female CFOs are paid 16% less than males, after accounting for reasonable factors, that number was still about 10%.

The US congress committee on the issue is the most revealing, I suggest you read it if you can find it. General consensus was the the 23% pay gap was narrowed to 7% by factors they could explain. 1 member argued that even that 7% was explainable but he couldn't explain them either. The rest admitted that discrimination still plays a significant part. A large number of the members didn't find that the gap was explained easily by any of it.

You also can't ignore the post-MBA study I already mentioned.

Men live a charmed life. Our society remains dominated by men. We have more opportunities and are shown to succeed even when women are more qualified. That is simply the fact that any man who is able to have empathy for others can see it. You can say I'm being politically correct and should read grown up things all you want, but I can walk into 98% of offices and see men dominating the management positions. If you're going to insult me and say I should read grown up books, let me insult you and say you should go out and start experiencing life. Go see what women deal with every day, go witness their troubles, then come back and tell me men don't have it good.

In a different thread you opined about how sympathetic you are to women, how they shouldn't have to be creeped every day or made uncomfortable, and yet here you are saying they're treated exactly the same as men. Where's your empathy for them now? Where's your understanding of the issues they face in the workplace?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
gender pay gap is a result of women's choices from the U.S department of labour

don't attack me attack the folks who created the report

A greater percentage of women than men tend to work part-time. Part-time work tends to
pay less than full-time work.

A greater percentage of women than men tend to leave the labor force for child birth, child
care and elder care. Some of the wage gap is explained by the percentage of women who
were not in the labor force during previous years, the age of women, and the number of
children in the home.

Women, especially working mothers, tend to value “family friendly” workplace policies
more than men. Some of the wage gap is explained by industry and occupation, particularly,
the percentage of women who work in the industry and occupation.

2.1.4 Career interruptions

The wages paid to workers are affected not only by the amount of work experience that a worker has
accumulated, but also by the continuity of the accumulation. Results from a statistical analysis of the
earnings patterns of male and female college graduates over time indicate that leave taken from a
career, such as leave for childbirth or for raising children, is associated with reduced income, and that
such interruptions are much more prevalent among mothers than among fathers. [Dey & Hill, 2007]

2.3 Summary

Extant economic research has identified numerous factors that contribute to the gender wage gap.
Many of the factors relate to differences in the choices and behavior of women and men in balancing
their work, personal, and family lives. These factors include, most notably, the occupations and
industries in which they work, and their human capital development, work experience, career
interruptions, and motherhood


Apr 14, 2011
Cry me a river of stupid. You know who else isn't allowed to participate? The 4H club and the motherfucking Shriners. If any of these outfits were even tangentially connectable to pride, or expressed support in ANY fucking way, maybe they'd be encouraged to participate. At least 4H and the Shriners have the good sense not to pretend to be interested though.

These men's rights groups are a fucking embarrassment. The only part of being an underclass they seem to have a handle on is the (largely mythological outside of their own circle) attitude of entitlement and whining they seem to think is part of the territory. Fucking piss-poor excuse for activists of any sort - clowns the lot of them.

Tell you what, sunshine. When you can get the everloving fuck beat out of yourself - or worse - for being openly heterosexual in too many parts of the world, you can have all the pride days you want. Until then, you're just another asshole who doesn't get it.
+1 couldnt have said it any better... hetero men have ruled the world for tens of thousands of years...its time we change things up a bit..let others have a say... thanks to straight men we had wars, disease , slavery...


Apr 14, 2011
You don't like Pride, you hate Maggie's...are you sure you're in the right business because these orgs should be your allies.
Check it out:

The page is for this year's parade but I hope you apply to march or for a float next year. Huge live audience, lots of media coverage... and that's what you say you want.
dude, its toronto 's finst... known for B&s, upselling services.. plus bad service, and even worse phone manners...and don't forget the shitty ass website


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Active member
Apr 8, 2002
the hobby needs more capitalism
wrong Myth of Male Power by Warren Farrell disprove that claim.

for centuries it is men who put their lives on the line to protect women and children.
Whoa. Pretty surprised to see you posting all these things. What happened CM to change your viewpoint? False rape allegation that almost ruined your life? On the hook for CS due to fraud?


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
”In post offices throughout the United States, Selective Service posters [reading "A Man's Gotta Do What A Man's Gotta Do] remind men that only they must register for the draft. If the Post Office had a poster saying "A Jew's Gotta Do What A Jew's Gotta Do..." or if "A Woman's Gotta Do..." were written across the body of a pregnant woman..." 28

"ITEM: The Mike Tyson trial. The hotel in which the jury is sequestered goes ablaze. Two firefighters die saving its occupants.

The trial of Mike Tyson made us increasingly aware of men-as-rapists. The firefighters' deaths did not make us increasingly aware of men-as-saviors. We were more aware of one man doing harm than of two men saving..." 36

"It would be hard to find a single example in history in which a group that cast more than 50 percent of the vote got away with calling itself the victim... Women are the only "oppressed" group to share the same parents as the "oppressor"; to be born into the middle class and upper class as frequently as the "oppressor"; to own more of the culture's luxury items than the "oppressor"..." 40

"The weakness of men is the facade of strength; the strength of women is the facade of weakness."

