It is an absolute win for Bedford et al. They got exactly what they have asked for.
But, the big picture is far from clear. The decision basically says that some form of regulation is desirable, and it is up to parliament to construct it. Note that McLachlin specifically said that Parliament can devise a new approach using elements of the existing regime.
Whether its Cons, Libs or NDP-ers, some form of revised legislation will be devised. There's no scenario in which any of the major parties would allow a free for all.
In order to devise effective and workable rules, the legislators will clearly have to get a better understanding of how the industry works. Clumsy efforts to prohibit this or restrict that won't work. So, as I've been saying all along, the industry needs to get its shit together and mount a coherent, consistent and intelligent lobbying effort. We are now at a major inflexion point for the industry. IMO, it's critical that "we" have a seat at the table and get heard by the right people.