Ashley Madison

Be grateful your not in Phoenix - 75 arrested last week

Be grateful your not in Phoenix - 75 arrested last week

Project Rose May 2014 Results: 75 probably mostly "sham victims," 3 underaged and 1 alleged pimp.

Total now about 400 probably 350+ pretend victims or kicked out to face jail, if don't play the victim game.

Those that "voluntarily" inter the Dignity program of re-education on the horrors of prostitution - run by Catholic Charities - do so to avoid jail and prostitution charges (make believe victims).

PHOENIX (CBS5) - May 19, 2014
Phoenix police arrested 75 people and rescued three juveniles in a sex trafficking crackdown dubbed Project Rose.

The operation took place last Thursday and Friday.

Many of those arrested on prostitution charges voluntarily entered diversion programs, which was the intent of the crackdown.

In one case, a pimp from California traveled to Phoenix with two women with the intent to prostitute them, officers said.

They befriended a 15-year-old juvenile who they intended to work as a prostitute, police said.

Dave notes, with LE short on money to go after real crimes with real victims, not to mention all child sexual abuse cases CPS can't handle, there seems to be no end of wasting LE resources and funding to find mostly pretend victims.

Dave notes, I am now in Mississauga (Toronto area), enjoying the adult freedoms we lack in the U.S. Soon to do my usual long reports on C2Mountains massage (and travelogue) and Pure Gold


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
With all due respect, you've got to be pretty stupid (or should I say desperate) to get caught trying to pay for sex.
I doubt if you will be like Phoenix, your Charter of Rights and Freedoms is much more favorable than our right to pursuit of happiness :)


Apr 14, 2011
With all due respect, you've got to be pretty stupid (or should I say desperate) to get caught trying to pay for sex.
in the states not so much... undercover operations, raids etc. are quite common in the states, when dealing with prostitution in the US


Apr 4, 2011
Dave notes, with LE short on money to go after real crimes with real victims, not to mention all child sexual abuse cases CPS can't handle, there seems to be no end of wasting LE resources and funding to find mostly pretend victims.
Didn't you know? High stats means LE is doing a great job! At least those running the department anyway. Run a bust and gets lots of media attention equates to favourable public perception.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Two things I learned playing sports as a kid. First, know the rules of the game. Second and more important, know which rules are likely to be enforced. If you don't like the calls that are being made, go play somewhere else.

It would be nice if Phoenix and other jurisdictions went after the dangerous aspect of the industry and not the clean and safe (easy to bust) ones but I doubt many people are surprised about police stings there.

@ICEman's comments, I remember watching the show the Wire and all the brass were shit on if they didn't have good enough stats.
And they promote high stats by as one escort overheard officers discussing bonuses or quotas for rounding up certain numbers. Many are $400+ hour escorts. They get up to $2500 in fines and jail costs on first offense so they go after the high end gals that can pay the fees after their mandatory 15 days in jail.

Almost any escort that advertises is easy target finding their home address to raid or setting up appts is the hard part. Most cities require escort licensing with number on any ad and its criminal in many cities like Scottsdale with the same 15 days in jail and fines on 1st offense. I have never seen an ad with a license since to be licensed have to have a log of all clients, positive identification and exactly what did - and nothing sexual of course. Must be open for inspection by LE and lots of other issues. One escort went to Scottsdale and the clerk couldn't even provide an application.

Now the big game is tricking men and have the media credit them with arresting child predators. Place ads on adult boards with pictures of adult women, saying age 18, 20 or most recently 69 or 99. So when have guy obviously looking for an adult, show up or on phone she mentions she is age 17 or 16. Sometimes asks guy to pick up cigs on the way since she is too young. Arizona is only 1 of six states where legal age is 18 (most are 16 or 17). Guy is all horny and has no clue the trick as he was not seeking underaged - on adult site etc.

Guy now faces 10 years in prison as a sexual predator and media brags about all the pedophiles they catch. Maybe they should go wherever guys go to actually seek underaged (Have no clue where since no interest), instead of tricking guys going to an adult site, answering ad for an adult, with picture of adult, and meets undercover adult female cop.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Dave.....if the lady states she is under-age then any self-respecting hobbyist will leave or send them on their way. If the guy let's her stay then he is, inmy opinion despite it being a sting, getting what is coming to him.

And our Sheriffs and prosecutors aren't elected like down there. They don't have quotas. And we actually have less cops per capita.

Besides you are in the heart of Bible-belt, Tea party country there. The ONLY place I would have and would hobby in the USA is Vegas, and only because I know how to.

The dynamic will change, but I don't think most of the cops really want to waste the resourses except for human trafficking and under-agers here. So they won't.
Our problem is trafficking includes consenting adults and includes customers who obtain or assist consenting adults. If there is force than its "extreme trafficking" with greater penalties than consenting regular trafficking. They use trafficking to make it sound bad but go after private consenting adults - both workers and customers.
Ashley Madison
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