McGuinty government changed green energy rules to benefit Liberal-linked firms.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
McGuinty government changed green energy rules to benefit Liberal-linked firms, court filing charges

A U.S. wind power developer that is seeking $653-million in damages under a NAFTA challenge accuses the government of Ontario of manipulating Green Energy Act rules to benefit the interests of Liberal-connected firms, according to court documents obtained by the National Post.

The court filing, recently made public in the case that pits Mesa Power, a Texas-based developer owned by U.S. financier T. Boone Pickens, against the government, alleges Ontario replaced “transparent” criteria for the selection of energy projects with “political favoritism, cronyism and local preference.”

At issue in the NAFTA arbitration are changes made to the Green Energy Act in 2011. They allowed wind developers a brief window in which they could change the location at which their proposed projects would connect to the transmission grid. NextEra, a multinational renewables firm that was represented to the government by lobbyist Bob Lopinksi, a former senior staffer in the office of Dalton McGuinty, changed their connection points and was eventually awarded more than $2-billion worth of power contracts. Mesa Power says in its court filing that the change effectively bumped its projects out of line, costing it sunk costs and lost future profits.

“The rules were changed to suit one applicant to the detriment of another,” the court document claims.

“The rules change was also specifically designed with NextEra in mind,” says the 243-page NAFTA document called the Memorial of the Investor. It was filed last year but released publicly last month. “On a number of occasions,” the document says, “the Minister of Energy’s Office took explicit steps to ensure the process was being executed to the benefit of NextEra.”

“NextEra also gained assistance through the Ontario Premier’s office,” the filing alleges. “The Premier’s office injected itself into the [Feed-in-Tariff] program, and began expressing its political preferences for matters that where entirely within the regulatory realm of the [Ontario Power Authority].

The Mesa Power document also claims that NextEra “had direct access to the Premier’s Office.” It says that NextEra met with former McGuinty aides Jamison Steeve and Sean Mullin in October, 2010. Both men would later be involved in the negotiations surrounding the cancellation of gas-plants in the greater Toronto area and the payments to the affected firms.

Opposition critics of the Green Energy Act have long contended that the governing Liberals used explosive growth in renewable energy since 2009 to steer contracts toward favoured firms and Liberal insiders. Various companies have also taken the government to court over the frequent changes to the Feed-in-Tariff program, but the government has maintained that it is allowed to make policy changes even if they negatively impact green-energy investors. Ontario also lost a WTO ruling that found the “domestic content” requirements in the Green Energy Act discriminated against foreign-owned firms and were a violation of trade agreements.

“The treatment of Mesa in this case,” the court filing says, “is just another episode in a saga of maladministration, scandal, political interference, manipulation and contempt for the rule of law that dominated Ontario until the resignation of the Premier [McGuinty] early in 2013.”

Ontario, which is represented at the NAFTA tribunal by the government of Canada, says in its filing that “there is no evidence to support the claimant’s allegations.”

“In managing and implementing procurement processes, decision-makers are often forced to make adjustments at key junctures … to best satisfy the policy objectives of government,” the government filing says. “Such adjustments often result in winners and losers … as changes operate to the benefit of some and detriment of others.”

The government response dismisses claims of “wrong-doing” and says the changes that impacted Mesa Power were “nothing more than a commercial consequence of legitimate policy choices.”

A spokesperson for the campaign of Kathleen Wynne, citing a Mesa document that was presented to a local council while its projects were in the planning stages, says the Texas company knew all along that there would be a period in which connection points could be changed. The process wasn’t changed to benefit anyone, the campaign official said.

A decision on the NAFTA arbitration is expected in the fall.


New member
Sep 9, 2010
Is anybody, other oldjones ( who would blame it on Harris), really surprised about depths the Libs would stoop.


New member
Feb 5, 2006
McGuinty was the most disgraceful premier this province ever had. He pandered to unions of all stripes, he lied cheated and discarded people's rights without regard. The way he took away the rights of municipalities and individuals when it came to the location of wind turbines was obscene. He will go down in the books as Canada's Nixon, his name will be synonymous with corruption, graft and incompetence on a level never seen in Canadian politics. With a bit of luck, the PC's will be in power after Thursday's vote and we'll then see the true extent of liberal corruption and waste, I'm sure we've only seen the tip of the iceberg.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
McGuinty was the most disgraceful premier this province ever had. He pandered to unions of all stripes, he lied cheated and discarded people's rights without regard. The way he took away the rights of municipalities and individuals when it came to the location of wind turbines was obscene. He will go down in the books as Canada's Nixon, his name will be synonymous with corruption, graft and incompetence on a level never seen in Canadian politics. With a bit of luck, the PC's will be in power after Thursday's vote and we'll then see the true extent of liberal corruption and waste, I'm sure we've only seen the tip of the iceberg.
And Kathleen wants to "build on the legacy of Dalton"...


