Mayor Rob Ford - Very dignified.


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
Are you allowed to fuck with other people's posts and misquote them on this board? I guess that is a way to make some kind of point (although) I'm not sure what it is. It might be more in your favour if you were able to repudiate any one of the number of financial analysis that have come out in the last few months regarding Ford's "savings" but I guess that would require a little more thought than poking straw men


Apr 14, 2011
For the Rob Ford haters, answer honestly:

Would you prefer to have a fit, sober, drug free mayor who steals and wastes all your money? Or would you rather have a morbidly obese, drunken, crackhead mayor who spends your money responsibly?
ARE THESE THE ONLY CHOICES? here's a every liberal or even moderate politician in Canada heve to be labeled by conservatives as money wasting politicians?... i think the blinded and ignorant right's complete dishonesty about anyone not "blue" is the concerning issue...

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
ARE THESE THE ONLY CHOICES? here's a every liberal or even moderate politician in Canada heve to be labeled by conservatives as money wasting politicians?... i think the blinded and ignorant right's complete dishonesty about anyone not "blown" is the concerning issue...

Carling fixed your post you can thank me later. GB


Apr 8, 2004
In undoubtedly a hostile crowd, the Mayor Rob Ford did a very dignified job today at the Remembrance Day ceremonies. Much to the SHAGRIN of his detractors, he shook hands with veterans, stood in solitude during the 'moments silence' and delivered a thoughtful address from the seat of the Mayor.
Did you mean CHAGRIN?

In other spelling news today:
The advertisement using the city’s logo included the phrase “We support Mayor Ford” in red, with a message below containing a glaring typo that read “Ford = Fiscal Responsiblity” followed by a Bible verse.
No one has taken responsibility for the ad or the spelling.


Active member
Nov 10, 2011
For the mayor of a city, the absolute most important measure of their job performance is their level of fiscal responsibility, nothing else is really important. The mayor can be fat, drunk, addicted to crack and possess any other negative attribute, but if they don't waste tax payers money, they're doing their job and that's all a resident of a city can ask for.

Let's not debate whether or not Rob Ford is a crack smoking corpulent drunkard, there's nothing to dispute about that, he is a crack smoking corpulent drunkard, but the question is, so what? Let's debate his level of fiscal responsibility, that's the only important matter here.

great bear

The PUNisher
Apr 11, 2004
Nice Dens
For the mayor of a city, the absolute most important measure of their job performance is their level of fiscal responsibility, nothing else is really important. The mayor can be fat, drunk, addicted to crack and possess any other negative attribute, but if they don't waste tax payers money, they're doing their job and that's all a resident of a city can ask for.

Let's not debate whether or not Rob Ford is a crack smoking corpulent drunkard, there's nothing to dispute about that, he is a crack smoking corpulent drunkard, but the question is, so what? Let's debate his level of fiscal responsibility, that's the only important matter here.
Fat, drunken, crack users who are politicians do tend to leave themselves open to blackmail.


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
For the mayor of a city, the absolute most important measure of their job performance is their level of fiscal responsibility, nothing else is really important. The mayor can be fat, drunk, addicted to crack and possess any other negative attribute, but if they don't waste tax payers money, they're doing their job and that's all a resident of a city can ask for.

Let's not debate whether or not Rob Ford is a crack smoking corpulent drunkard, there's nothing to dispute about that, he is a crack smoking corpulent drunkard, but the question is, so what? Let's debate his level of fiscal responsibility, that's the only important matter here.
Then DEBATE it. There have been numerous articles in the last few weeks that clearly show that the Ford administration has saved the city very little if any money. He is as ill equipped in matters fiscal as is he is in almost all other areas of his life. If fiscal responsibility is the only important matter here (and if you think that is the case you are wrong - we have a mayor who drinks in high school parking lots during the work day) he has failed at that as well.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
Are you allowed to fuck with other people's posts and misquote them on this board? I guess that is a way to make some kind of point (although) I'm not sure what it is. It might be more in your favour if you were able to repudiate any one of the number of financial analysis that have come out in the last few months regarding Ford's "savings" but I guess that would require a little more thought than poking straw men

Yes Lenny Lad. You are allowed to fuck with other peoples posts on here. It's one of the staple behaviors that occur in here. Sorta like Canadians and Potatoes! A staple man!

keep it light Lenlad!

ironically....I do like your last name!



New member
Oct 28, 2009
He hasn't saved us any money at all, don't kid yourself. The only people saying Rob Ford has saved anyone any money are Rob and Doug (who have both repeatedly proven themselves to be liars). I'd be happy with the crackhead mayor if any of his fiscal declarations were true, but they aren't. So we have a mayor who consorts with criminals and (with the exception of the garbage revamp) has not saved the city a dime. Ford Nations' hatred of "Liberals" has blinded you to the stunning fiscal, moral and personal incompetence of your Leader.
Its been confirmed by the city staff of Toronto.


Active member
Nov 10, 2011
Then DEBATE it. There have been numerous articles in the last few weeks that clearly show that the Ford administration has saved the city very little if any money. He is as ill equipped in matters fiscal as is he is in almost all other areas of his life. If fiscal responsibility is the only important matter here (and if you think that is the case you are wrong - we have a mayor who drinks in high school parking lots during the work day) he has failed at that as well.
Expanding our subway system is essential, just compare Toronto's subway to any other major city in North America and it's quite a joke. Of course expanding our subway system costs money, but the short term pain is worth the long term gain. Does Olivia Chow see the value in expanding our subway? I doubt it. Will she raise taxes without expanding the subway? You can bet on it.

I don't care about Rob Ford and his crack issues, or whether or not he's in office next term. If he's replaced with another Conservative who's fiscally responsible then I'd be happy.


Active member
Jan 15, 2004
Yeah those two stops in Scarborough -- pure fucking genius. And downtown relief line - who needs that - how about anyone who has ever been on King, Richmond, Adelaide, Queen during rush hour. But no, downtown has plenty of subways according to your guru of civic planning.


Apr 14, 2011
i really like where the direction of the right is going... superb social values... anyone care that money used to buy and smoke crack, probably ended up paying for guns that were used in crimes?...


Active member
Nov 10, 2011
Yeah those two stops in Scarborough -- pure fucking genius. And downtown relief line - who needs that - how about anyone who has ever been on King, Richmond, Adelaide, Queen during rush hour. But no, downtown has plenty of subways according to your guru of civic planning.
Our city does need a downtown relief line, but we also need extensions to other parts of the city. How about an extension to Pearson? How about an extension to the zoo? I was in Chicago last summer, they have 7 different lines, and they have subway stops that connect to both of their airports, we don't even have a subway stop that connects to one of our airports, how sad is that?
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts