Rob Ford - Maybe saw an escort...does it matter?


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
^^^^ yeah, I think a bunch of guys here are forgetting they're on a...............oh, I dunno............... an ESCORT REVIEW BOARD MAYBE!!!!!!!!!
LOL.. I was thinking of how funny it is that some guys on here are so appalled that ford used crack and they
think that makes him evil or shows some kind of huge character flaw etc.. (not that I disagree). I wonder if those same guys went out and announced to everyone that they regularly see escorts (or go to MPs or SCs), how people in their lives or even strangers would react to that.

NOTE: to star nation, I am not defending ford, I am just saying its funny.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Except when he brings them to the office.
Otherwise, sure, he can do what he wants
I dont see a problem with that. So long as its after office hours.

Just sneak her in the backdoor, nobody will know the difference :biggrin1:


Apr 14, 2011
LOL.. I was thinking of how funny it is that some guys on here are so appalled that ford used crack and they
think that makes him evil or shows some kind of huge character flaw etc.. (not that I disagree). I wonder if those same guys went out and announced to everyone that they regularly see escorts (or go to MPs or SCs), how people in their lives or even strangers would react to that.

NOTE: to star nation, I am not defending ford, I am just saying its funny.

have you met anyone willing to suck dick for a half hour with an SP?.... i can introduce you to some crackheads who would suck a dick for some crack though... meet you at Kingston


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
LOL.. I was thinking of how funny it is that some guys on here are so appalled that ford used crack and they
think that makes him evil or shows some kind of huge character flaw etc.. (not that I disagree). I wonder if those same guys went out and announced to everyone that they regularly see escorts (or go to MPs or SCs), how people in their lives or even strangers would react to that.

NOTE: to star nation, I am not defending ford, I am just saying its funny.
I made that same point in "that other Rob Ford" thread...

I seriously doubt many of us would fare very well if our every move was scrutinized as much as Ford's... myself included... Not that THAT matters, because we are not publicly elected officials. Well some of us are. (I suspect we have some politicians and maybe even Ford himself as members! :Eek:)

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
I think she might actually not a be an SP. My guess is she worked for Ford during her Miss Tourism stint, and probably occassionally partied with the mayor and his buddies:

Father defends woman allegedly involved in Rob Ford scandal

The parents of a 23-year-old woman are defending their daughter’s ties to Rob Ford after she was dragged into the Toronto mayor’s ongoing scandal and accused of being a prostitute.

“Of course it’s not true,” Peter Kindree said Thursday, maintaining his daughter is not in the sex trade.

Alana Kindree’s name surfaced this week in court documents detailing Toronto Police witness interviews during their probe into the now notorious video of the mayor smoking crack cocaine.

Among those questioned was former Ford staffer Isaac Ransom, who claimed the mayor’s much publicized St. Paddy’s Day bash began in his office at City Hall and included several people, including “a woman named Alana, who may have been an escort or prostitute.”

“She’s a good girl,” said Alana’s obviously shaken father at the front door to his home.

He believes there’s a logical reason why Alana, who turns 24 next month and no longer lives at home, may have been in the mayor’s office on March 17, 2012.

“She was Miss (Toronto) Tourism at the time,” Peter said. “I’m sure it was just a little PR work.”

Alana’s online social media profiles indicate she was crowned Miss Toronto Tourism 2010.

In her role as a spokesman for tourism, she attended events around the city and likely could have become acquainted with the mayor.

Ransom also alleged to police Alana and the mayor’s friend Peter Kordas “had hash and pot” that night and staff had to stop Ford from smoking it with them before they headed off to the Bier Markt.

The mayor, who was angry when he arrived at City Hall Thursday, also rushed to Alana’s defence.

“I don’t appreciate people calling Alana a prostitute,” Ford said, adding he’s “never had a prostitute here” and he is “happily married.”

But neither Ford nor Alana’s dad would elaborate on the odd relationship.

On various social media sites, Alana lists herself as an environmentalist, artist and animal rights activist who has a university degree in environmental studies.

But her Twitter feed, which was taken down Thursday, used the alias Alana Sasha and had a link to an online dating service.

Peter said he and his wife have been bombarded by media trying to track down their daughter, who so far hasn’t commented, and they are upset by what has been in the news.

“They’re saying some nasty things and we’re not happy about it,” he said. “It’s getting out of control.”


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
LOL.. I was thinking of how funny it is that some guys on here are so appalled that ford used crack and they
think that makes him evil or shows some kind of huge character flaw etc.. (not that I disagree). I wonder if those same guys went out and announced to everyone that they regularly see escorts (or go to MPs or SCs), how people in their lives or even strangers would react to that.

NOTE: to star nation, I am not defending ford, I am just saying its funny.
The lying and concealment are the only parallels I can see. Unless you have evidence that buying sex has psychotropic effects like alcohol or crack that can make decision-making and operating a motor vehicle criminally dangerous. Not that lying is an unusual fault in a politician, or even the sort of hypocrisy Rob has so flagrantly shown us since the 'untrue' story of his drugging first broke, but Rob's serial AWOLs, blindness to his responsibilities and drugging are.

