... the 2h no show

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Samantha Jones

Active member
Jul 12, 2013
So what is it with guys calling and booking an hour "or more", talk about bringing wine ... then totally no show. Is it other girls boyfriends calling, or do their wives call them and they have to race home. What to do!!!


Dec 5, 2012
It's a tough one. Having myself a preference for the 2+ hour date, I get that it's a leap of faith. My recommendation is either no extended date for new clients or increased screening and ask for a reference of extended date.

Therefore, flaky newbie is screened. Nice new client like me provides an extended date reference. :)


New member
May 6, 2008
oh yes - the famous i want to book for "2 hours"........
I had a call similar to that last week from an Indian guy :)

Why would anyone book an escort they have never met for 2 hours - i prefer 30 minutes to start and then move on from that.

Needless to say he was a "no show" and I called him back and he pretended that he didn't know what I was talking about.

I would say don't waste your time unless it's someone you've seen before :cool:


Jan 7, 2014
Anybody booking 2hrs on a first date has seen other SPs.
Ask for a reference.
Yes this seems fair to guys like me, who are NOT looking for 30 min. I always like to book 2 to 3 hour, no rush, and if the SP likes to share some wine,even better. I never have flaked out on any date, only problem I may cause, is being on time.



Sex Addicted GFE/PSE
Jun 4, 2013
It does seem to be a red flag for a more than likely no show for someone to book a multiple hour on a first date, particularly if they email extensively, make sure to highlight how amazing it will be (bringing wine, food, sending photos, going overboard with getting to know you and such beforehand), but some of my most amazing meetings have started that way as well. References and screening make a world of difference in cutting down on these weirdos that get off on wasting time, whatever their motivation may be.


Ft student Pt provider
Aug 5, 2013
Cooksville Mississauga
i just had one thurs who i ended up confronting saying i felt he was wasting my time as rarely do bookings take 3 plus hrs in texting
he broke telling me he is depressed and finds talking to escorts comforting
i asked him if he minded i come in and harass him at work all day make it impossible to do his job
he promised to never ever ever waste another girls time which i highly doubt he will stick to
so if anyone needs or wants his info as he says he does this daily

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
That sucks Lexi and Sam. It does go both ways as there are time wasting escorts out there too. I guess it's just part of the biz.

I guess to mitigate situations like this you don't take multiple hr bookings from new clients or get a reference (like Tiffany mentioned). And you limit your texts to maybe 10...it shouldn't take more than that to obtain a yes or no answer.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
That sucks Lexi and Sam. It does go both ways as there are time wasting escorts out there too. I guess it's just part of the biz.

I'm a 90- 120 minute guy. Always was... I've had 4 no shows... 2 from the same lady! (I know... fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me...)

Respect is a 2 way concept.


Active member
Mar 26, 2013
not always sure...
Why would anyone book an escort they have never met for 2 hours - i prefer 30 minutes to start and then move on from that.
Experienced clients are more than happy to provide a reference - given the nature of the business there are probably always going to be flakes and it's true that it works both ways. One of the things a client will look for in reviews is the "flake rate". Similarly, companions have a right to ask for references. But the attitude expressed in the quote above baffles me.

Why would anyone book an escort they have never met for 2 hours? For a sense of connection, companionship, and the feeling of seduction. I'll grant that I'm very picky about who I meet with but if someone is described by others as "educated" or "interesting in conversation" I've very often booked a four hour lunch date to start and I don't think I've ever been sorry. Seriously, we've never met before so how could we not have things to talk about???

Why would I book a rushed 30 minutes with someone I've never met before? Is that really any better than just staying at home and jerking off? It's a genuine question.
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