New prostitution Laws - I surrendered today


New member
Dec 23, 2012
Yep - I take it anymore - too many threads on a political posturing not even law yet topic.

I couldn't take it anymore - so I surrendered to 52 Division today.

Seriously - a whole lotta debate on what is really nothing yet.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
How do you suppose that???? Is it clearly against/contravene Charter??? Also takes 5+ years for someone to have a criminal charge AND have the money or will to challenge to the SCC
You're assuming it has to get that far to get overturned. There's nothing saying a Provincial Court judge won't rule the law unconstitutional and strike it down. Then it's up to the government to try and negotiate a deal to keep the "unconstitutional law" in place until appeals are completed and a new law drafted, but I'm not sure how lenient the courts will be with that this time given how they just told them this shit didn't fly. It could be much faster than that.

Also, just because there's a majority government doesn't mean bills get through unchallenged. The cons can whip votes if they want, but whipping is a game of give-and-take, they have to choose their battles. They can't whip every vote. Not to mention the fact that this can be referred to committee at any point, and any committee could refer it to the supreme court for review, and it could be kicked back as unconstitutional long before it ever becomes law.

I don't really see many people voting against it, but I do see people referring to committee. No politician wants to be seen as pro-prostitution, but that doesn't mean they can't do other things to attempt to derail a process. Committees are their usual way out and can take a long time to sift through. It could be a long time before we see this become law, and at any point along the way, it could be put aside.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2005
Directly above the center of the earth
That internet surveillance bill didn't become law. They tried selling it as a way to nail people who were into child pornography, as a necessary step to catch law breakers. People fought it, and it was abandoned. This too happened under a majority gov't.


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
You started a thread because you couldn't take any more threads?

Ya really... When I don't feel like reading about how the sky is falling and we're all doomed (neither of which are true, but anyway), I just skip over to the agencies and look at the pretty pictures


Jan 31, 2005
It is may be law within weeks, the C's appear to be fast tracking it, heading for second reading.

Anyone who voted conservative is an idiot. This is what your vote did.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
It is may be law within weeks, the C's appear to be fast tracking it, heading for second reading.

Anyone who voted conservative is an idiot. This is what your vote did.
The SCC forced the government to write a new law, would any of the parties have written a different law? I think the Nordic model was the pussy way out (pun intended), and I think any of the parties would have taken that out.


Jan 25, 2006
The only hope is if somehow the senate doesn't approve of the law (very doubtful) or perhaps the Ontario Provincial Government decides not to prosecute until there is greater clarity with the courts (a little more likely but still far from certain).


Well-known member
Jul 5, 2012
The SCC forced the government to write a new law, would any of the parties have written a different law? I think the Nordic model was the pussy way out (pun intended), and I think any of the parties would have taken that out.
Actually the NDP oppose it. They suggest that it will cause more problems and question that it satisfies the SCC concerns. They suggest the proposed law is reviewed by the SCC before it is voted on. Of course the conservatives are traditionally old farts fighting progress and have no real care who they hurt while pushing their morality beliefs onto the public sector.

Liberals - I think are spineless wimps and support it using the failrure and subsequent carnage caused as a possible campaign issue. If this was an election issue ... I would vote NDP ..... then shoot myself.


New member
Aug 16, 2011
I might quit the hobby today but it's not because of the new law. I run out of 'play' money way before I would have the time to worry about the new law! Or, things could get worse...I wake up one day and there's no more supply of Viagra!!!!!!! LOL


Nov 5, 2005
Actually the NDP oppose it. They suggest that it will cause more problems and question that it satisfies the SCC concerns. They suggest the proposed law is reviewed by the SCC before it is voted on. Of course the conservatives are traditionally old farts fighting progress and have no real care who they hurt while pushing their morality beliefs onto the public sector.