"There are many ways in which a woman experiences a greater sense of powerlessness than her male counterpart: the fears of pregnancy, aging, rape, date rape, and being physically overpowered; less socialization to take a career that pays enough to support a husband and children[...] Fortunately, almost all industrialized nations have acknowledged these female experiences. Unfortunately, they have acknowledged only the female experience." p. 28

"If power means having control over one's own life, then perhaps there is no better ranking of the impact of sex roles and racism on power over our own lives than life expectancy." p.30

"Women's scars and rituals involved beauty (piercing ears and noses, binding feet, and wearing corsets); men's involved protecting women. In cultures in which physical strength is still the best way to protect women, as among the Dodos in Uganda, each time a man kills a man, he is awarded a ritual scar; the more scars, the more he is considered eligible." 72

"Today, violence against women is rightly abhorred. But we call violence against men entertainment. Think of football, boxing, wrestling... All are games used to sugarcoat violence against men, originally in need of sugarcoating so "our team"--or "our society"--could bribe its best protectors to sacrifice themselves." 75

"Imagine how we would feel if I began this section saying, "Today, violence against women is rightly applauded." We would know I favored the death of women; when we applaud for violence against men, we favor the death of men. We do it because we have learned that the more effectively we prepare men to sacrifice themselves, the more we are protected." 76

“Men often become nonviolent in societies that (1) have adequate amounts of food, (2) have adequate amounts of water, and (3) perceive themselves as isolated from attack. For example, the Tahitian men, the Minoan men on Crete, and the Central Malaysian Semai were nonviolent during the period in their history when all three of these conditions prevailed.” 77

“It is often said that women are a civilizing balance to the innately warlike male. By taking care of the killing for women it could be said that men civilized women. When survival was the issue, men killing to protect what women bore was the male form of nurturance.” 79

“How, then, can patriarchy be defined? Perhaps it can best be defined as the male area of dominance, responsibility, and subservience in a culture, reinforced by both sexes for the purpose of serving both sexes’ survival needs.

How can matriarchy be defined? As the female area of dominance, responsibility, and subservience in a culture, reinforced by both sexes for the purpose of serving both sexes’ survival needs.” 98

“The more chauvinist the country, the more it protects women. And therefore the more it limits women. Like the United States, [Italy, Spain, and Denmark] give women options without obligations. These countries are, therefore, still male chauvinist… The degree to which a country is emancipated is the degree to which it frees men from the obligation to protect women and socializes women to equally protect men.” 136

“Who causes war? War is caused by our primal fear of not surviving. This is a two-sex fear. And because the fear is so primal, we are easily seduced into exaggerating the evil intent of anyone [who] might threaten our survival. Why? One mistake of underestimating a threat could leave everyone wiped out; many mistakes of overestimating would just leave men wiped out.” 142

“Parade magazine announces that 40 million Soviet men were killed between 1914 and 1945. The magazine’s headline reads ‘Short End of the Stick’. Because men died? No. The women were seen as getting the short end of the stick because they were stuck with factory and street-cleaner positions the men weren’t around to do.” 145

“Men are likely to be not only the warriors of war but also the warriors of peace. Almost all those who risk their lives, are put in jail, or are killed for peace are men. While some of the peace warriors—Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Dag Hammarskjold—are remembered, most are forgotten. Remember Norm Morrison?

After years of protesting the Vietnam war, Norm doused himself with gasoline and set himself on fire on the steps of the Pentagon[…] But Norm Morrison is forgotten.” 153

“By the 1970s, the American woman was being called ‘liberated’ or ‘superwoman’ while the American man was being called ‘baby killer’ if he fought in Vietnam, ‘traitor’ if he protested, or ‘apathetic’ if he did neither. Even men who came home paraplegics were literally spit on.” 155

“Why do we resist giving help to homeless men? In part because we don’t understand how our pressure on men to support families often forces men to take transient jobs that are but a step away from homelessness (the death-of-a-salesman jobs, the migrant worker jobs…) and in part because we respond differently to men who fail [than women who fail].” 209

“Crime, especially crime involving money, reflects the gap between the expectation to provide and the ability to provide… If we really want men to commit crime as infrequently as women, we can start by not expecting men to provide for women more than we expect women to provide for men.” 215-216

“Were we to still be circumcising the hood of the female clitoris, we would not have difficulty considering this a continuation of our tradition to keep girls sexually repressed. America’s reflexive continuation of [male] circumcision-without-research reflects the continuation of our tradition to desensitize boys to feelings of pain, to prepare them to question the disposability of their bodies no more than they would question the disposability of their foreskins.” 223

“Women-in-jeopardy movies are, in essence, the updated versions of men dying to save the princess from the dragon to earn her love. They are modern-day training films for teaching women to select the best protectors while weeding out the rest. And then we call the woman ‘victim’ and the man ‘powerful.’” 226


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
+1 couldnt have said it any better... hetero men have ruled the world for tens of thousands of years...its time we change things up a bit..let others have a say... thanks to straight men we had wars, disease , slavery...
‘Let’s face it ladies, if it wasn’t for men and their male drive, we would all still be living in thatch huts’.

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