Jan 24, 2012

"...a person who promotes a person’s engagement in sexual relations in return for payment shall be sentenced for procuring to imprisonment for at most four years."
"... une personne qui favorise l'engagement d'une personne à des relations sexuelles en échange de paiement ne peut être condamné pour l'acquisition d'un emprisonnement de quatre ans au plus"

.... This is a PORTION of NEW Laws drafted by HARPER Government LEAKED out. Under this law the cops will do like they tried in early 90's when they attempted to CHARGE Now Magazine with Living off the Avails of Prostitution. JUST LIKE in the U.S. were they laid charges against CRAIGSLIST for Promoting prostitution, the likes of TERB , Now Magazine, Toronto Sun & other sites that fascilitate prostitution in Canada will be charged.
...... Final Laws likely to come out in April To attempt to AVIOD much protest & possible negative media attention. MAGGIE'S , CORPS & the like best MOVE FAST or even under new laws they could be charged with promotion ..... if not careful!! :frusty:


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
A person? Can that also apply to a cooperation? If someone sells ad space to a prostitute are they responsible for promoting? Very vague indeed. The lawyers will make out like bandits as usual.
Jan 24, 2012
YES. I the early 90's Police laid charges against the Now Magazine incl directors, those responsible for adult classified ads & sales associates of adult ads. There was a big media " Drop The Charges " campaign & they finally withdrew the charges. Under the new law one does NOT EVEN need to accept money to be charged with aiding, assisting another in prostitution.


Craigslist were never charged with promoting prostitution in the US. In Canada the laws against pimping and procuring have always been on the books, to my knowledge. Content at sites such as Terb is protected under freedom of speech.
Jan 24, 2012
It was Craigslist or Kijiji that had charges laid or were threatened to have charges laid if they did not remove " erotic services " section. We do not have a promoting charge like in the U.S. We have living off the avails which was challenged since the media was deemed not to be DIRECTLY living off the avails. Big Doggie , Craigslist, Kijiji were subject to such promoting charges. BIG Doggie was also charged.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
It was Craigslist or Kijiji that had charges laid. We do not have a promoting charge like in the U.S. We have living off the avails which was challenged since the media was deemed not to be DIRECTLY living off the avails. Big Doggie , Craigslist, Kijiji were subject to such promoting charges. BIG Doggie was also charged.
Charges weren't laid, it was "requested" that remove the adult section.

But then, the entire title of this thread is misleading too. It implies that the media have been charged, but they haven't. You're just suggesting they could be under new laws which may or may not pass. No charges were laid despite your sensationalist claim that "Crimminal CHARGES Laid ..... AGAINST Media FoR ..."PROMOTING PROSTITUTION""


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
"...a person who promotes a person’s engagement in sexual relations in return for payment shall be sentenced for procuring to imprisonment for at most four years."
"... une personne qui favorise l'engagement d'une personne à des relations sexuelles en échange de paiement ne peut être condamné pour l'acquisition d'un emprisonnement de quatre ans au plus"

.... This is a PORTION of NEW Laws drafted by HARPER Government LEAKED out

Did they hire Mickey Mouse to "draft" this?

This is not language that any first year law student would use. Take a deep breathe and don't believe everything someone forwards to your e-mail addy.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
"...a person who promotes a person’s engagement in sexual relations in return for payment shall be sentenced for procuring to imprisonment for at most four years."
"... une personne qui favorise l'engagement d'une personne à des relations sexuelles en échange de paiement ne peut être condamné pour l'acquisition d'un emprisonnement de quatre ans au plus"

.... This is a PORTION of NEW Laws drafted by HARPER Government LEAKED out. Under this law the cops will do like they tried in early 90's when they attempted to CHARGE Now Magazine with Living off the Avails of Prostitution. JUST LIKE in the U.S. were they laid charges against CRAIGSLIST for Promoting prostitution, the likes of TERB , Now Magazine, Toronto Sun & other sites that fascilitate prostitution in Canada will be charged.
...... Final Laws likely to come out in April To attempt to AVIOD much protest & possible negative media attention. MAGGIE'S , CORPS & the like best MOVE FAST or even under new laws they could be charged with promotion ..... if not careful!! :frusty:

Did they hire Mickey Mouse to "draft" this?

This is not language that any first year law student would use. Take a deep breathe and don't believe everything someone forwards to your e-mail addy.
Right! Lol!


Jan 25, 2012
Yes, totally misleading. Media still would have free speech rights and providers could still advertise because it would be legal for single providers to promote their services. Such a law could possibly be used against agencies, but not easily against media or the internet
or independent providers who advertise over any such media.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
"...a person who promotes a person’s engagement in sexual relations in return for payment shall be sentenced for procuring to imprisonment for at most four years."
"... une personne qui favorise l'engagement d'une personne à des relations sexuelles en échange de paiement ne peut être condamné pour l'acquisition d'un emprisonnement de quatre ans au plus"

.... This is a PORTION of NEW Laws drafted by HARPER Government LEAKED out. Under this law the cops will do like they tried in early 90's when they attempted to CHARGE Now Magazine with Living off the Avails of Prostitution. JUST LIKE in the U.S. were they laid charges against CRAIGSLIST for Promoting prostitution, the likes of TERB , Now Magazine, Toronto Sun & other sites that fascilitate prostitution in Canada will be charged.
...... Final Laws likely to come out in April To attempt to AVIOD much protest & possible negative media attention. MAGGIE'S , CORPS & the like best MOVE FAST or even under new laws they could be charged with promotion ..... if not careful!! :frusty:

what is the source of this leak?


