Confessions Escorts


May 13, 2011
it is wonderful to be wanted and desired and hear sweet words from men however, as was mentioned above, we spend our nights alone....
We always have terb when feeling lonely or just need to let it off sometimes or connect. Chances are very high you'll find somebody who will understand how you feel or what you're going through. Even though I don't know you I do care what U have to say + others who are respectful on here. I know it's not what you wanna hear, but many times it made me feel better turning to terb to escape my reality. Also, just because you are with somebody like SO does not mean the loneliness stops at night. Sometimes, we find likeminded ppl at the most unexpected places :)

Nice response BTW, and I love them ups and downs too, but not too rough :p


May 13, 2011
Pablice, I am worried I might turn into you someday! Lol. You seem genuinely unhappy and sad to be completely honest. I say that not in a patronizing way and with zero malice. I just think you are truly a hopeless romantic who misses the excitement and magic of love.
It is what it is a hippopotamus :p Don't worry I don't think you can ever end up where I am now. Even though I use terb to vent, in "real" life people generally see me as a happy guy and I think I am too. I don't think I am a sad, maybe often misunderstood as people often don't think like me. What's wrong with being honest and carrying for people and what they have to say, even in the most unexpected places like terb. Only two people know the real me and pablice so I see no harm exploring this side of me.

I am what I am brother! Love me or hate me or patronize me, I will be here tomorrow the next day and the next year. I realize this is a hub place where really amazing and wonderful people meet, sometimes the scum or earth drop by or ppl with lots of influence. I have been attracted to this life since I was 22 (now 33), and something attracts me to every aspect of this world. I remember when I was a kid I dreamt once that I was in the steam room or big shower room with all these naked women, it was so amazing it and since then the spark has been alive.

So yeah don't worry bout me I am fine regardless of what ppl think. Just bored sometimes as well.


May 13, 2011

In terms of qty my numbers are quite low. At 22 I only saw 3 SPs then stopped till my late 20s until being introduced to the MPAs. Probably close to 50 now. Went through the dating thing after the initial 3 + long term relationship, then marriage, but never really managed to tame this itch I have for this business.

I think everything I have experienced growing up, this is all bringing it together now for me and it feels wonderful now and overwhelming. It is starting to make sense, everything really. I finally feel content with my life, even though it is not ideal life we think one should have.

I can see many commons with lots of guys on here including some of the ones who like to attack me or challenge my POV. I think that frustrates some, especially since they do realize this commonality amongst us, that the hobbyists share even though we are very different in our POV.

Where else are you going to get people this honest with you. I am really tired of real life people being all over the map and just being dishonest, deceitful, manipulative, even though some are your closest family, friends, or SOs for so long. It's so exhausting.

I do feel about u not being able to just have fun anymore getting into this deeper then you'd like. I started like that, fell for a girl I said to I would never fall, and am now back up and back to having fun again. I think it's worth it to hear the truth from the girls end when they feel like sharing, most will tell you like it is, and sometimes it can be quite liberating and mind opening. Both naked, sharing intimate moments, and truthful because you know that you can afford to do it and worry about the backlash.

When I really think about it, I am attracted to the strong character some of these girls have. It takes a lot to deal with what they go through day in day out, and still maintain their identity and self. That takes a lot of strength and courage on their end. This does attract me, this strength, knowing what they want, being refined, and also very experienced with how to touch us properly. I try to take this as influence to my own character.


Cockasian Brother
Aug 3, 2010
Pablice - I don't think anyone could hate you for what you post. Admittedly, I have face palmed a few times because what you say is often like watching a train wreck about to happen. It's just one of those things ppl have to figure out for themselves. Everyone thinks they're special and has it figured out....until they wake up one day and find out that they're not.

Voidphase - privacy is paramount. But, really, the only person you need to worry about finding out is your SO. If you feel the need to go deep, you should ask why first. That could save you a lotta grief, and cash.


May 13, 2011
@TP and @voidphase hahahaaa, I thought I was the only one that did that...I still face palm looking back and I can't believe I said some of that this love is mean, mean love.... I figured that it was better to embarrass my self on here then to do it with the girl. Using you guys to vent this stuff helped be cool with the girl and she never least I am happy thinking that she didn't. Even though soooo embarrassing I don't regret any of it.

Man thinking about it terb is like confession...


