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Prostitution Flourishes In China


New member
Jan 2, 2003
t8rs: Thank you for being so considerate about my needs:). Maybe I should become your guide once my feet have been solidily rooted inside the door of China. LOL.

Leery: Your lavish and generous remarks about girls in Chengdu surprised me a little bit. I had thought the girls in Easten China, namely, in Suzhou or Hangzhou ( correct me if I spell the cities in a wrong way ), would deserve that kind of kudos. Maybe that's a sort of stereotype? I am not sure. Have you just opened up a new frontier for people like us? Could you please elaborate on why you speak so highly of the girls in Chengdu? Thanks.


Jan 13, 2002
My asian friend told me that the capital city of Szechun is ChungKing. It is also a brand name of some chinese soy sauce, right ?

dragondick said:
Zhuhai is not too far away from Hong Kong, can have a 1-day Cunt Hunting trip if you leave early in the morning.
Chengdu is more inland, is the capital of Szechuan Province.
Have not heard of Heifei.
If you speak Mandarin, then should have no problem in Zhuhai or Chengdu.


Sep 25, 2002
ice_dog: chungking is what's called a "Directly Managed City" - same as shanghai, beijing and wuhan. What it means is that Chungking is a city which is no longer within the jurasdiction of its province - but rather it manages itself. Hence, leaving Chengdu as the Provincial capital. lol. never tried the soy sauce.

Aato: Suzhou and Hangzhou girls represent an old stereotype - typically petite, pale and thin - they represent the old chinese ideals of a hot girl. But in recent years, our tastes have been changing and moreover, pretty girls in these cities have typically migrated to Shanghai. Szchuanese girls on the other hand are well known now for having the best skin, hottest bodies and prettiest face. In fact it's generally said that "when you come to Szechuan you regret marrying so early". Unfortunately, szechuanese girls don't leave their home province much so you'll have to go get them. :D


Nov 22, 2001
Aalto: All in the interest of the best possible hobbying experience. :) Thanks for your generous offer but Asian girls rarely do anything for me.

Leery: About asking your business associates, perhaps a more decisive (yet still subtle) tactic would be to ask where to get a massage?

I found the girls in Hangzhou to be the prettiest in China. (Given my indifference to Asians, that might say something.) So that's changed since I visited? That's unfortunate as Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities on the face of the earth, partially due to the women. I don't recall Szechuanese girls being hot, but then I may have just been thrown by my first exposure to Tibetans.


Jan 13, 2002
I know Szechuan, famous for spicy food. As a matter of fact, I once had a chinese boss who was born in Szechuan- his old man was a general under the Chang Kai Shek regime. Durinng the war with Japan, Chang escaped to that province, as it is a pretty much a valley surrounded by mountains.

But this former boss of mine never told me that girls in Szechuan have good looks...Maybe they taste just like soy

leery said:
ice_dog: chungking is what's called a "Directly Managed City" - same as ... Szchuanese girls on the other hand are well known now for having the best skin, hottest bodies and prettiest face. In fact it's generally said that "when you come to Szechuan you regret marrying so early". Unfortunately, szechuanese girls don't leave their home province much so you'll have to go get them. :D


New member
Jan 2, 2003
t8rs said:
Aalto: All in the interest of the best possible hobbying experience. :) Thanks for your generous offer but Asian girls rarely do anything for me.

Leery: About asking your business associates, perhaps a more decisive (yet still subtle) tactic would be to ask where to get a massage?

I found the girls in Hangzhou to be the prettiest in China. (Given my indifference to Asians, that might say something.) So that's changed since I visited? That's unfortunate as Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities on the face of the earth, partially due to the women. I don't recall Szechuanese girls being hot, but then I may have just been thrown by my first exposure to Tibetans.
t8rs: I may just as well take your advice to ask for a massage. BTW, did you try out Tibetan girls? What was is it like if you did?


New member
Jan 2, 2003
leery said:
......Aato: Suzhou and Hangzhou girls represent an old stereotype - typically petite, pale and thin - they represent the old chinese ideals of a hot girl. But in recent years, our tastes have been changing and moreover, pretty girls in these cities have typically migrated to Shanghai. Szchuanese girls on the other hand are well known now for having the best skin, hottest bodies and prettiest face. In fact it's generally said that "when you come to Szechuan you regret marrying so early". Unfortunately, szechuanese girls don't leave their home province much so you'll have to go get them. :D

leery: WOW, are Szchuanese girls really that good to win such a powerful luring introduction as "when you come to Szechuan you regret marrying so early"? I am convinced. Could you give us a price range charged by girls in Chengdu? Generally where (i.e. hotels, clubs, salons, massage parlors, etc.) do they hang or bounce around? Thanks.


