Ashley Madison

Bob Mccown of Fan590


Aug 19, 2010
For those of you listen to his show or have listened to his show what are your thoughts on him? I find him entertaining & funny (its why I keep listening) however I cant stand the guy. His jokes are funny and his show is entertaining but to me his sport knowledge leaves a lot to be desired. He seems to be more into business of sport and issues in the sports world rather than actual sports. And his arrogance is unearned in my opinion. This guy is quick to cut off callers who he knows he cannot debate with. If he has a feeling the caller isnt that bright he will keep the caller on longer to make himself look smart. But the smart callers he cuts off quickly. I actually tried to debate him on something and called him out on something a couple weeks ago and I told him why he was wrong. He had no anwer for me and basically cut me off . Also, I am not sure if that man is really a sports fan. Every game he watches puts his feet to sleep or is unwatchable. "That game was unwatchable!" "This game put my feet to sleep!". Bob, do you really like sports? I dont think he would last 5 minutes if he worked in an American city. His lack of knoweldge would get exposed so quickly..

His jokes are funny though and even though I cant stand the guy I think his show is entertaining enough for me to keep listening. But damn I cant stand the guy.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
You pretty much nailed it, entertaining but ... especially when it comes to hockey.
When he talks hockey ... it puts my feet to sleep. lol


Active member
Jan 3, 2005
McCown is an arrogant pompous ass! However I like his show. He is well connected and has great guests,(but for some local print types, with time on their hands).
He isn't afraid to express his opinion which is often different form the popular opinion.
He is well respected within his industry, I wonder how much of his personality is real and how much is put on to draw controversy?
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Well-known member
Jul 24, 2010


Well-known member
Jun 10, 2008
His show used to be the only show I would listen to on 590, but Tim and Sid have basically taken the throne from him, that show is way more entertaining and fun to watch and listen to.

McCown's show can be dry and boring as hell when he has guys like Rob Becker, Bob Nicholson, Brian Cooper or some random dude like the Buffalo Bills Director of Player Personnel or something. Talk about putting your feet to sleep.

However, the Friday roundtables on McCown's show are always must-see for me, those are great.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I disagree with the Bobcat on almost every issue. Can't stand the windbag.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Well I'm going against the grain here and am going to say that I enjoy his show immensely.

While he might not be the knowledgeable sportscaster out there, he makes up for that with his ability to host a very slick and entertaining show.

I especially like when him and Steven Brunt banter on various topics of the day.

I hold Brunt in high regard and you can tell he has a lot of respect for McCown.

The round table is my favourite part of his show.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Brunt is my fav 'regular' also.

He respects McCown but is not afraid to correct him either.


Jul 16, 2012
His show used to be the only show I would listen to on 590, but Tim and Sid have basically taken the throne from him, that show is way more entertaining and fun to watch and listen to.

McCown's show can be dry and boring as hell when he has guys like Rob Becker, Bob Nicholson, Brian Cooper or some random dude like the Buffalo Bills Director of Player Personnel or something. Talk about putting your feet to sleep.

However, the Friday roundtables on McCown's show are always must-see for me, those are great.
Tim & Sid are much better than Bob as far as sports knowledge goes. Especially Tim who in my opinion is one of the more knowledgeable guys on the station. I find it odd that the station has in recent years let go some of the more knowledgeable people on the station . For example Mike Hogan was a very knowledgeable guy and they let him go. Was he as funny or entertaining as Bob? Maybe not. But ultimately I like knowledgeable people and Hogan was knowledgeable. Same thing with Jim Lang. How folks like Roger Lajoie and George Rusic can be on this station and Jim Lang gets kicked out makes no sense to me. Roger actually seems like a good guy and I dont mind his shows but Roger's knowledge is nothing compared to Jim Lang .

I do agree with you on Mccown's roundtables. They are entertaining. I feel torn when I listen to Bob's show because I really cant stand him and to me his knowledge on sports seems very limited and he comes across as an incredibly arrogant man who thinks he knows a lot more than he actually does. But the show still provides entertainment - I actually like when Stephen Brunt disagrees with Bob and challenges Bob on his opinions because Brunt is way more knowledgeable and I just love it when Brunt starts talking about certain players on teams and you just know Bob is sitting there thinking "I have no clue who these players are". Like when Brunt starts mentioning names of offensive lineman or linebackers. Bob sits there silent b/c he doesnt know any of them. That guy only knows quarterbacks haha. And is it just me or when Bob talks football it seems like he only talks about quarterbacks. Its like he knows nothing else. The funny thing with Bob's show is I feel like his co-hosts often know a lot more than him - Brunt especially, but also Cox, Friedman, etc.


Jul 16, 2012
Brunt is my fav 'regular' also.

He respects McCown but is not afraid to correct him either.
100%. Hell, I almost wish Brunt would host the show or be on it more at least. Brunt is way more knowledgeable than Bob and I absolutely love it when Brunt challenges Bob's opinions because unlike the callers Bob cannot run away and hide from Brunt the way he can with callers by hanging up on them.


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
Tim & Sid are much better than Bob as far as sports knowledge goes. Especially Tim who in my opinion is one of the more knowledgeable guys on the station. I find it odd that the station has in recent years let go some of the more knowledgeable people on the station . For example Mike Hogan was a very knowledgeable guy and they let him go. Was he as funny or entertaining as Bob? Maybe not. But ultimately I like knowledgeable people and Hogan was knowledgeable. Same thing with Jim Lang. How folks like Roger Lajoie and George Rusic can be on this station and Jim Lang gets kicked out makes no sense to me. Roger actually seems like a good guy and I dont mind his shows but Roger's knowledge is nothing compared to Jim Lang .

I do agree with you on Mccown's roundtables. They are entertaining. I feel torn when I listen to Bob's show because I really cant stand him and to me his knowledge on sports seems very limited and he comes across as an incredibly arrogant man who thinks he knows a lot more than he actually does. But the show still provides entertainment - I actually like when Stephen Brunt disagrees with Bob and challenges Bob on his opinions because Brunt is way more knowledgeable and I just love it when Brunt starts talking about certain players on teams and you just know Bob is sitting there thinking "I have no clue who these players are". Like when Brunt starts mentioning names of offensive lineman or linebackers. Bob sits there silent b/c he doesnt know any of them. That guy only knows quarterbacks haha. And is it just me or when Bob talks football it seems like he only talks about quarterbacks. Its like he knows nothing else. The funny thing with Bob's show is I feel like his co-hosts often know a lot more than him - Brunt especially, but also Cox, Friedman, etc.
Starz I think you have answered your own question.
McCown is more entertaining by far then some of the people they let go. They have to get the listener numbers and if guys like McCown get the listeners that is what sponsors want.
I could not stand Hogan, but he did know football.


Jul 16, 2012
Starz I think you have answered your own question.
McCown is more entertaining by far then some of the people they let go. They have to get the listener numbers and if guys like McCown get the listeners that is what sponsors want.
I could not stand Hogan, but he did know football.
Yeah good point. I guess it just comes down to the ratings. Bob gets more ratings even if he wasnt as knowledgeable as some of those other guys.
Sometimes I wish Bob would talk more about sports on his shows though and a little less about business of sports and sports issues.

And I think it is funny how Bob always talks about how he doesnt have athletes on his show because they never give good interviews. He always says that he "never" has athletes on his show. Hmmm - I am pretty sure he once had Tom Brady on his show a couple years ago . I am pretty sure he has had Orlando Franklin on his show a few times and I am pretty sure he has had Milos Raonic on his show. Apparently some radio hosts in Boston heard Bob's interview with Brady and they were making fun of Bob because of the silly questions he was asking Brady. He didnt even ask any football questions.


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2007
McCown is the most pompous jerk on sports radio. Actually you can drop the words 'on sports radio'.

He really isn't an all around, knowledgeable sports person; his background is golf. He was some sort of pro or semi-pro somewhere in the U.S I think.
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Apr 28, 2008
McCown is the most pompous jerk on sports radio. Actually you can drop the words 'on sports radio'.

He really isn't an all around, knowledgeable sports person; his background is golf. He was some sort of pro or semi-pro somewhere in the U.S I think.
On Radio ? Wow you must not listent to American Radio .. They would make Bob look like a sweet heart ...


Apr 28, 2008
100%. Hell, I almost wish Brunt would host the show or be on it more at least. Brunt is way more knowledgeable than Bob and I absolutely love it when Brunt challenges Bob's opinions because unlike the callers Bob cannot run away and hide from Brunt the way he can with callers by hanging up on them.
Bob must be doing something right ... Who ever TSN puts up against him seems to fail ...

He does surond himself with strong personalties and not yes men ... Cox and Brunt are knowledgeable and aren't there just to agree with Bob . As for the first post .... Bob and Callers don't mix very well and I don't think he enjoys that segment ... He is the only guy on the radio who doesn't have callers on a daily basises ...

I do wish radio had less callers then they do ... There are some bad callers ..


Well-known member
Jan 16, 2007
On Radio ? Wow you must not listent to American Radio .. They would make Bob look like a sweet heart ...
Correct, I don't listen to American Radio....I prefer to patronize Canadian providers.
I tried, for a few minutes a while back, to watch and listen to an American TV broadcast of an NHL game, with Mike Emrick as the play by play guy, and fell asleep.


Apr 28, 2008
Correct, I don't listen to American Radio....I prefer to patronize Canadian providers.
I tried, for a few minutes a while back, to watch and listen to an American TV broadcast of an NHL game, with Mike Emrick as the play by play guy, and fell asleep.
Bob I put in the topic of Talk Radio .. Try listening to guys like Jim Rome , the Herd etc one time ...

Dan Shulman was the only guy who could compete against Bob in Prime Time but he went to the U.S


Well-known member
Mar 7, 2007
I think all you guys bashing McCowan are just living proof of his wisdom.

I once heard him say that to be a successful Radio broadcaster, you either have to be loved or be hated. His obnoxiousness is all part of his game. He wants you to dislike him, so much so you'd tune to his show to disagree with him. Sometimes he's just toying with the listeners with outrageous remarks. He wants to be controversial, that's what helps bringing listeners to his show.
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