I agree, I don't think I like Walter either. Note that I said "rooting" instead of liking. I guess I admire him for sacrificing himself so much to provide for his family.
But in the end, the very last episode where he seeks out Skylar, he starts in about "everything I did" and it was amazing, but I cringed because he sang that tired old song so many times and it was so obvious that his world was finally closing in on him and just as I cringed, Sklar also cringed and Walt FINALLY admits that no, he did it for himself. He liked it.
He started out in Season I as doing it for his family, but it went way beyond that. Way beyond that.
To me, Walt jumped the humanity shark when he let Jessie's girlfriend (the pretty brunette (Q's daughter)) OD and drown in her own puke. For an instant, he thought about saving her, he went to save her, but then he let her die. It as at that moment that Walt lost his humanity.
Loved Breaking Bad and it's light years ahead of "House of Cards" as another poster implied.
And yes, I was rooting for Walter when he was up against Gustavo Fring. Gus was a full blown psycho as well. I cheered when he got his.