Rob Ford - Maybe saw an escort...does it matter?


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
Perhaps another member here could please update me with any current facts on this case. For example: Has Mayor Rob Ford been charged with a criminal offence, in relation to all the media hysteria recently down at city hall involving rumors and hear say ...? Sincerely, Jon .
'Bump'..............................Sincerely, Jon .


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
He hasn't been charged for any of the deplorable crimes he has confessed publicly to, and that he is unquestionably guilty of.
It doesn't matter anyway. After Ford is charged with a crime (ie extortion), the excuse will be, "He has not been convicted yet". Then after he's convicted, "Ford has not exhausted the appeal process..."


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
It doesn't matter anyway. After Ford is charged with a crime (ie extortion), the excuse will be, "He has not been convicted yet". Then after he's convicted, "Ford has not exhausted the appeal process..."
Yes.... I'm sure you're right........... Post #: 273 was an apparently very difficult question for some members here. Often times, the straight, 'Yes' or 'No' questions can be the most difficult to answer for some people....
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Mar 21, 2011
'Bump'..............................Sincerely, Jon .
Here are the crimes that Ford has admitted to:
1) Smoking crack cocaine
2) Purchasing illegal drugs
3) Drinking and driving
4) Being intoxicated in a public place
5) Urinating in public
6) Threatening to cause harm or death to another person
7) Defamation of character

Do you think they only count if charges are pressed, or do you admit his voluntary admissions are enough to confirm he's broken those laws?


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
Here are the crimes that Ford has admitted to:
1) Smoking crack cocaine
2) Purchasing illegal drugs
3) Drinking and driving
4) Being intoxicated in a public place
5) Urinating in public
6) Threatening to cause harm or death to another person
7) Defamation of character

Do you think they only count if charges are pressed, or do you admit his voluntary admissions are enough to confirm he's broken those laws?
The reluctance to admit reality reminds me of this scene from an old comedy movie:



Mar 21, 2011
Thank you. So that's a 'no' then... in fifteen words or less.... Sincerely, Jon .
So therefore since he's gotten away with criminal acts you think he's great?
Are you proud of backing a man with gang connections?

foxxxy lady

Supporting Member
Oct 12, 2009
Here are the crimes that Ford has admitted to:
1) Smoking crack cocaine
2) Purchasing illegal drugs
3) Drinking and driving
4) Being intoxicated in a public place
5) Urinating in public
6) Threatening to cause harm or death to another person
7) Defamation of character

Do you think they only count if charges are pressed, or do you admit his voluntary admissions are enough to confirm he's broken those laws?
The original question was about him seeing an escort, which I'm sure most political figures do, not a biggie,the addictions to crack, and food are hopefully the first step in him getting some help for himself. The fact that he drives around drunk, and threatens people makes me wonder why is he our mayor, and not being charged for this behaviours like the rest of society would be. however, I am still glad to be Canadian after talking to a young man from Venezuela

xo amber

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Here are the crimes that Ford has admitted to:
1) Smoking crack cocaine
2) Purchasing illegal drugs
3) Drinking and driving
4) Being intoxicated in a public place
5) Urinating in public
6) Threatening to cause harm or death to another person
7) Defamation of character

Do you think they only count if charges are pressed, or do you admit his voluntary admissions are enough to confirm he's broken those laws?
Wasnt there also a female city councillor who got busted for drinking and driving a couple of years ago??

What happened to her??


New member
Oct 28, 2009
There's more to Liberals than scandals, Premier Kathleen Wynne says.

There's more to Rob Ford than his so-called "scandals", don't you think so?

Scandals (with official record) created by the Lieberal Government of Ontario:

1) e-health,

2) Ornge

3) Gas plants

4) Wind farm deal.

5) do I miss any others?

Fishy deals not on official record:

1) Making sweet-heart deal with Teacher Unions, a major fundraiser and supporters, to convert education facilities to day-care centers/kindergartens.

2) Subway extension to Greg Sorbara's riding (he also happens to be one of the major if not the biggest land developer in that area) for very questionable ridership future.

The real reasons the Wynne's Lieberal government wants/needs Rob Ford are

1) It needs Rob Ford now to change channel on Lieberal Scandals for the next 2 years.

2) It needs Rob Ford to change channel on the Pam-Am Games scandal for the next 2 years.

3) Dealing the devil they know is better dealing the downtown elitist demand for extra funding for social programs which provincial government can not afford.

4) Don't have to face any potential demand to shut down the now agreed Scarborough subway and move funding to DRL if Rob Ford is gone.

5) Kathleen Wynne doesn't have to explain and answer personally to the Ford supporters, especially those in Scarborough, if admitting consuming illegal drugs (and over-consuming alcoholic beverages which everyone does including Wynne when she was at Queen's University in Kingston and at all those gay partying in Toronto) is a capital offence punishable by dismissal, will she tender her own resignation.
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