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N.Y. mayor says defending Israel is part of his job


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
What would people think of Mayor Ford if he said the same thing of
his job duty? The dumbest mayor in the world? But this is a Mayor
from a nation where it is good politics to be Israel's lackey so it
is understandable.


January 26, 2014

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Bill de Blasio, New York’s newly installed mayor, said defending Israel was part of his job.

“Part of my job description is to be a defender of Israel,” de Blasio said at a private New York event of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee first reported Friday by the Capital New York news website.

“There’s no greater ally on earth, and that’s something we should say proudly,” he said at the Jan. 23 event.

De Blasio, who was inaugurated this month after being elected in November, described his visit to Israel with his family several years ago. He also said “City Hall will always be open” to AIPAC, a pro-Israel lobby.

He noted in his talk that New York has the largest Jewish population outside of Israel.

Successive New York mayors for decades have cultivated close ties with Israel.

The AIPAC event was omitted from the mayor’s public schedule distributed to the press corps, Capital New York reported in a follow-up article. The mayor said it was because AIPAC wanted the dinner to be closed to the media.

In the wake of the AIPAC speech, De Blasio promised to provide a “clearer understanding” of his schedule and speeches, according to Capital New York.


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Canada is also Israel`s lackey so I don`t see what the problem is.
Let`s face it the tiny nation of Israel is playing 4 Dimensional chess while the rest of the world is stuck trying to understand the rules and strategies of tic-tac-toe. Even on, Israel gets more threads than any other topic because it is the most interesting, influential and politically powerful nation on the planet.
Even people who compulsively and obsessively complain about Israel are in fact pawns being manipulated by that country to continually show that what happens in Israel is more important than anything else going on in the world. They just don`t realize it.

I don`t know (or care) what Ford thinks, but Toronto has had other mayors. LIke, oh, Mel Lastman back in 2002...

Toronto Mayor Mel Lastman will officially kick-off the largest Israel Solidarity Day in the history of Toronto on Monday, May 20th. Other dignitaries joining the mayor include Ra`anan Gissin, key advisor and principal spokesperson for Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, and Israeli consul-general Meir Romem.
"It is a pleasure to be part of this year`s UJA Federation Walk With Israel, our Jewish community`s largest annual event for more than three decades," said mayor Lastman. "I would like to commend UJA Federation of Greater Toronto for its community leadership and for being North America`s 3rd largest Jewish fundraising organization, having raised $50 million last year, and well on their way to $60 million this year. "


Sep 25, 2013
You will never find a NY mayor say anything bad about Jews, blacks, Italians, Porto Ricans or the Irish. He has to get elected FFS :)


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Arabs bomb the twin towers and that is supposed to gain support in NYC?


New member
Aug 30, 2001
AIPAC only thrives in the dark. Letting the light in always causes them to scurry. Likewise, once you move out of the Zionist echo chamber and enter the refreshing real world, the preposterous nature of this speech made in secret becomes obvious.

"I’m not sure if that is the entirety of the speech, but let’s just note a few things. First up:

There is a philosophical grounding to my belief in Israel and it is my belief, it is our obligation, to defend Israel, but it is also something that is elemental to being an American because there is no greater ally on earth, and that’s something we can say proudly.

“No greater ally on earth”.

Just ponder that remark for a bit. How many troops did Israel send to fight with Americans in Iraq? None. Forty other countries did, led by the UK, Australia, and Poland. How many troops did Israel send to fight with Americans in Afghanistan? None. Fifty-nine other countries helped, also led by the UK. In both cases, this “greatest ally on earth” would have been extraordinarily counter-productive if it had been involved. That’s how useful an ally the country is in confronting our common enemies. Which allied defense minister recently publicly said of an internal security plan for the West Bank, shared confidentially among allies, that it was “not worth the paper it was written on” and that “the only thing that can ‘save us’ is for John Kerry to win a Nobel Prize and leave us in peace.” Israel’s. Which allied prime minister in recent years took the extraordinary step of lecturing the American president in front of the world press in the White House itself? Israel’s. I cannot think of any allied prime minister ever thinking about doing the same."


Mar 31, 2009
It is the power of the American Jewish lobby, probably second in power only to the NRA.

Correct me if I am wrong but I think a Kennedy and a Clinton is married to a Jew. That is American political power.


Mar 31, 2009
The vast majority of American Jews are loyal Americans and many served honorably in American wars and in peace. However, there are exceptions such as the Rosenbergs and the communists. Why the Rosenbergs gave American A-bomb secrets to the Russians (a country where Jews suffered regular pogroms) is a mystery of human behavior?


