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frustrated- looking for an online opportunity


Feb 27, 2013
Hi guys/girls,
I know this has been discussed before, but I haven't been able to find anything recent. I have literally been scouring the internet for a few months now consistently
looking for some type of online opportunity to make some cash. I'm not looking for a get rich quick scheme or something that I know isn't realistic, but I don't have any online knowledge
of html, coding etc. I'm willing to learn about what to do and work hard, but with my work schedule(I'm on call and do shift work) it's hard to commit to another part time job with steady

If anyone with experience here could please point me into the right direction as well as what kind of earning potential there is, I'm all ears. Thank you

George The Curious

Active member
Nov 28, 2011
web designers make less than minimum wage as they have to compete with a billion Indian and Chinese programmers who would work online for 10c an hour and have more experience than you.

just check out sites like elance and guru, odesk. Yeah there are plenty of jobs you can do from home, but expect to get a few hundred bucks for a month project if you are lucky to be chosen among 30 other offshore companies.
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