Toronto Passions

Was I rude? What are your thoughts?


Oct 21, 2013
My take on this is that if you really like the massage and want to get past this dont get caught up in the who's right who's wrong All too often we let little things like this ruin something in a grand order to be right. I am sure she feels as bad as you and if you are big enough to move past this then so should she, If she cannot get past it them simply move on and find another MP.
Very well said. All too often we let little thing ruin a good one which is hard to come by. I am big enough to apologize and move past this. My only concern and worry is what if she doesn't....

Sounds like a minor misunderstanding from both parties.
You invited her it bring the phone in the room. She may have understood that to mean the phone was open for business as usual.

Do not give up a good thing over a minor unpleasant experience.
Read these carefully chosen words carefully. Tell her you're sorry you and she had a misunderstanding, period. No need for apologies for your actions or for hers. The misunderstanding was awkward and unfortunate, but let's get back to normal and enjoy the MPA/customer relationship we have.
Thanks for the advice. That was the main reason I posted this thread. I am ready to apologize if she thinks I was wrong but I will give her a little space for now.

I totally agree. We are always reminded that we shouldn't get to cozy with the ladies, in that it is always a financial transaction. The illusion of intimacy will lead to disappointment. In this case, the lady was under the illusion that she no longer needed to look at you first and foremost as her client, with all of the respect that should come with it. Unless she was seeing you off the clock, you had a right to expect the same level of consideration as any other client in that spa...
So true. We should never get too cozy with the ladies. I have 3-4 of my regulars who became friends with me and now they cut me of from their services saying they feel so weird and feel so uncomfortable serving a friend. My pleas to turn the clock back and take me again as normal customer failed miserably. lol. All I can get from them now is just massage and not even a HJ. lol.

What the spa name?
Sorry. I cannot disclose the spa name nor the lady.

Thanks for all the supports and the PMs.

Tipping....I normally tip $20 to $30 for 60 min session and $40 or more for 90 min sessions depends on how the lady serves me. It may sounds like I am tipping a bit too much but trust me they work hard and earned it. The ladies at legit spa do not make much. They get paid the same as holistic Asian spas which is $10 out of every $40 the spa took in, but they are not allowed to offer extras. So they do not earn that well as those work at holistic spas, They told me 80% of K guys and I guys do not tip at all. Most customers at legit spas take 60-90 min session.and they see only 3 to 5 customers a day most days compared to mostly 30 min sessions and 8 to 12 customers a day at Holistic spas.
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New member
Jul 28, 2010
Very well said. All too often we let little thing ruin a good one which is hard to come by. I am big enough to apologize and move past this. My only concern and worry is what if she doesn't....
Unfortunately there is nothing you can do to control that but let me tell you ..from my experience if you sincerely apologize and not saying you did any evil here but just saying you didnt want it to happen like that and and you care for her feelings and thought about the situation and feel bad and am sorry for that it is 99% of the time taken positive and all is well in the world. If she is holding onto something after that then there is not much you can do my friend. Then the problem most certainly isnt you ....its her and how she deals with things of this matter.

Ceiling Cat

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2009

For her to say that she would have not taken you because you are a regular and knows you will be back is insensitive. She did not value your patronage. She took advantage of what she thought was a sure thing. She minimized your importance. Take this as an opportunity to try other places, see what is out there. If you do appear there again in the future, you will see that she got the message and will appreciate you more, or it may be that you will choose to move on.

Dougal Short

Exposed Member
May 20, 2009
I'd have turned around the minute she said that she wished you were a new customer... Politely, but I still would have gone to Plan B. That would have killed my "mood" then and there.

I just commented on another thread about my favorite girl who ALWAYS greats me like she's excited to see me, even when it's late in the day, and she's tired. it makes me feel "special"! ;)


Oct 21, 2013
Note for the OP.

You are a gentleman.

You know what I'm talking about. :)

Yeah..tooo frkn gentle and kind. Thats my biggest problem. Even when i make my appointments to see her I always book for the last one so she can relax without massaging me if she's tired working all day.