Jan 31, 2005
McGuinty was the most disgraceful premier this province ever had. He pandered to unions of all stripes, he lied cheated and discarded people's rights without regard. The way he took away the rights of municipalities and individuals when it came to the location of wind turbines was obscene. He will go down in the books as Canada's Nixon, his name will be synonymous with corruption, graft and incompetence on a level never seen in Canadian politics. With a bit of luck, the PC's will be in power after Thursday's vote and we'll then see the true extent of liberal corruption and waste, I'm sure we've only seen the tip of the iceberg.
Oh get over yourself. Ford pulled wrote in Toronto, using his influence as mayor to try and win business for his family business yet not a peep from you, then rewarded his campaign volunteers with sunshine list jobs on the taxpayer payroll and you said nothing. He prioritized city work crews to the benefit of his family and not a word from you.


New member
Feb 5, 2006
Oh get over yourself. Ford pulled wrote in Toronto, using his influence as mayor to try and win business for his family business yet not a peep from you, then rewarded his campaign volunteers with sunshine list jobs on the taxpayer payroll and you said nothing. He prioritized city work crews to the benefit of his family and not a word from you.

Typical liberal deflection, when you can't win an argument on your own record or lack there of, you always drag someone else unrelated into the argument. I'm sick of hearing all about Harris yet you all conveniently forget all about The biggest sham of a premier in Ontario history, that being McGuinty & Co. As far as getting over themselves, look at the shameful record these assholes have made for themselves. I can't recall te last time a sitting government has been the subject of multiple police investigations. As for Wynne, she's still part of that same pack of self serving rodents that are the liberal party.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Typical liberal deflection, when you can't win an argument on your own record or lack there of, you always drag someone else unrelated into the argument. I'm sick of hearing all about Harris yet you all conveniently forget all about The biggest sham of a premier in Ontario history, that being McGuinty & Co. As far as getting over themselves, look at the shameful record these assholes have made for themselves. I can't recall te last time a sitting government has been the subject of multiple police investigations. As for Wynne, she's still part of that same pack of self serving rodents that are the liberal party.
Before you start tossing insults around, why not check in with your senators, including the one who's husband is guilty of tax evasion while she sits on the senate milking Canadian tax payers :rolleyes:


Mar 21, 2011
If its true then McGuinty should pay the consequences.

That said its also quite likely that this american company is trying to take advantage of NAFTA and the Ontario people to try to rake in half a billion dollars because they can.


New member
Feb 5, 2006
Again, what do federal senators have to do with the ontario liberals? .....the answer is nothing at all!!!! So either answer the question, stay on topic or simply STFU!! I stated my opinion of McGuinty and his party and you retort with comments about Ford and senators, why not mount a defence of McGuinty and the liberals based their collective record? I forget myself, you can't defend them based on that record, all you can do is impugne them and expose them for what they are, liars and opportunistic bottom feeders.


Jan 31, 2005
Typical liberal deflection, when you can't win an argument on your own record or lack there of, you always drag someone else unrelated into the argument.
Sorry, but I directly refuted your ludicrous hyperbole: "He will go down in the books as Canada's Nixon, his name will be synonymous with corruption, graft and incompetence on a level never seen in Canadian politics."

That is a statement that you made comparing McGuinty to every other Canadian politician in history and claiming that he engaged in "graft and incompetence on a level never seen in Canadian politics".

I simply pointed out that we have seen worse graft and incompetence right here in Toronto, in the form of Rob Ford, and therefore your statement is categorically false.

If you don't like being refuted, don't make arguments that are full of such ludicrous hyperbole that shooting them down is like shooting fish in a barrel.


New member
Feb 5, 2006
So how would you describe the tenure of the McGuinty liberals? From my perspective it's been an expensive exercise of failed policies, from inflated energy costs to bloated government payrolls. Not to mention the creation of useless government agencies such as the Ontario power authority, and the college of trades. It's mind boggling that 1 in 5 people in this province work directly for the government of Ontario. The PC's ran this province uninterrupted for 42 years, through good times and bad, and never created the disaster that has been the result of 11 years of liberal rule, not to mention the failed years of David Peterson.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
So how would you describe the tenure of the McGuinty liberals? From my perspective it's been an expensive exercise of failed policies, from inflated energy costs to bloated government payrolls. Not to mention the creation of useless government agencies such as the Ontario power authority, and the college of trades. It's mind boggling that 1 in 5 people in this province work directly for the government of Ontario. The PC's ran this province uninterrupted for 42 years, through good times and bad, and never created the disaster that has been the result of 11 years of liberal rule, not to mention the failed years of David Peterson.
David Peterson isn't over yet.

Wait for Pan Am Games 2015 to witness more disaster.


Mar 21, 2011
So how would you describe the tenure of the McGuinty liberals? From my perspective it's been an expensive exercise of failed policies, from inflated energy costs to bloated government payrolls.
Funny, that's how I see the Harper government, except way, way more so.
Bad election law, bad law on the books for the hobby, bad laws for privacy, big debt, bad fighter choice, expensive ads, G20...
That list goes on pretty long.


