Conservative and conservative party supporter are two different things. They overlap Venn Diagram style quite a bit but they are still two different things.
It is obvious to just about anyone that in this context he means conservative as in the personality type and not the party supporter.
One could be down with Jebus and monogamy and beating up fags and drug using hippies but have such a hate on for rich people and be a union thug and thus vote NDP every election.
Likewise a dude could live on an organic farm and spend most of the time totally baked on the weed with his two husbands yet be so sex crazed and retard strong for fiscial conservatism and lower goverment that he votes for the Conservative party election after election.
I suppose in your empty little head anyone who votes Wildrose or Reform or the Union National isn't a conservative... by your comentary above.
I think this church supporting union hating might be suprised that he isn't a conservative.
Talk about idiot. Yet another blackrock faceplant. I wonder what sort of lameass excuse you will use to weasel out of this one.
You make it so easy.