One time last month a customer came in right after me. The customer was willing to wait and she took him in. I told her she can take him at my time and I can come back the next day so she doesn't has to work so late. I told her to send him home or I am not staying. Finally she accepted my suggestion and told him to come back the next day.I tipped her very very handsomely that day to compensate her loss on that customer. There were times I had to give her time to eat and bring food for her cuz she was so busy and no time to eat.That's the kind of guy I am.That's my weakest point and ended up as a sucker. Don't get me wrong. I am not painting her as a bad lady. She is one of the sweetest one I have ever met. I guess I just caught her on a wrong day.
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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Heck, I would have been ticked when she said she wouldn't have stuck around if she knew it was me. How rude is that?

Not sure why you paid $100 for a $60 session, especially considering how it went.


Indie Erotic Massage
Feb 2, 2013
"she wouldn't have taken the appointment if she knew it was me because she knows I was her regular and I will be back regularly anyways"

That's not a good thing to say at the start of a session. Uhhh unless she was saying it playfully...?

I rarely will ever say anything negative about a fellow worker, whether they be MP, SP or Dancer as I believe we Ladies & SheMales need to support one another, but to me her behaviour was unprofessional all around!

I never answer my cell during a session as most things can wait and apologize if I forget to turn it off before a meeting and it rings, etc. during. If I'm tired and feel that I'm not at peak performance I take the rest of the day off or tell a reg. the facts, letting them decide if they want to see me for a more tame date or wait until I'm %100 myself. I always try to greet my clients with a big hug/kiss & smile at the door. I've had clients slip through my screening process and despite realizing that for example they're much younger than they stated/seemed on the phone, put my best foot forward anyway and try to make the get together as pleasant as possible for both of us.

You Sir did nothing wrong and I wish all clients could be as kind, understanding and accommodating as you appear/claim to be!


Well-known member
Mar 14, 2004
Maybe the sweet lady in question reads TERB, is not stupid and will rock your world at the next visit, maybe not. Consolation for the old wound now forgotten? But don't given in, absolutely no second chance. Her comments about other potential new customer reveals that she is not a person who recognizes the value of good customer service for repeat business. Probably her personal relationships maybe like this too, so don't give her a second chance, if she thinks that you are a sucker, which it seems she does, as many ladies think we are then we deserve the torture. Sometimes if we play we get played.

N.B. I am he, as you are he, as we are he, as we are altogether............


The Chiseler
Jan 4, 2008
She obviously doesn't feel the same way about you. You're disillusioned to think otherwise. You're just a customer. Sounds like she has plenty and won't miss you one bit. But you will go back I know. Women don't have respect for nice guys. They finish last and don't get any respect. Pushover is the way she sees you. The fact that you gave her a 40 dollar tip for bad service says it all.


New member
Oct 13, 2002
That you made a thread about this suggests that you are too nice and routinely get stepped on. Stop being so nice or you will always be taken advantage of.


Oct 21, 2013
Maybe the sweet lady in question reads TERB, is not stupid and will rock your world at the next visit, maybe not. Consolation for the old wound now forgotten? But don't given in, absolutely no second chance. Her comments about other potential new customer reveals that she is not a person who recognizes the value of good customer service for repeat business. Probably her personal relationships maybe like this too, so don't give her a second chance, if she thinks that you are a sucker, which it seems she does, as many ladies think we are then we deserve the torture. Sometimes if we play we get played.
Thanks lomo. I hear you loud and clear. I am not craving to see her so nothing much to worry about getting sucked in again. She doesn't know anything about Terb and her English is not good enough to read and understands any of these. She is in the country only 5 yrs and still thinking of going to ESL classes.


Oct 21, 2013
She obviously doesn't feel the same way about you. You're disillusioned to think otherwise. You're just a customer. Sounds like she has plenty and won't miss you one bit. But you will go back I know. Women don't have respect for nice guys. They finish last and don't get any respect. Pushover is the way she sees you. The fact that you gave her a 40 dollar tip for bad service says it all.
That you made a thread about this suggests that you are too nice and routinely get stepped on. Stop being so nice or you will always be taken advantage of.
Thanks guys. No worry tho'. I have seen it all. My kind and gentle behaviors was well rewarded most time. I was abused and stepped over only once when I was a newbie. A very expansive lesson. This one is a little different. I know I am just a number to her and she is a very good player, but not the type who will milk me or who can milk me, well educated, well disciplined and quite arrogant. I was well respected a few months back but got too cozy with her and lost it all. lol. She doesn't even like it when I try to correct her English. Most will say thank you but not this one. She is something like a Dr. Know type of lady. She knows it all. lol
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