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
I get why she's so angry. I get trolled everyday. Sometimes from when I first wake up and the entire day I only get inquiries from idiots. That doesn't mean my anger is directed at everyone. Just the idiots. The people who are too dumb, unattractive, rude or just plain bad at sex to just go out and get a girlfriend. I mean, I've heard it all. I stopped putting my number in my ads because of all the freaks that have completely lost touch with reality trying to contact me and book a session. I've even had people contact me... chat me up for a few days and say something like "I thought this was free. I'm not paying for an escort!". They were the ones that sought me out and contacted me from my ads that were very obviously for an escort. They chatted up and escort and thought they would get a girlfirend. The requests for BBFS are always absurd and they always become argumentative and rude when you say no. I mean, I'm just trying to protect myself. These guys always talk to me like I am the scum of the earth and that they wouldn't touch me with someone else's dick (but they wanted to fuck me without a condom previously and they end up contact me again a week later). I mean everytime someone acts up and starts talking to me like i'm a piece of shit. I know that I should expect an apology in an email 2 to 7 days later. I know that these guys will always be alone, they are my bread and butter but it makes it really difficult not to get angry and hold a grudge against everyone.

I personally get treated like sh*t everyday, so good for her for speaking her mind!

I didn't agree with all of that , but I found this part really funny..

"I have to voice this in the loudest possible way because I STILL get it…and I quote “I’m only here to please you, tell me what you like…that’s all I want…” barf, barf, barf….If you gave me what I wanted it would be 5 bills and your back, on the way out the door. Why are clients SO damn concerned with ‘making me cum’? The fact that they say they are only there to please me really really annoys the shit out of me. They are there to masturbate into me, and this is VERY different, ladies and gentlemen, from making love with your significant other. So guy’s please who the fuck are you kidding? We are emotional creatures, and just a little more complicated then just you plugging away at us and expecting for us to ‘cum’. Gross"

This is also an extremely biteable bum. ;)


Sensual Seduction
Feb 1, 2008
We always have terb when feeling lonely or just need to let it off sometimes or connect. Chances are very high you'll find somebody who will understand how you feel or what you're going through. Even though I don't know you I do care what U have to say + others who are respectful on here. I know it's not what you wanna hear, but many times it made me feel better turning to terb to escape my reality. Also, just because you are with somebody like SO does not mean the loneliness stops at night. Sometimes, we find likeminded ppl at the most unexpected places :)

Nice response BTW, and I love them ups and downs too, but not too rough :p
You are such a sweet man. I do not necessarily mean that I am lonely though hon, Yes I usually spend the night alone but I quite like it that way. I don't usually want him to stay the night lol, just come over, make me sweat and shudder, then go home. ;)


New member
Jul 12, 2003
Confession #1:

I have to voice this in the loudest possible way because I STILL get it…and I quote “I’m only here to please you, tell me what you like…that’s all I want…” barf, barf, barf….If you gave me what I wanted it would be 5 bills and your back, on the way out the door. Why are clients SO damn concerned with ‘making me cum’? The fact that they say they are only there to please me really really annoys the shit out of me. They are there to masturbate into me, and this is VERY different, ladies and gentlemen, from making love with your significant other. So guy’s please who the fuck are you kidding? We are emotional creatures, and just a little more complicated then just you plugging away at us and expecting for us to ‘cum’. Gross

Let’s just say ENOUGH with the solemn face and ‘serious talk’ after the session. You insisted I not put a raincoat on you when my mouth went down to the unknown, we wore protection (as I always do), and yet after the session you say “I’m OK right……?.....your clean?” Let’s define ‘clean’ as you put it. Do I take showers everyday? Yes. Do I get STD tested every 3 months? Yes. Do I always use condoms? Yes. Did I see 10 other clients that same week or even day as you? Yes. And 98% all went down on me. Now, even if I was completely honest with you, I can almost swear all those guys I saw in just this last week were not completely honest with me. Do I know this and still take the risk? Yes, and I am still an escort. I know stats, and educate myself immensly on health safety issues…sounds like you don’t but still see me….hmmmm…there has to be some level of responsibility that you take on when you see me….GET IT FUCK STICK?

NO, you cannot fuck me without a condom. (Fact: I get this question about 1/50 people)…And needless to say THAT IS FUCKING GROSS! How many other escorts have you asked this question, that actually LET YOU!!?? You know what this means to me? That you have NOTHING to lose…as in for example “well shit I have _________(insert v.d here) already so why the hell not?” and that is fucking scary.