New member
Jan 19, 2006
The vast majority of American Jews are loyal Americans and many served honorably in American wars and in peace. However, there are exceptions such as the Rosenbergs and the communists. Why the Rosenbergs gave American A-bomb secrets to the Russians (a country where Jews suffered regular pogroms) is a mystery of human behavior?
Ideology is more powerful a motivator than ethnicity.

Along the lines of "God gives you your relatives, but thank God you can choose your own friends."


Sep 25, 2013
The vast majority of American Jews are loyal Americans and many served honorably in American wars and in peace. However, there are exceptions such as the Rosenbergs and the communists. Why the Rosenbergs gave American A-bomb secrets to the Russians (a country where Jews suffered regular pogroms) is a mystery of human behavior?
Because Stalin's particular version of anti-semitism was not well known and Jewish Communists had a deep hope-belief that Communism would put an end to antiSemitism. Actually more a characteristic of Russian and Eastern Europen culture than Communism but the Reds were certainly not ammune to it. The murder of Trotsky helped put an ice pick in the idea of Jewish leadership in CPSU.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
It is the power of the American Jewish lobby, probably second in power only to the NRA.

Correct me if I am wrong but I think a Kennedy and a Clinton is married to a Jew. That is American political power.
Suggesting that someone marrying a Jew is part of a political conspiracy is racist. As lovey keeps reminding us, many Jews are actually critical of Israel's actions.

Americans tend to support Israel because they have much more in common with a functioning democracy than they do with terroristic dictators.


New member
Aug 30, 2001
Suggesting that someone marrying a Jew is part of a political conspiracy is racist. As lovey keeps reminding us, many Jews are actually critical of Israel's actions.

Americans tend to support Israel because they have much more in common with a functioning democracy than they do with terroristic dictators.
You've got that in reverse Israel's Cabana Boy, it's the Jewish organizations that see intermarriage as part of an attack on themselves. Thankfully this couple was in an enlightened country where people of different religions can get married. In Israel, people of different religions cannot get married.


Sep 25, 2013
To understand the influence of the Israel Lobby you really must read this book.

It is not written to either blame Jews or Israel or Arabs or any side. It is a dispassionate study of how the Israel Lobby works in America.



Well-known member
Jun 22, 2009
And here we have to face of modern antisemitism. It is im[possible for Harper or the mayor of NY or anyone else to support Israel out of principal. rather is is the influence of the Jewish lobby etc.

Really quite sickening and the clown brothers are the main purveyors on this site.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2003
It is the power of the American Jewish lobby, probably second in power only to the NRA.

Correct me if I am wrong but I think a Kennedy and a Clinton is married to a Jew. That is American political power.
Agree with you in general, but wholeheartedly disagree that the Jews are second to the NRA in political power. Perhaps in the "open" use of power.



Sep 25, 2013
There is no connection between Israel and AntiSemitism. Some pro Israel fanatics have zero justification for their barbaric acts so they attempt to label enemies as AntiSemites. Nobody is buying it anymore. They just suck the life out of the charge to the point of rendering the term meaningless.. .


Sep 25, 2013
Except for when people like you endlessly single out Israel for criticism while justifying far worse actions from other states.
Singling out argument really says " we know we are really bad but so are others". It is a bullshit talking point of the Zionists that in the political spin world is called changing the channel. Nobody is saying Others aren't bad. The thread is about Israel. I Didn't start it.

israel is a rogue state. So is Iran. Feel better?


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Singling out argument really says " we know we are really bad but so are others". It is a bullshit talking point of the Zionists that in the political spin world is called changing the channel. Nobody is saying Others aren't bad. The thread is about Israel. I Didn't start it.

israel is a rogue state. So is Iran. Feel better?
The bullshit is you focusing hundreds of posts on minor issues in Israel while purposefully ignoring (or even worse justifying) massive REAL humanitarian disasters around the world.

Several million Syrians are dead or forced into refugee camps and you stay silent. An Israeli company builds some of their product in the West Bank and you feel the need to post. Hamas and Palestinians groups fire rockets at civilian targets and firebomb civilian cars and you complain that Israel might be building hoses where you don't want Jews living.

Antisemitism is alive and well.

edit to add:

UN states at least 733 killed in Iraq last month. Lovey would have mentioned it himself but he was too busy finding bad things to say about Israel.
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