Nov 22, 2001
Aalto: I'm afraid I can't report on Tibetan girls. When I was there, I was so fascinated by the people (it was like being on another planet) that there were no sexual inclinations. <insert appropriate *gasp*> If you do make it there, you may see what I mean if things haven't changed.


Jan 13, 2002
From the WSG

Tourists accused of three-day China orgy
Mon Sep 29, 2:50 AM ET

By Juliana Liu
BEIJING (Reuters) - Hundreds of Japanese tourists and local prostitutes held a three-day orgy at a luxury hotel in southern China, newspapers say, sparking outrage and prompting police to launch an investigation.

The five-star hotel where the orgy was reported to have been held earlier this month has been closed pending investigations, a spokeswoman for the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Bureau told Reuters.

"We are conducting an investigation into the case to find out whether media reports tally with reality," she said. "We have suspended the business of Zhuhai International Convention Centre Hotel."

The official People's Daily newspaper said more than 400 Japanese tourists were serviced by some 500 prostitutes from the coastal cities of Zhuhai and Shenzhen during their stay from September 16 to 18.

Media reports of the orgy have provoked outrage -- particularly on the Internet, where Chinese Web surfers accused the tourists of choosing the date for their high jinks to humiliate China and celebrate Japan's wartime behaviour.

September 18 marks the anniversary of Japan's occupation of northeastern China of 1931 -- an event remembered by many Chinese who still harbour deep resentment of Tokyo's military past.

"It's a trivial matter for Chinese prostitutes to sell sex, but the key is to look at the intentions of the Japanese devils," said a message on the web site. "They came on purpose for September 18."

Other messages described the orgy as a national shame.

The People's Daily said the tourists paid the prostitutes between 1,200 to 1,800 yuan (85-130 pounds) a night.

Although technically illegal, prostitution has become common in China since the country's economic reforms began more than 20 years ago.

Expensive hotels catering to foreigners are notorious gathering spots for sex workers.


Zhu Hai can be a dangerous place for the next few days or weeks !!

Just read from the internet that there was a big issue with a large group of Japanese tourist ( 200 - 400 men ) spend 3 days in a hotel with over 500 Chinese prostitutes. The local media found out and published a news story on this. The Japanese men would each have 2 to 3 ladies for the whole night, spending about 1,200 to 1,400 rmb on each girl.

The whole China is outraged at this incident, especially it happened on the anniversary date when Japanese invaded China back in 1931. Date was Sept 18, 1931.

China central government is cracking down on Zhu Hai now, the hotel is shut down. So fellas should beware of this and not do too much mongering in this area. I expect police will clean house and clean street in ZH.

If anyone is there now. would love to hear your eyewitness report on the street scene.



Oct 19, 2003
Richmond Hill

Eventhough something happened there, but...may be now they were famous for city of sex fun. one more thing, $$$ can do anything (corruption). Agree???


New member
Jan 2, 2003
Re: From the WSG

ice_dog said:
Tourists accused of three-day China orgy
Mon Sep 29, 2:50 AM ET

By Juliana Liu
BEIJING (Reuters) - Hundreds of Japanese tourists and local prostitutes held a three-day orgy at a luxury hotel in southern China, newspapers say, sparking outrage and prompting police to launch an investigation.

The five-star hotel where the orgy was reported to have been held earlier this month has been closed pending investigations, a spokeswoman for the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Bureau told Reuters.

"We are conducting an investigation into the case to find out whether media reports tally with reality," she said. "We have suspended the business of Zhuhai International Convention Centre Hotel."

The official People's Daily newspaper said more than 400 Japanese tourists were serviced by some 500 prostitutes from the coastal cities of Zhuhai and Shenzhen during their stay from September 16 to 18.

Media reports of the orgy have provoked outrage -- particularly on the Internet, where Chinese Web surfers accused the tourists of choosing the date for their high jinks to humiliate China and celebrate Japan's wartime behaviour.

September 18 marks the anniversary of Japan's occupation of northeastern China of 1931 -- an event remembered by many Chinese who still harbour deep resentment of Tokyo's military past.