What happened to Mr. Democracy who was clamouring for a special Mayoral by-election when the judge declared him out of the Mayor's job? If he really believed the people's voice should prevail, he'd be demanding that by-election today, instead of shredding his fingernails—and threatening Council with an expensive legal battle—to hang onto the last vestiges of office Council has left him with.

Interesting that all Rob came up with in his speaking opportunity was cost. Nothing at all about right or wrong.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2013
If the fucking asshole had enough decency to resign, I would agree that bullying him from that point on would be wrong
Maybe you don't understand bullying then. You see, one is bullied into doing something, get it now?


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
The lying and concealment are the only parallels I can see.
Not that many years back when one of my college buddies told me that visited escorts, and that his friends did too.
I thought they were all completely messed up and morally corrupt. Of course they were into drugs hard as well.

The point is that addiction and mental health are better understood these days, and these issues are called illnesses.
Visiting prostitutes is probably still seen as an activity that only wicked and evil or complete losers have to engage.

Unless you have evidence that buying sex has psychotropic effects like alcohol or crack that can make decision-making and operating a motor vehicle criminally dangerous. Not that lying is an unusual fault in a politician, or even the sort of hypocrisy Rob has so flagrantly shown us since the 'untrue' story of his drugging first broke, but Rob's serial AWOLs, blindness to his responsibilities and drugging are.

What happened to Mr. Democracy who was clamouring for a special Mayoral by-election when the judge declared him out of the Mayor's job? If he really believed the people's voice should prevail, he'd be demanding that by-election today, instead of shredding his fingernails—and threatening Council with an expensive legal battle—to hang onto the last vestiges of office Council has left him with.

Interesting that all Rob came up with in his speaking opportunity was cost. Nothing at all about right or wrong.
As I wrote above, my point was how society might view the actions of those who pay for sex.
In truth, it is not an area that I really want to examine too closely for fear of the ramifications.
However, I will tackle this a quick response
Unless you have evidence that buying sex has psychotropic effects like alcohol or crack that can make decision-making and operating a motor vehicle criminally dangerous
In a debate, one might say that it is obvious that buying sex (do you prefer that term because you feel ashamed to use the words prostitution or hooker?)
does not have the psychotropic effects of alcohol or crack. However, what is the mentality of the man that decides he has to go out and pay a woman for sex.
Does this man lack self esteem or confidence, or does he simple see women as objects, or might he be so emotionally damaged that intimate relationships
are completely foreign to him. If so what does that say about the mans ability to make good decisions (decisions based on morals and ethics or laws) when
he cannot stop himself from breaking one of the cardinal sins (had to throw that in for the religious folk)....

I await your response.


Why am I here?
May 4, 2003
I think she might actually not a be an SP. My guess is she worked for Ford during her Miss Tourism stint, and probably occassionally partied with the mayor and his buddies:

My guess is that ford or one of his buddies were trying to groom her for their own personal uses.. or maybe Lisi was going to start an escort agency since his
drug dealing business was not going so well.


Executive Senior Member
Jun 29, 2005
I don't believe the media outed her. At least the Star and Sun articles that I saw never named her, they noted that Ford was seen with someone described as a prostitute without identifying her. She was named in the police report, and it was third party websites and blogs that were linked here identifying her full name and background. Maybe I missed something elsewhere in the media that named her - but I just don't think they actually did. Certainly though the police report with her full name was made public by the courts, perhaps her parents should sue the courts?
Correct, the media did not out her. The media just pounced on her and her family's home like a pack of wolves who smelled blood but had no facts, all for the sake of selling ads.

I agree the courts should be sued, the judge was totally incompetent in releasing documentation with words that were "allegations" and not facts. The allegations should have been blacked out, only facts were to be released. This BS could ruin this girl's career. The government staffer who made the comment that she looked like an escort better be able to defend what that means as I don't know what an escort looks like. He better have more proof than just saying I think she looks like an escort.

btw fuji, how does one describe an escort? From her pics I see she is a pretty girl, probably looks awesome when dressed up for a night on the town, great smile and looked she was having a good time. Is that what an escort looks like? I don't understand how anyone could allege a lady is an escort by just looking at her.


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2013
So basically you think that Toronto should put up with having a violent, lying, drug-addled mayor because he likes being mayor and you feel sorry for him? There are some really slimy politicians who thank their lucky stars every morning that there are people like you around.

P.S What job are you referring to anyway? Do you know of any job where it's acceptable to show up at 11, get smashed, and leave at 2?
And basically you think he should be bullied?

Fords embarassing, but so far has done nothing illegal.
And with the sexually repressed society of toronto said some words that the repressed disagree with.