Punster Extraordinaire
Feb 8, 2005
in my pants, where there's a party
The Avails provision has been struck from the criminal code, by a unanimous decision by the SCC. Harper and company can draw up such legislation till their faces turn blue, it won't be admissable to be even heard in Parliament. Their only hope is to turn public opinion against sexworkers by ramming the exploitation song down people's throats, but our side is acting loudly too. SPOC, Maggies, activist sexworkers and clients are using social media to promote sexwork as real work.

The Nordic model WILL fail if insitiuted in Canada, because aside from the laws, Sweden also has a butt-load of social services designed to guarantee sex-worker safety. Even with those safe-guards in place, a sexworker died last year. Canada has no such social guarantees.

The cons are spinning their wheels on this. They're basically screwed, due to their own policies. Had Harper not cut so much funding towards women's services, they might have a chance at passing the Nordic model, but they don't. They'll have to think of something, and thinking is not their forte.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
OK, how far would this law go?

Definitely, it would apply to pimps, who would profit by finding clients. Would it apply to media? Don't think so because the law mentions 'persons', not corporate entities. Would it apply to a driver, bodyguard, live-in or receptionist? No, because they would not be promoting prostitution. It would be just like paying the plumber for fixing a leak in the SP's house. It's a big change from the broader
'living off the avails', because with the latter, any money made by the SP and given to a person who does work for them, like the plumber, would be guilty of living off the SP's sex-industry revenue. So I think that the new law would be limited to exploiters and facilitators. It seems to open up the possibility of legalizing prostitution, but with limits.


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
OK, how far would this law go?

Definitely, it would apply to pimps, who would profit by finding clients. Would it apply to media? Don't think so because the law mentions 'persons', not corporate entities. Would it apply to a driver, bodyguard, live-in or receptionist? No, because they would not be promoting prostitution. It would be just like paying the plumber for fixing a leak in the SP's house. It's a big change from the broader
'living off the avails', because with the latter, any money made by the SP and given to a person who does work for them, like the plumber, would be guilty of living off the SP's sex-industry revenue. So I think that the new law would be limited to exploiters and facilitators. It seems to open up the possibility of legalizing prostitution, but with limits.

Psssstttt...this is not any draft of anything except some half-wit who faked some "leak".
There are all sorts of bad tricks the Canadian conservatives could learn form the deceptions of the law in the U.S., that you need to watch out for if and when there are any proposals.

I bet the ilk of Melissa Farley etc are actively helping the abolitionists in Canada to come up with laws that would reduce "harm" but restrict using some of the gimmicks used in the U.S. At least when Farley filed a friend of court brief in the lower court the Canadian wonderful judge totally discredited it.

I assume in Canada as in the U.S. you have the hype and scam about sex trafficking and children. That is creating huge funding for the abolitionist that believe all sexwork is abuse of women and no women can freely choose sexwork. So under the scam of "sex trafficking" probably 95% of arrests are in private consenting adults. Our Federal sex trafficking law includes drivers, boyfriends, even clients that promote or encourage. If someone is coerced than it is "extreme trafficking" with more prison time vs just regular consenting adult "trafficking".

Free Speech of websites may be more broad in Canada but website owners have gone to prison in the U.S. for getting money from ads from escorts or if they monitor and make reject or not decisions on reviews etc. BP and Craiglist (before stopped) argue they are not liable but that is only if they do not take any active part in reviewing posts etc.

Worst of all using words like GFE or bj etc in ads is an automatic solicitation bust with no other LE contact needed and mandatory 15 days in jail in AZ on first offense.

Another gimmick to watch for is escort licensing. In many U.S. cities need to have escort license on all ads and require extensive records including photo ID of every client, exactly what the "date" was for, office open for inspection etc and of course can not be anything sexual. It is impossible to comply but some cities (Scottsdale for example) recently made it a criminal not just a licensing civil penalty if are an escort and don't have license number on ads - which I have never seen.

I realize your Charter of Rights is far stronger on individual liberties in Canada vs our Constitution and you shouldn't have many of our restrictions stand up. But folks may want to be aware of the gimmicks used in the laws in the U.S. to eliminate the fantasy of the dangers of sexworkers. Further its much more fun for LE to go after big breasts that bounce other than criminals with those big guns that go bang.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
Enforcement and prosecution in the US can be very political for a DA using that as a stepping stone to greater elected office. Being tough on crime gets you more votes. We all know that the prison system in the US is big business, so they thrive on crime, and actually have to manufacture it.

In Canada, it's the provinces and the municipalities under them that enforce the Criminal Code that the Federal Parliament comes up with. Criminalizing half of the people engaged in the sex trade costs money in enforcement and prosecution, and some provinces/municipalities may want to use their expensive police resources for something more useful, like actually protecting citizens from real harm. I would think that, if the feds are really consulting the provinces, they may hear a few voices of reason and moderation.
wilbur- Great points - It would be great if your harm reduction attitude and spending the wasted $millions going after criminals that have victims could be taught to our feds and police.

We wasted huge public money on bust of 38 with heavily armed SWAT team raid on the Phoenix Goddess Temple for allegedly giving hand jobs as part of Tantra practice. Did forensic exams on about 40 computers took six months and 4TB of data. This when thousands of rape kits went unprocessed and thousands of child abuse cases uninvestigated. The 4TB of data was tossed out by the judge due to delay in discovery. Told them just go with the 100,000 pages previously released. Prosecutor and judge (via what is called a Donald Advisement") is warning could face 40 years in prison if don't plea to a felony with probation - but a lifetime felony record. In most case no evidence of any hand jobs just guilty by "association" with an alleged "criminal enterprise" because the taught Tantra chakra healing etc.
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