Liberals - I think are spineless wimps and support it using the failrure and subsequent carnage caused as a possible campaign issue. If this was an election issue ... I would vote NDP ..... then shoot myself.
Actually, the NDP justice critic said she needed time to "study" the bill. I have no doubt the socialists would love to emulate the Nordic model. As they say the United Church is the NDP at prayer. The Liberal party is the only one that takes a permissive view of things. Consider before Harper got in the Liberals were planning to decriminalize possession of small amounts of marijuana. The Liberals would have introduced a bill addressing exploitation and public nuisances but wouldn't try to criminalize the purchase of sex. They won't make a platform issue of it because there is nothing to be gained from it.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
It is may be law within weeks, the C's appear to be fast tracking it, heading for second reading.

Anyone who voted conservative is an idiot. This is what your vote did.
For an intelligent poster, you are sounding like a complete idiot (please don't use this issue as a means to incite negative propaganda for conservatives).

Any government would have had to respond to the SCC's request to re-write the law, and I doubt that any government would go against mainstream, community standards or social mores.

The industry that we hobby in is a very minor aspect of society.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
Actually the NDP oppose it. They suggest that it will cause more problems and question that it satisfies the SCC concerns. They suggest the proposed law is reviewed by the SCC before it is voted on. Of course the conservatives are traditionally old farts fighting progress and have no real care who they hurt while pushing their morality beliefs onto the public sector.

Liberals - I think are spineless wimps and support it using the failrure and subsequent carnage caused as a possible campaign issue. If this was an election issue ... I would vote NDP ..... then shoot myself.
I've posted here several times that I'd love to see a Federal NDP majority.


Active member
Sep 26, 2001
In a house somewhere
It is may be law within weeks, the C's appear to be fast tracking it, heading for second reading.

Anyone who voted conservative is an idiot. This is what your vote did.
I will certainly change my vote at the next election. I am also getting tired of Harper on the world stage. Time for him to go.


Jan 31, 2005
For an intelligent poster, you are sounding like a complete idiot (please don't use this issue as a means to incite negative propaganda for conservatives).

Any government would have had to respond to the SCC's request to re-write the law, and I doubt that any government would go against mainstream, community standards or social mores.

The industry that we hobby in is a very minor aspect of society.
No others would have produced anything so draconian and repressive.

This is the doing of everyone who voted conservative.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
Any government would have had to respond to the SCC's request to re-write the law, and I doubt that any government would go against mainstream, community standards or social mores.
No others would have produced anything so draconian and repressive.
^ Agreed. Both the NDP and Liberals, as well as numerous law societies, academics, etc. have stated the proposed legislation in no way addresses the problems with existing laws as argued by the SCC , and whose stated provisions are so broad as to be in contravention of the Charter.

The SCC's ruling that new prostitution laws be drafted could have been addressed in any number of ways. The Conservatives chose the most draconian and self-serving.


New member
Dec 3, 2010
It is may be law within weeks, the C's appear to be fast tracking it, heading for second reading.

Anyone who voted conservative is an idiot. This is what your vote did.
It will not be law before the House breaks for the summer, which is June 20. Once a bill passes second reading it goes to committee. This is where any suggestions for changes or even a Referall to the SC would take place. Sometimes, this is where bills go to die, or face substantial revision. It would not go for third and final reading until the Fall, probably sometime in October. Then it goes to the Senate, where it could either be passed very quickly or languish for months. The Cons will have trouble meeting the Dec. 20th deadline. The Fall session is fairly short and takes a month long Christmas break beginning Dec. 20th. If it gets through those stages it will almost certainly face an immediate court challenge.
So who knows when, or even if, it will become law.


Well-known member
Dec 2, 2001
It will not be law before the House breaks for the summer, which is June 20. Once a bill passes second reading it goes to committee. This is where any suggestions for changes or even a Referall to the SC would take place. Sometimes, this is where bills go to die, or face substantial revision. It would not go for third and final reading until the Fall, probably sometime in October. Then it goes to the Senate, where it could either be passed very quickly or languish for months. The Cons will have trouble meeting the Dec. 20th deadline. The Fall session is fairly short and takes a month long Christmas break beginning Dec. 20th. If it gets through those stages it will almost certainly face an immediate court challenge.
So who knows when, or even if, it will become law.
God, I hope you are right.
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