What we have is a system failure - no way to oust the mayor when he becomes too embarassing, what it has shown though is the absolutely disgusting, juvenile, bullying mob behavior of other politicians and the media fans the flames.

Should it turn out all or some of these allegations are unfounded, I sure hope Ford takes them all down for zillions in libel.

Is Ford innefective or bad at his job - still no way to oust him, and there is no conclusive evidence that he is any worse than any previous.

Looks like the masses have passed a judgement. Dawn of the zombies.


50 Shades of AJ
Nov 28, 2008
As I wrote above, my point was how society might view the actions of those who pay for sex...
In a debate, one might say that it is obvious that buying sex ...
People actually DO that??? Pay for sex, I mean? Really?! Where? :confused:

(I thought this site was dedicated to the promotion of finding ladies to spend TIME with?) :D


Son of the First Nation
Sep 13, 2008
I counted six just from the first two pages.
Seemed like there was more.


Active member
Dec 14, 2005
Just North of the GTA
Many of the more egregious examples (the crack smoking, the video rant, not to mention all the allegations of drunken driving, harassment of staff members, snorting cocaine) happened before the latest media frenzy
Unless you meant the constant media pressure he's been under since he has been Mayor, which kinda goes with the territory, no matter how much the 'Lefties' despise you. If he's been cracking under the pressure since his election and has been drinking to excess, smoking crack etc as a way to cope with this stress, then he never should have ran for Mayor.
Why weren't any of all these allegations ( drunken driving, harassment of staff members, etc.) reported at the time of their their occurrence? Your second remark suggests that if Mayor Ford were to( God Forbid) suffer a heart attack in his office, then that would be his own fault...? Please clarify this point. Sincerely, Jon .


New member
Dec 31, 2003
Why weren't any of all these allegations ( drunken driving, harassment of staff members, etc.) reported at the time of their their occurrence? Your second remark suggests that if Mayor Ford were to( God Forbid) suffer a heart attack in his office, then that would be his own fault...? Please clarify this point. Sincerely, Jon .
Well, the crack-smoking was the result of a intensive investigation by the Toronto Star. An investigation which many people decried as a 'witch-hunt' at the time, but so far, has been proven to be remarkably accurate. And of course you are aware, that there was a little problem locating the video, which is why the story took so long to be fleshed out. In terms of other behaviour, much of it was reported, for example his drunkenness at the Danforth, his sloppy and apparent intoxicated behaviour at the Garrison Ball, on St Patrick's Day etc etc. As far as something of the recent allegations involving an alleged prostitute, bullying of staff members, I can't explain why they haven't been reported until now. For a long time, some of the staff members who have come forward still worked for Ford, so perhaps they felt some sort of loyalty until the wheels truly came off. Some of the allegations are exaggerated I'm sure. I'm sure some of the allegations are simply people looking to cash in and gain a bit of fame. Some of the allegations are the result of the media following up with more purpose, since the crack-smoking video was proven to be truthful. The point is, given his behaviour that has been admitted and confirmed, I don't think any of the allegations are too far from the truth. That's not to say we should blindly accept them, but they fit into a pattern of boorish, obnoxious, illegal behaviour.

As far as your second point goes, you completely missed my point. I said that being Mayor of any major metropolitan area means that you are under the media microscope and under a great deal of stress. Given Rob Ford's detractors, the media attention was even greater. Now you implied that much of his behaviour including the crack smoking and alcohol abuse was a result of this attention. Sort of his way of dealing with the stress. My point is that if his primary way of dealing with stress is to smoke crack and drink heavily, then perhaps he needs another, more healthy way of stress release.


Jan 31, 2005
Correct, the media did not out her. The media just pounced on her and her family's home like a pack of wolves who smelled blood but had no facts, all for the sake of selling ads.

I agree the courts should be sued, the judge was totally incompetent in releasing documentation with words that were "allegations" and not facts. The allegations should have been blacked out, only facts were to be released. This BS could ruin this girl's career. The government staffer who made the comment that she looked like an escort better be able to defend what that means as I don't know what an escort looks like. He better have more proof than just saying I think she looks like an escort.

btw fuji, how does one describe an escort? From her pics I see she is a pretty girl, probably looks awesome when dressed up for a night on the town, great smile and looked she was having a good time. Is that what an escort looks like? I don't understand how anyone could allege a lady is an escort by just looking at her.
On the other hand, open public review of the reasons why the police executed a warrant, over riding many basic rights and freedoms, is crucial in a democracy.

Warrants ONLY contain allegations, so blanking out all allegations would mean no public disclosure at all of the reasons why police kick in doors and conduct searches.


Mar 21, 2011
I'm certain that I've missed your point. Sincerely, Jon .

Right, fair enough.

One should always assume that someone stupid enough to still back a lying, drunken, money wasting, crackhead, friend hiring, drunk driving, racist, homophobic, fat lout as a mayor is probably not smart enough to comprehend why he is so stupid.

Google Dunning Kruger effect.
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