Boiling coke.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
I drink Coke everyday and will never stop.I heard it's great to cook a roast in roasting pan with 1 can.
Can't be any worse to drink that booze or smoking or drugs.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
I'm not a bio chemist, some on here are, and I really don't know how it works, but it did. The acid level in coke is about the same as in some batteries. I'm sure if you left the bones in the coke they would turn to rubber, mush, or some such end product, but it did help clean the bones. Using coke was not a preferred method for some of the reasons you posted, but as a fall back field solution it worked just fine.

Just researching the question and came up with his article, which is an eye opener but the lost at the end is just as interesting. some I was aware of but most not at all.

20 Practical Use For Coke

1. Remove grease stains from fabric and clothing. Just soak stain with Coke, let sit for a while, scrub and rinse.
2. Remove caked on rust on old rusty bolts. Use cloth, a sponge, or even aluminum foil dipped in Coke to loosen and remove stubborn rust.
3. Blood comes out of clothes and fabrics when soaked in Coke for a while.
4. Burnt pans will come clean if you let the mess soak in Coke (instead of hot water) and then clean.
5. Tea kettles can be hard to keep clean. Fill with Coke and let it sit for a while. Descaling that mess will never be a chore again.
6. Clean the tile grout in your kitchen and bathrooms. Dab on walls and counters, and pour onto the floor. Let it sit for a few minutes and then wipe clean.
7. Strong abrasive cleaners are harsh on vitreous china, but Coke works wonders for cleaning this surface.
8. To clean toilets, just pour Coke around the bowl, leave it there for a while, then simply flush to clean.
9. Marker stains on the carpet can be removed by applying Coke and scrubbing the area. Rinse and then clean with soapy water and the stain should lift right out.
10. Gum stuck in hair can be removed by dipping the section of hair in some Coke. Let the Coke sit for a few minutes and the gum should slide right off.
11. Tired of your dyed hair? Rinse with Coke to help fade and/or remove the color.
12. Make old pennies shine by soaking them in Coke for a while. Tarnish disappears like magic.
13. Coke will completely dissolve a tooth. Put one in a sealed container with some Coke and wait. It will take a while, but it does work.
14. Is your pool dirty or rusted? Adding a couple 2-liter bottles of Coke to the water will quickly clear up rust stains.
15. Coke can clean up oil stains on the garage floor. Pour Coke on the stain and let it sit for a while. Hose off and oil should flow out with the water.
16. Are snails and slugs a problem on your walkways? The acid in Coke will kill them quicker than any spray.
17. Pour a small bit of Coke on your car battery terminals and they will be cleaned in no time.
18. Coke will also clean your car’s engine. The Coke distributors have been doing this for decades.
19. Using aluminum foil dipped in Coke will bring your chrome to a high, polished shine.
20. Coke can strip paint off metal furniture. Just soak a towel in Coke and lay it right on the painted surface.
#13 is ridiculous. In what time period? Orange will do it too if you leave it there for months and months, but so will oxygen over the span of several thousand years. There are so many products out there that desolve teeth. And the fact that coke cleans things is also pretty ridiculous. There are so many substances that can act as cleaning agents. I don't see professional cleaners walking around with coke in a spray bottle, but I do see them with 4 or 5 different types of vinegar-based mixtures, which is why I suspect vinegar, in addition to being cheaper than coke, will probably work better. I'm also not a chemist, but I know there's more acid in vinegar than there is in coke. Anyone with a tongue can tell that.


Jun 6, 2009
#13 is ridiculous. In what time period? Orange will do it too if you leave it there for months and months, but so will oxygen over the span of several thousand years. There are so many products out there that desolve teeth. And the fact that coke cleans things is also pretty ridiculous. There are so many substances that can act as cleaning agents. I don't see professional cleaners walking around with coke in a spray bottle, but I do see them with 4 or 5 different types of vinegar-based mixtures, which is why I suspect vinegar, in addition to being cheaper than coke, will probably work better. I'm also not a chemist, but I know there's more acid in vinegar than there is in coke. Anyone with a tongue can tell that.
You seem to be stuck on this, there's other stuff that better that pros use'. There no argument there and agreed to earlier on, but coke appears to do what is claimed.
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