Fact: 90% of the men I see ARE married. (and quite honestly we probably make them better husbands, there wives don’t have to fuck them…they pay us…everyone is happy!)

And I quote again “ I’m married… that ok?” Why would it matter fuckstick? It’s preferred. It hopefully means you have a life and will leave me the fuck alone after the session. Plus, how insulting is that question. As if I escort to find meaningful relationships with trustworthy men. Note to every dumb shit out there….I am not looking for single men to date, better if you are involved.

I don’t care if other girls like it or “actually prefer it” (or that bullshit line you are feeding me), you CANNOT cum on my face, around it, in my mouth, or even near it. Put your legs up on the wall and flip them by your head, that way you can shoot it at your own face ya dip shit.

To the guys who have escorts girlfriends: Quit fucking acting like you have me all figured out. Do not lump me into the category of your trashy escort girlfriend who charges $200/hr. for full service. And goes by the handle “_________(insert name here) of Denver”. I charge $500 minimum now, because after the year of being at the bottom I now understand my self worth. She has been in the business 10 years and you think she is a top provider…..quit making me laugh. My chosen name also has a bit more thought process to it….then debbie does denver. Do not think you ‘know’ the escort community. If you and her have fucked up underlying problems because you know she fucks SOO MANY guys (gotta make those dollars) to support your loser ass…well don’t take it out on me. You’re a fuckin idiot.

Ok guys, hygiene talk. Your breath smells of dog shit, maybe you know who you are…maybe not. BUT Guys please please please brush your teeth, wear deordant. Also when we are in missionary and your fat, short, bald-headed self is sweating to death on top of me, remember, I don’t like it you have no hair to refrain your sweat from falling in my god damn face. Drape a sweat towel over your shoulders, that way when your half-way done jacking off inside me you can wipe your face and save me from your disgusting sweat fluids dropping all over my face!

Farting is disgusting and unacceptable on my part, but…then why do you do it? How fucking old or drunk are you that you don’t even say excuse me when you break wind?? Next time one of you assholes tries to lick my ass again, I’m cutting one loose. I already told you to keep your fingers and tounge out of my ass (for your own good, I have irritable bowel syndrome, no joking) but yet you persist. My IBS is so bad sometimes. I do have gas and bloat myself to hold it and, it does not help you are prying down there. SO just try not to be such an asshole.

Oh yes….dry fingers HURT. Did you actually think over the last 2 minutes you gave me a wet slicky down there? Once I saw you I knew only alcohol would get me remotely turned on, and since you provided NONE of that, stop trying to shove your dry ass fingers in my gine. It’s called Lube, fuck stick.

I HATE HATE HATE men which big lizard size dicks. You could say I have a smaller vagina, or even a short canal. But I have been split before while you ram away and it puts me out of work for at least a week. Your blacklisted you fuck heads, I don’t like to be gutted or feel like my insides are bruising while you pound away with that meaty cock of yours. I hate you. If you came in 2 minutes, I think I would be fine….BUT noooo your stupid ass must have taken viagara so you could ‘last’ the ENTIRE goddamn time. Listen asshole, no one fucks the ENTIRE time. It’s not normal. If they did my pussy would fucking fall off….all you big guys out only get 2 minutes before I become hostile. How about if I beat your dick off lubeless with a piece of sandpaper for 60minutes…how would you like that? Fuck you guys.

Wait, the all time favorite hilarious priceless quote “ Let’s go on a REAL date sometime…..” does that mean you want to hang out with me for free?......ha……ha…..ha….(choke)….ha….ha…I’m choking how hard I’m laughing… Anyways, moving on..

Since we talked about big dicks, lets talk about limp dicks….nothing wrong with ‘em, they are cute little guys. However, the limp dick and I come at odds when you are still attempting to thrust inside me and the condom is falling off. Thus leaving it inside me. Just STOP, don’t fucking try anymore. Its not going to happen and I don’t want ANY piece of your dick skin touching me at all down there. Would you like a hand job?

And that brings me to my next point, why do you have to thrust sooo deep that you go past the shaft part of the condom? I rolled that baby down as far as I could and you still want your disgusting dick skin to touch me somehow. Just STOP, your dick doesn’t get longer the more you shove it in! You are just annoying me.