New member
Feb 5, 2006
Funny, that's how I see the Harper government, except way, way more so.
Bad election law, bad law on the books for the hobby, bad laws for privacy, big debt, bad fighter choice, expensive ads, G20...
That list goes on pretty long.
Again, another rebuttal that meanders away from the topic being discussed. Your opinion means nothing as it's simply another deflection and you fail to address the question asked and your answer/argument is off topic. Stick to the topic, Harper has nothing to do with the provincial election.


Mar 21, 2011
Again, another rebuttal that meanders away from the topic being discussed. Your opinion means nothing as it's simply another deflection and you fail to address the question asked and your answer/argument is off topic. Stick to the topic, Harper has nothing to do with the provincial election.
The point is that you disagree with McGuinty's policies.
I disagreed with Harris and Harper's work.

So go vote for the party that's playing with the numbers already just to get elected and see how that fixes the province.


New member
Feb 5, 2006
The point is that you disagree with McGuinty's policies.
I disagreed with Harris and Harper's work.

So go vote for the party that's playing with the numbers already just to get elected and see how that fixes the province.
I'll reiterate once again, neither Harris nor Harper are the subject of this post or election. Please share your thoughts about the McGuinty/Wynne liberal tenure. Tell us all how you would characterize it, was it a resounding success for the greater good of the vast majority of Ontarians, or was it an abject failure punctuated by scandal, deceit, soaring energy costs, run away spending and the subjugation of government by the labour unions? Please, just answer the question without flailing your arms about Harris, Harper or Deifenbaker. Yes, I said Deifenbaker because he is about as relevant to the discussion as Harris is, which is zero!


Mar 21, 2011
I'll reiterate once again, neither Harris nor Harper are the subject of this post or election. Please share your thoughts about the McGuinty/Wynne liberal tenure. Tell us all how you would characterize it, was it a resounding success for the greater good of the vast majority of Ontarians, or was it an abject failure punctuated by scandal, deceit, soaring energy costs, run away spending and the subjugation of government by the labour unions? Please, just answer the question without flailing your arms about Harris, Harper or Deifenbaker. Yes, I said Deifenbaker because he is about as relevant to the discussion as Harris is, which is zero!
You are wrong.

Right wing/austerity programs that Hudak propose and Harper/Harris tried are very much the subject if this election.

While mcguinty had quite a few failures he hasn't tried to rework the province to increase the divide between rich and poor, which is what Hudak proposes through his austerity program.

Austerity has never lead a country or province to wealth.


New member
Feb 5, 2006
You are wrong.

Right wing/austerity programs that Hudak propose and Harper/Harris tried are very much the subject if this election.

While mcguinty had quite a few failures he hasn't tried to rework the province to increase the divide between rich and poor, which is what Hudak proposes through his austerity program.

Austerity has never lead a country or province to wealth.
Wrong again, the policies of the liberal government have enriched those close to the liberal party, look up Mike Crawley former president of the liberal party. His firm was awarded wind contracts worth over half a billion dollars, look at all the building trade unions etc. Liberal policies have failed the public as a whole with stupidity that is the college of trades which is a tax on working people. What was wrong with how compulsory trade fell under the trades qualification act and that was enforced by the ministry of labour and it's inspectors? Now my barber has to go back to school to get "qualified" to cut my hair and give me a shave after 45 years of plying his craft? The liberal policies are like death by 1000 cuts, only in this case it's death by a thousand "revenue tools", and for what you ask? To line the pockets of liberals and push their pet projects in order to serve the greater good of the liberal party. Notice how all the heavy hitters in the party have abandoned ship?


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Wrong again, the policies of the liberal government have enriched those close to the liberal party, look up Mike Crawley former president of the liberal party. His firm was awarded wind contracts worth over half a billion dollars, look at all the building trade unions etc. Liberal policies have failed the public as a whole with stupidity that is the college of trades which is a tax on working people. What was wrong with how compulsory trade fell under the trades qualification act and that was enforced by the ministry of labour and it's inspectors? Now my barber has to go back to school to get "qualified" to cut my hair and give me a shave after 45 years of plying his craft? The liberal policies are like death by 1000 cuts, only in this case it's death by a thousand "revenue tools", and for what you ask? To line the pockets of liberals and push their pet projects in order to serve the greater good of the liberal party. Notice how all the heavy hitters in the party have abandoned ship?
How many conservative connected people were awarded contracts? Algonquin power has been awarded many contracts, any liberal ties there? Can you prove the contract awarded was not competitive or was somehow favorable? The trades qualification act was probably a reaction to all the frauds out their claiming they have skills when in fact they are clueless.. Lots of those out there. Unfortunately people like your barber get sucked into these things after some woman gets her hair burnt to a crisp by someone incompetent.
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