The $100,000 Club: Who's Really Making The Big Money These Days


Sep 25, 2013
So what? Still only using the single matrix of percentage of degrees, not quality of the education, Still a shell games for reasons already explained You really are slow.
UT #16 in the world. UBC and McGill all in top 50 Canada punches way above its weight class. The world is rather impressed and sending exlerts to see how we do it. Hard to impress Blacky though. He is antiCanadian.


Sep 25, 2013
So what? Still only using the single matrix of percentage of degrees, not quality of the education, Still a shell games for reasons already explained You really are slow.
Ask the OECD. By EVERY matrix we are a leading nation in education. Depends which one you choose to pick. Also one of the world's smallest gaps top to bottom.


Jun 6, 2009
Ask the OECD. By EVERY matrix we are a leading nation in education. Depends which one you choose to pick. Also one of the world's smallest gaps top to bottom.
Sure. 'A leading nation' has never been in doubt, but your initial claim was based on you get what you pay for, which the facts don't supports now or the last thread you brought it up in.


Jun 6, 2009
UT #16 in the world. UBC and McGill all in top 50 Canada punches way above its weight class. The world is rather impressed and sending exlerts to see how we do it. Hard to impress Blacky though. He is antiCanadian.
Which of course has nothing to do with what you initially tried to claim or what I posted. The matrixes used to measure these finding were far more multidimensional than just percentage of diplomas/degrees issued.

You must have given your students quite a chuckle every day with your in depth analysis of all things political.


Sep 25, 2013
Sure. 'A leading nation' has never been in doubt, but your initial claim was based on you get what you pay for, which the facts don't supports now or the last thread you brought it up in.
The objective of the education system is to get as many students as much education as possible. Nobody does that better than Canada. It is not even close.


Jun 6, 2009
Canada sure seems to do well on international testing. Could it be that the shell game is your own?
There are a number of reports and studies that has Canada ranked high, but they use more measurement than percentage of degrees. We pay a lot for an education and get good result, but could pay less or be more effective with where the money is spent.

LH is clearly getting desperate as he's calling me anti Canadian. Sure.


Sep 25, 2013
Which of course has nothing to do with what you initially tried to claim or what I posted. The matrixes used to measure these finding were far more multidimensional than just percentage of diplomas/degrees issued.

You must have given your students quite a chuckle every day with your in depth analysis of all things political.
They hired me at York due to the depth of my analysis - and you? Somebody pay you for that drivel?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Union or not, teachers pay is a statement on how society values the work they do and what is required for good candidates to apply.
What a pile of shit
Do you honestly think what a union extorts bears any resemblance to how society values the work they do?

If that is the case why do they need a union at all
Why do they have to "fight" for increases & more bennies

The average taxpayer makes about $45-$50 k a year in Ont
The average taxpayer does not get a gold-plated retirement package paid for by the taxpayer
The average taxpayer works a whole lot more than teachers

The average taxpayer is far more representative of society than you or I
Do you think the average taxpayer values teachers so much that he / she says:
1. Pay them 180% of what I make
2. Lets give them a pension I can only dream about
3. Lets keep the # of classes they teach down to a minimum
4. Lets give them the summer off. I get 2 weeks in the summer & I know they will just love 9 weeks then
5. Oh yes, lets not ever fire one of these teachers, even though my job is no where near as secure
6. We are borrowing in order to pay teachers as much as they want? That's OK
7. My taxes will have to go up because we paid too much to teachers? That's OK I will just save less for my retirement, after all they are teachers & as we all know they are so special

Society does not value this lot at the current cost, you can bet the bank on that

They have extracted their outrageous comp package through a very aggressive union & a spineless irresponsible premier.
Their comp has very little to do with how society values them


Sep 25, 2013
From your post here, one could say bullshit. I'll just say York got robbed.
Anybody hire you for this penetrating analysis or only an escort board available for you to gas off and never take a position only criticize others

Arm chair quarterback?.


Jun 6, 2009
Anybody hire you for this penetrating analysis or only an escort board available for you to gas off and never take a position only criticize others

Arm chair quarterback?.
I've said before I'm an amateur, but I've got a better grasp of reality that you. You clearly are paying attention if you claim I never take a position on TERB.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
Then HOW MUCH should a Professional Firefighter, a Police Officer, Teacher, Reg. Nurse etc be paid then?
1. Salaries which enables the govt to avoid deficit spending & then permits tax cuts once the debt is addressed
2. The minimum salary which still attracts qualified people
3. A salary which is not extorted by union threats
4. Nothing if they continue to place their interests ahead of the students. Why doe their job exists? for the students, not to enrich a union


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
UT #16 in the world. UBC and McGill all in top 50 Canada punches way above its weight class. The world is rather impressed and sending exlerts to see how we do it. Hard to impress Blacky though. He is antiCanadian.
Self-promoting self-congratulatory bullshit from one set of teachers to another
Why do we have so many drop outs?
Why are kids so ill prepared for the real world?
Why do so many lack the need skills?

These are true questions that should be answered when accessing the value of teachers & the education system


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
My company pays what it keeps to keep me (or other good employees) working for them. Same goes for teachers but in the small company I work for it is easier to connect my performance to profits. A teacher's impact on the economy of the province won't be felt for a couple decades until the thousands of children they taught have grown up..
However the costs are being felt right now & it is a huge problem which needs addressing

Also if the impact on the economy in a couple of decades is not so good, do we get a refund?
No, we will still be paying interests on the debt accumulated to pay for excessive teachers salary from 20 years before + we will need to come up with more $ because of the under funding on their gold plated pension plan

I certainly hope the kids of today are extremely fond of their current teachers, because they will be paying for them the rest of their fucking lives


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
The rest of your post is just bitching and whining from you based on whatever past experiences you have and has nothing to do with anything in this thread except your pathetic bias. The saddest thing is you try this communist theory basing pay on number of hours worked to try and justify it.
It has nothing to do with past experiences
Like most I had good teachers & I have had bad teachers
None of them worth $83K for what they do

It boils down to obtaining value for my tax dollars & what we as a province can afford
$83K for 9 1/2 month work is really piss poor value
We are paying for this excess with borrowed $ and the debt is getting unmanageable
That is unsustainable & one of the good teachers told me, if something is unsustainable you need to make changes


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
I do agree that unions shouldn't waste as much time protecting the few incompetent teachers but that has nothing to do with the pay deserved by the good ones. I'm glad there's a huge line up of people applying. If you've ever been involved in hiring you'd know more willing candidates makes it easier to find good ones.
That protection should be worth something & we have deficit spending
$5K less a year to know you will never lose your job?
Currently they just take the taxpayer fro granted on that one

Over supply should bring downward pressure on price, the unions bastardize that balance & prevent taxpayers from the benefit of supply & demand economics which they must live with everyday.

The good ones?
You could turn over this lot 200% and they will still turn out the same result.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
However the costs are being felt right now & it is a huge problem which needs addressing...
Except that is not the argument you keep putting out.

You have repeatedly said that teachers are overpaid because of the number hours they work as if you are a communist claiming all work is equal. Now you are saying it's because the economy.

If that's the case, you must support teachers getting raises when the economy is doing well. Of course if you look at the reality of the past, teachers had their pay frozen for 15 years, from Rae through Harris. After that they got raises right in line with the rest of the public sector and behind many in the private sector.

I hope that kids have good teachers now or else our economy is screwed for generations.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
That protection should be worth something & we have deficit spending
$5K less a year to know you will never lose your job?...
Is that really the plan you are proposing? Slight pay cuts in exchange for protecting bad teachers? Sounds like a very Hudak like platform.
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