"It's a trivial matter for Chinese prostitutes to sell sex, but the key is to look at the intentions of the Japanese devils," said a message on the web site. "They came on purpose for September 18."

Other messages described the orgy as a national shame.

The People's Daily said the tourists paid the prostitutes between 1,200 to 1,800 yuan (85-130 pounds) a night.

Although technically illegal, prostitution has become common in China since the country's economic reforms began more than 20 years ago.

Expensive hotels catering to foreigners are notorious gathering spots for sex workers.


Zhu Hai can be a dangerous place for the next few days or weeks !!

Just read from the internet that there was a big issue with a large group of Japanese tourist ( 200 - 400 men ) spend 3 days in a hotel with over 500 Chinese prostitutes. The local media found out and published a news story on this. The Japanese men would each have 2 to 3 ladies for the whole night, spending about 1,200 to 1,400 rmb on each girl.

The whole China is outraged at this incident, especially it happened on the anniversary date when Japanese invaded China back in 1931. Date was Sept 18, 1931.

China central government is cracking down on Zhu Hai now, the hotel is shut down. So fellas should beware of this and not do too much mongering in this area. I expect police will clean house and clean street in ZH.

If anyone is there now. would love to hear your eyewitness report on the street scene.


Given what happened between China and Japan in the past, I could see where this report comes from. It only reinforces the notion that prostitution is readily available almost all over China.
More Links!

The UN has just released the
AIDS epidemic update December 2003

Total AIDs cases are grouped by region in the Map - total ~40million worldwide

The section on Russia notes
It is now estimated that around 1 million people aged 15-49 are living with HIV in the Russian Federation (although various estimates from that country put the figure at between 600,000 and 1.5 million).
And the Section on Asia/Pacific says
Over 1 million people in Asia and the Pacific acquired HIV in 2003, bringing to an estimated 7.4 million the number of people now living with the virus. A further 500,000 people are estimated to have died of AIDS in 2003
Three Asian countries have already had to contend with serious nationwide epidemics: Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand. While it remains to be seen whether Myanmar's nascent prevention efforts will limit HIV prevalence to the 1-2% reported among 15-24-year-olds in urban areas, national adult HIV prevalence in Cambodia has remained stable at about 3% since 1997, thanks to resolute efforts to hold the epidemic in check. Seroprevalence appears to have dropped significantly among brothel-based sex workers-from 43% in 1998 to 29% in 2002-and among urban police, largely due to the vigorous condom-promotion programme supported by the government and nongovernmental organizations. Cambodia's Ministry of Health recently estimated that the country would have seen three times as many HIV infections had it not mounted this response
Sex-holidays in Cambodian brothels, anyone?


Dec 13, 2005
This has to win the prize for the oldest thread revival on the site. 10.5 years.
I mistook the 2003 as 2013, and was thinking where in the heck are these guys getting all-nighters for $200?

Thanks for straightening me out. I thought I had been visiting another country.


Active member
Oct 16, 2003
What's happening in China these days pro and non-pro scene?
Ahhh as a resident of Beijing until recently .... Now living on the side of a mountain in Yunnan .... Maggies is still the place with Mongolians and girls from all the Ztans .... All nighters are offered at 3000 rmb and can still be picked up for around 1100 rmb .... Not quite what it use to be. Many uncles just buy the girl a apartment car and a allowance...... This is with the Chinese girls. At almost any bar be it Mix, Vic's, Red Club , first floor .... There are pros and non pros everywhere. It is easy enough to find a girl or two looking for a westerner for fun still. But not like before.
A common question with a non pro on the first date or meeting is how much do you make .... For nonchalant questions by Chinese this is very common. Now leaving a tier 1 or 2 city things change.
Girls girls girls .... If you can speak Chinese the world is your oyster. If you cannot .... Well not so easy but still doable. I have German friends living in Beijing but travelling for work to smaller cities who were using google translate all night at dinner and in bed .... Well until google got blocked.
Right now the big cities have a lot of people with more money then god ..... Example custom pink Bugatti with custom anodized engine parts to match. I see guys paying 300000 rmb cash ( 50000 canadian dollars give or take) for used 883 HDs and never having ridden a bike in their life.
Deals can be had .... Just non Chinese girls ... Too much money quickly has spoiled them. But then again lots of freebies around just looking for love.
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