For the guys who want to “see my face” picture before I meet them, knowing very well I don’t show my face on the website. Fuck off. I have a fucking beautiful face and I KNOW it. Everyone loves my face, maybe too much. It is how I am successful and can pull in 5,000 a week. If I had a butt ass ugly face like you do, do you think I would still be charging $500 for the fuckin hour? I KNOW my face and general appearance is fuckin fantastic and I use it to my advantage.

Sure you can make out with my foot for an hour. No I will not wrap a rubber band around your penis head several times to help you not cum. You want me to dig my nails into your balls??

Ummm is that a freshly pierced lip ring you have there young guy? Why are you trying to go down on me then with that freshly pierced lip ring? Fucking gross…I don’t want your open sore in my vagina. Dumb shits.

Don’t fucking squeeze my sides so hard you leave fingertip bruises! My boyfriend will see those!

I keep everything that is handed to me….don’t fuckin ask me for change dip shit.

Green makes me smile and love you more : )

Hold your belly up when we are in doggy style it makes a fart-slapping noise if you don’t. I was kind enough to pull your belly back to find your dick just 5 minutes ago when I was on top….

I honestly laugh when you ask me why my skin is so soft. Let me tell you my routine. I am a bit obsessive compulsive when I comes to flesh to flesh skin cells rubbing off on me. I SCRUB myself every night with sugar and anything else I can find that is abrasive enough to make my skin raw. This is to get your distgusting skin cells and germs off me. Every time you touch me I think I will be expecially scrubbing that area extra hard tonight…your ‘soft’ touches make my skin crawl ya dirty old fucks.

Why is it I expect the worst when a client walks in or I show up? Ok so you have a gimpy arm that is shorter then the other arm with knubs for fingers and a bit deformed. Even your elfish body and rounded chest sets you apart from other guys. You need love too. Since no one but me will fuck ya, I go at it bravely. But why WHY WHY do you have to be so creepy with that arm? I tried to ignore it, and you then proceed to touch me with it and call them your “special fingers” and then shove your knubly deformed half fingered hand into my vagina trying to ‘pleasure’ me. Not only does that creep me out, but it really makes me wonder what karma I have put out for you to show up at my door. Why must I be punished? Therapy….I need it…

Stop drooling in my mouth and learn how to kiss….why is your tounge so fat? I can’t believe I just let him go down on me with those rotten ass teeth…I guess it was better then him trying to make out with me…..Gentlemen red onions are offensive…expecially on your breath!...I can’t stop staring at the bats in your cave…

No I will NOT dominate you, you are looking in the WRONG god damn section of EROS. You want ‘BDSM’ not “female escorts”. I DON’T get off sticking things in your ass and making you cross-dress. You couldn’t pay me enough….well maybe, but you’re a bunch of cheap bastards also, so fuck off. I want triple what I charge hourly.

Repeat, we are NOT dating. I am not your girlfriend. Stop thinking you are cool enough for me to be here if there was no money involved. I wouldn’t even fart your way unless you paid me. Much less show up and just “hang-out”. Don’t fucking tell me you love me, 3 clients this week already beat you to it.

Pussy Eating….for the so-called “experts” Rule #1 Don’t spead my lips apart with your hands so far that they tear the inner soft skin on the vagina….how about I pull your pee hole in two different directions…hmmm?? It would rip the sides…wouldn’t it ?fuck stick?? Rule #2 Don’t suck my clit and labia up into your mouth and catch it on your teeth…..lets say I rake my teeth over your cock? Wouldn’t that feel great?? Rule #3 Keep your tounge on the top or the bottom. The middle of my vagina is my pee hole…I don’t know about you but tounging my pee hole is NOT a turn on….it burns. Rule #4 Lick on TOP of the hood not under. There are 4,000 neves on my clit and it feels WAYYYY to sensitive. Kinda like your cock, JUST after you cum. With that said 80% of guys really really give bad head. That is just my personal observation.
If you ask to extend in the middle of a session, because you are just IN LOVE with me…as most usually are…then make sure you have enough to cover the time used buddy! You can’t refund my time asshole, and just because I didn’t want to get up and talk about business when you asked to extend in my compromising position…don’t take advantage of it and bring less then you think you will spend! Dumb shits…

