Undeniably, those involved in prostitution are at a significantly greater risk of abuse and exploitation; strong and consistent responses to this serious social problem are required. This Government views prostitution as degrading and dehumanizing, often committed and controlled by coercive individuals against those who are frequently powerless to protect themselves from abuse and exploitation. Prostitution harms all of Canadian society, and Canadian women in particular. This Government condemns any conduct that results in exploitation or abuse, and accordingly does not support any reforms, such as decriminalization, that would facilitate such exploitation. Commodification and exploitation of women is never acceptable.
For these reasons, this Government continues to address prostitution by focusing on reducing its prevalence. This involves prevention, education and awareness initiatives, supporting programs that encourage those involved in the sex trade toward exit programs, and focusing on consistent enforcement of the criminal law.
We thank the Committee and the Subcommittee for its report, which seeks to assist in preventing the exploitation of vulnerable persons, an objective this Government equally supports.