Seduction Spa

Help booking a hotel room


Sex Addicted GFE/PSE
Jun 4, 2013
Huh! Sheraton and Chelsea must have changed. Good to know! I've had issues with both places saying yes on the phone, then turning me away on arrival, claiming no one ever would have told me they accept cash deposit on the phone. Needless to say, I won't stay at either place now out of spite, but good to know they've changed their tune. Lol. And good to know about priceline too. Thanks for the tip! Yeah, cash deposits are much easier to come by at the airport or other areas in the GTA than downtown.


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
There`s really only one forum he needs and that`s

Now you got Copycraigs really confused :confused:

Hotel booking forums. There are tons of them out. They break down how to bid, which sites are the best, best times to bid, etc.

There are other websites in other industries that have "forums". I can understand why you would have these type on the brain though.

Sleep Well Copycraigs, I am off the bed now.


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
Lucky you!

I'm off to my babysitting job, maybe there I can study these"hotel booking forums" and gain as much knowledge as you! :biggrin1:
OP, like I said google is your friend. There are tons of these types of sites. This is just an example.

CopyCraigs, some light reading to get you started, my friend. Hopefully your daycare duties don't take up too much of your time.

Night Night


New member
Nov 15, 2013
EASIEST THING TO DO! My photographer said she uses Copycraigs. She told me how easy it was and she got exactly what she was looking for and the price was in her range! What more can you ask for? Someone taking the work out of it for you, done quickly and you get what you want. How many people actually get what they pay for nowadays? I'm going to use them for booking rooms myself. And I'm sure he'll explain everything to you if you give him a ring.


New member
Most downtown hotels require cc deposit, and will refuse a cash one, even if the room is prepaid. Off the top of my head, the Sheraton, Eaton Chelsea, cambridge suites, holiday inns, and most chains will not take a cash deposit. The comfort hotel (mentioned above) on charles will take a cash deposit and a passport, as will 1 king west and a few others that are escaping me right now. Comfort hotel is 50$ deposit per night, 1 king west is 100$ pernight, plus hst that they don't return. I've tried the prepaid route on a number of sites, like, and they recognize the # as prepaid and won't process it, regardless of whether it's registered or not. Perhaps the one mentioned above does, but I've had no success with them whatsoever.
... Eaton Chelsea does take cash- they ask for $250 (plus room and tax ) upfront. Sheraton did take cash but I haven't been there for a few months... I don't know about Cambridge Suites...

Actually all of the downtown hotels I know of take cash deposits except for the Holiday Inn at Yonge and Carlton...

I usually pay for my rooms with cash as I have had a few bad clients over the years who left my room then billed meals to my room. Paying cash lets me keep track of things easier.

Copycraigs is legit :)


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
You still doing photos?

Can you make them look like this photographers work?

He's awesome!!!:D

No! I would never dream of trying to copy his work. That would be such an insult. The great thing about people like Kbear, Dave, Antonio and me,besides enjoying each others work, is that we all are unique in our styles. Everyone in the industry can find a photographer who meets their taste/style/vision, etc. Plus, we all know each other. I remember being at one of Kbear's first major adult shoots like 10-12 years ago. Those were good times! LOL

Now I can only assume by this remark, I have upset you in some way. Which should not be the case as that was not my intent. The OP asked, and I answered. I was not even one of the ones who questioned the Copycraigs system in this thread, nor did I make a swipe at the legitimacy of your service. Maybe the hotel booking business is a little more cut throat then I knew. As you can see, for photography, we like our "competitors" work, if you can call them that. I think of them as respect colleagues and friends in the industry.

Anyway, if you were offended please know I did not mean it that way. Have a great day.

... Eaton Chelsea does take cash- they ask for $250 (plus room and tax ) upfront. Sheraton did take cash but I haven't been there for a few months... I don't know about Cambridge Suites...

Actually all of the downtown hotels I know of take cash deposits except for the Holiday Inn at Yonge and Carlton...
I thought there was a fair amount that took cash deposits still. Thanks!


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
I'm actually almost positive the Holiday Inn express downtown takes cash deposits ($100.00)


Behind the camera
Jun 18, 2011
I'm actually almost positive the Holiday Inn express downtown takes cash deposits ($100.00)
I know the one in Markham and Airport don't. I would not trust Holiday Inn to accept cash. Although they are pretty good for telling you they only take credit card and their deposit does not show up on your statement at all. Just watch the hotel room calls, they will charge even for local.


Mar 31, 2009
Even if you transact everything in cash, don't you still have to show photo ID and the room is registered in your real name (and not as Tom Cruise)?


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
yes, but so what? the hotel isn't going to mail you anything


Active member
Jul 15, 2013
Her place
Fair enough but if the guy is booking it that's not an issue


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2005
You've been slamming advertisers for here years, I remember the days when you were fixed on harassing Original GFE.

No big loss. You can go get a prepaid credit card and figure it our yourself! :Eek:
Yep made comments on TWO adverisers in 7 years. Where is Original GFE these days?


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
Not to bash copycraigs, because I really don't care one way or the other, but I used his service once and was surprised to find that when I showed up at the hotel, I did need to use a credit card for the deposit.
I will admit that I didn't specifically ask him to find a place that didn't require a card, I just assumed that would be a given.

In retrospect, I wish I had just done the work myself. There would be one less person in the hobby world who has my personal info.
Jan 7, 2014
You've been upsetting me for years however Copycraigs usually forgives and forgets as fast as you change your Terb handle as you move on to your next review board business du jour :eyebrows:
The review board you own is disturbing.
Who can trust a guy that will co-opt the handle of an escort or client and write lies in their name? Not me.
Jan 7, 2014
That is your opinion sir, Copycraigs sees you're a newbie @ Terb!

Welcome Elmore Scrusggs!

If you have any question about anything here, feel free to ask yours truly, Copycraigs has been around since 2008 :D
I might!
I won't ask on your review board though because you appropriate the handles of decent and honest escorts.
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