On a happy end note…I DO have to give some credit to the normal guys. The married ones who are stuck in a marriage and are very attractive and could literally get any younger female they wanted, but stay for the kids. Also the non- freaks, losers, ass-face, deformed, hanicapped, overly obese …etc..guys. who have a charming way about them, but decided not to pursue relationships they are not ready to commit to. I salute and respect you. Because you and I both know you can get an attractive girl, who is unsuspecting and sweet and thinks the best of people, to go home with you after you feed her lies just to get into her pants, and then act as if you care for awhile until the sex gets old then throw her out on her relationship wanting ass. Get smart ladies! Stop sleeping around and not using condoms half the time. Fact: My non escort girlfriends hardly ever use condoms…I yell at them. They are so slack….and I use to be. BUT I have learned, Men go after what you want. I understand my relationship to you is a client, provider on and there are no gray lines. That is what you are there for, and so am I. You, fantasy porn-star sex…me-benjamin franklins…and it works out.

SO STOP ASKING ME MY REAL GOD DAMN NAME!!!!! It’s none of your fucking business…this is a fantasy I fulfill for you…stop making it so god damn personal. I’m NOT your fucking girlfriend/wife for christ sake (or want to be)….I’m just a sweet face…..
This post would be really funny, if only a few words were changed, but it was written by a man.


New member
May 2, 2011
I agree I think of it as the time we spend together, pleasing each other and sharing passion.... It is beyond compensation..its about enjoyment... if you don't like what you do..change it :)

I agree with Serena. Varleria, you have a nice body!


New member
Mar 4, 2013
Reading through the original rant I think there is a lot of truth in there, for the sp, as well as for the client.

Guys who are saying they just want to please are really saying they want to connect which means interaction rather than just taking. For most men who partake I would hazard they are married with children. Somehow the intimacy is gone. Some chose the route of the affair which allows for the connection but takes a ton of time and takes away from the home life. A transaction with an sp is simpler cash for sex. Or at least on paper it is simpler. For myself, at least, I want more than mere flesh against flesh (or latex to be specific). There has to be some fun or else I will be the limp dick guy. Maybe for a yonger guy hormones will carry the day but as you get a little older there needs to be more. it is getting the right mix without getting mixed up that is vital.

With respect to hygiene I can sympathize as can anyone who has the misfortune to go for an hour ride to the airport with a cabbie who believes showering once a month is more than enough. Yuck!

Talking about spouses with sp's is wrong. You are doing something that societally is labelled as unethical. Why unburden to an sp? Better get a psychotherapist, they are cheaper.

With respect to being good looking, that is so personal. One mans art is another mans trash and visa versa. Giving a pass to any guy who is hot enough to get any chick is a little lame. I have read on here raving reviews of some chicks who I have met and wonder what the hype is about. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and so I would challenge that there is no guy/gal that would be appealing to all. I would argue that any guy on here who get chicks it would just be a question of time, effort and stretching form the comfort zone. Let's face there is a lot more fugly guys walking around with hot chicks than visa versa.

To me the best encounters occur when you meet an sp who either enjoys her work or at least has come to terms with it and has learned to be pleasant and interactive. From my perspective Sinful Sophia is the best of the best in this regards. If there is any sp I would have concerns about developing a crush of it would have to be her. It has little to do with the sex rather it has to do with her genuineness (Not to say the sex isn't great it is). She would be the equivalent of the cashier at the store who gives you a longer than necessary smile that tells you she is really there rather than in la la land. I think the mind is the bodies biggest sex organ. Any sp who wants to up her game should keep this in mind. If you do not want to be treated like a commodity do not act like a commodity. Voice your likes and dislikes such as no dry fingers to your client, most guys are quite open to hearing and learning (Once it gets through their hormone overloaded brains allow double the time to process such requests). I would wager that any sp who gives balanced feedback, positive and negative, will be elevated to a higher status compared to an sp who just vacates for the time she is in the room.

Just like in any other business there are two types of approaches; transactional and relational. It has been proven over and over that relational approaches yield better results. Rather than just ranting anonymously only take a few positive steps:
1) Screen for those gentlemen who will be purely transactional- these are the guys who will treat you like pond scum- avoid at all cost
2) Change the paradigm from you are doing some loser a favour to you are providing a valuable service to a fellow human being
3) Assure that while you are providing the service you communicate what is working and not working in a manner similar to the way you would if you were working at a high end boutique
Also at then end of the day if some encounter is not working for you remember you have the option to stop and give back the money. This is not about slavery this is about service, a very personal service at that.

Cheers all
Toronto Escorts